
Do Your Actions Support Your Intentions?

Recently I was faced with a decision that was difficult for me to make because I truly cared about someone, but I also knew deep down inside that this person was not ready for what I was capable of in terms of a balanced relationship. 

My intentions were set from the beginning to meet someone who is “emotionally” available in mind, body and spirit.  Hence, a man appeared from my past that I found myself attracted to.   

As time took it’s course, I tried to evaluate whether or not my decision to not go forward was realistic  – was it because I was honoring my intentions – or was it in response to injured feelings of a past hurt.  I had to be clear. 

What I found was although my one time “Forever Man” did forever change my life, this also allowed me to see what I could and could not accept in terms of what was healthy for me.  

It was nice to have companionship, it was lovely to have someone who thought about me, and it was endearing to be wanted, yet I knew by staying, I would not support my intentions of a long lasting, loving relationship.

He thought he was ready, I knew he wanted to be ready.  There was the difference. 

What about you?  Are your actions in alignment with what you desire?  Are you being true to yourself, no  matter how fearful it is or how much it hurts?

(Excerpts from Patricia’s New Book)

“The Energy of the Mind is the Essence of Life”

Yes, Aristotle said this! 

But what I am curious about is what is your energy level like?  Do you associate your energy levels with how you live your life? 

If you can bring yourself to feel good in your mind – isn’t true then that your whole life begings to feel better?  Have you thought about how you can work with your mind to overcome some of your challenges?  Interesting right?

Well, I will confess…it helps me tremendously to run when I begin to feel “low.”  It’s a quick pick-me-upper and quite frankly I know that I need that to make me feel better.  My outlook starts to get more focus and clarity. 

Now, do I always feel like running or exercising, of course not!  But then, some days I really do look forward to it. It’s like anything else, you do it because it’s an investment in something that you realize the payoff is going to have a great return.  And feeling good – for me – is a fabulous payoff!

Are You Buried Alive?

This Friday, Larry King Live will feature guests from TLC’s Buried Alive at 9:00 PM ET on CNN!


You don’t have to suffer alone. Millions of people are affected by clutter and hoarding. It takes an experienced professional to support you with compassion and empathy, to keep you accountable and committed for successful results.

I have been helping people virtually and in-house nationwide and globally, and I can help you too! It’s not too late to begin – it’s just the first step in the right direction to allow the process to unfold.

If you are experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress due to your own clutter or from a loved one, I urge you to get support.

Please let me know how I may assist you. Please visit my website @ for a wealth of information on this subject. Also, stay tuned for an upcoming show on LifetimeTV where I discuss this subject matter.

Until then, I wish you well!


Patricia Diesel

Why Can’t I Get Organized? Help!

My Dear Friend,

With respect to your situation and current affairs…I must speak the truth. You have confessed to reading and investigating organizing options every which way you turn…and the reason for your delayed success is quite frankly, this…

Self help techniques are failing you because you need a customized program. One that will help you come into your own and figure out what is best for you and your family. Period.

This does not mean it happens over night…the success you seek – the calm, quiet of your mind and space is something that you work towards and then maintain for life. Again, period.

Anyone else telling you differently is misleading.

I can help you if you are committed and accountable to the process that is required for living an organized life.

If you feel you are up for the challenge, I can offer you many coaching options that we can work through.

The above letter was sent in response to a woman who is overwhelmed with her disorganization and clutter. She is continually let down by trying self-help techniques that do not help her.

Can you relate to this? What are your thoughts? Are you ready to create a lifestyle that enhances your quality of life?

Visit me at