Getting Stuff Done, Dreams Coming True … Just another day with EFFICIENCY
I met a friend recently for lunch. At the close of our meal, she reached over the table and placed her hand on top of mine – looked me square in the face and said, “I have a confession to make.”
“I have this dream.” She said. “At first, I was really excited about my dream. But then time passed, life went on, and I never realized my dream. But the weirdest thing is happening now. It seems like it’s all I can think of, it’s constantly on my mind. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel as if my dream has possessed me.” She cried. “It haunts me day and night.”
You see, my friend has always been challenged with getting things done on TIME. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a household task, a professional project or to arrive on time for a an appointment or business meeting. She is unsuccessful.
Her dream has always been to ARRIVE. Arrive on time, without being frantic, stressed or rushed. To complete her to-do’s without worry or overwhelm. She envisions herself breezing through her work and showing up to places with time to spare.
That’s it. That’s her dream in a nutshell.
Dreams are funny like that – once they are lodged in our heart, they refuse to go away. When we ignore our heart, we essentially give up on a part of ourselves. And I never want you to give up!
Here’s what I want you to do.
I want you to refuse to quit. Say it over and over: “I Refuse To Quit.” Write it down on a Post-it Note and plant that baby everywhere.
Now write down your dream and then put a dollar sign in front of it. (Really, do it!) What would that dream be worth to you in real dollars – financially and emotionally – to cross the finish line? To get things done and show up on time?
What kind of money are we talking about here? What’s your time worth? And think hard now – what’s your peace of mind worth?
Write that number down. Look at it. Say it out loud. That’s what you’re losing out on by not fulfilling your dream.
Now imagine how you’ll feel when you become a student of EFFICIENCY — with all the tools, motivation, and support you need to reach your dream faster, easier and with more joy.
Imagine how incredible you’ll feel when that dream is really coming true!
Imagine your dream paying off – over and over again!
The thing is, the world is not going to get less distracting. YOU have to get stronger and more focused. Let me help you!