
Why Can’t I Get Organized? Help!

My Dear Friend,

With respect to your situation and current affairs…I must speak the truth. You have confessed to reading and investigating organizing options every which way you turn…and the reason for your delayed success is quite frankly, this…

Self help techniques are failing you because you need a customized program. One that will help you come into your own and figure out what is best for you and your family. Period.

This does not mean it happens over night…the success you seek – the calm, quiet of your mind and space is something that you work towards and then maintain for life. Again, period.

Anyone else telling you differently is misleading.

I can help you if you are committed and accountable to the process that is required for living an organized life.

If you feel you are up for the challenge, I can offer you many coaching options that we can work through.

The above letter was sent in response to a woman who is overwhelmed with her disorganization and clutter. She is continually let down by trying self-help techniques that do not help her.

Can you relate to this? What are your thoughts? Are you ready to create a lifestyle that enhances your quality of life?

Visit me at


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