Getting Stuff Done, Dreams Coming True … Just another day with EFFICIENCY
I met a friend recently for lunch. At the close of our meal, she reached over the table and placed her hand on top of mine – looked me square in the face and said, “I have a confession to make.” “I have this dream.” She said. “At first, I was really excited about my […]
Clutter Begins And Ends With A Mindset
Patricia Diesel states the fact that “54% of Americans are overwhelmed with clutter.” She goes on to say that “clutter begins and ends with a mindset.”
Fall Into Life By Getting Organized Inside and Out!
How to bring more ‘positivity’ into your life
Studies have shown that positive thinking brings positive responses in your body which can boost your mood and diminish stress.
Look what I found while cleaning out my basement
Look what I found while cleaning my basement.
Hesitating On Something? This Will Help.
If you want crystal, clear insight, the Mind Clearing Exercise will help!
Imagine If We Could Just Love And Care More
Patricia Diesel’s Mindful Tools for Organized Living shows you how to self-care and unclutter your life.
Do This When Things Are Falling Apart
Being organized brings hope for a brighter future when everything else feels messy and out of control.
A Few Things To Stay Mindful Of This Season
These three things can help make your holidays a little brighter.
One Day…
If you want to live a clutter-free life and have the peace of mind you crave, your power is always at this moment.