
Getting Stuff Done, Dreams Coming True … Just another day with EFFICIENCY

I met a friend recently for lunch.  At the close of our meal, she reached over the table and placed her hand on top of mine – looked me square in the face and said, “I have a confession to make.”

“I have this dream.” She said.  “At first, I was really excited about my dream.  But then time passed, life went on, and I  never realized my dream.  But the weirdest thing is happening now.  It seems like it’s all I can think of, it’s constantly on my mind.  I know this sounds crazy, but I feel as if my dream has possessed me.”  She cried.  “It haunts me day and night.”

You see, my friend has always been challenged with getting things done on TIME.  It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a household task, a professional project or to arrive on time for a an appointment or business meeting.  She is unsuccessful.

Her dream has always been to ARRIVE.  Arrive on time, without being frantic, stressed or rushed.  To complete her to-do’s without worry or overwhelm.  She envisions herself breezing through her work and showing up to places with time to spare.

That’s it.  That’s her dream in a nutshell.

Dreams are funny like that – once they are lodged in our heart, they refuse to go away.  When we ignore our heart, we essentially give up on a part of ourselves.  And I never want you to give up!

Here’s what I want you to do.

I want  you to refuse to quit.  Say it over and over:  “I Refuse To Quit.”  Write it down on a Post-it Note and plant that baby everywhere.

Now write down your dream and then put a dollar sign in front of it.  (Really, do it!)  What would that dream be worth to you in real dollars – financially and emotionally – to cross the finish line?  To get things done and show up on time?

What kind of money are we talking about here?  What’s your time worth?  And think hard now – what’s your peace of mind worth?

Write that number down.  Look at it.  Say it out loud.  That’s what you’re losing out on by not fulfilling your dream.

Now imagine how you’ll feel when you become a student of EFFICIENCY — with all the tools, motivation, and support you need to reach your dream faster, easier and with more joy.

Imagine how incredible you’ll feel when that dream is really coming true!

Imagine your dream paying off – over and over again!

The thing is, the world is not going to get less distracting. YOU have to get stronger and more focused. Let me help you!



Clutter Begins And Ends With A Mindset

It’s astonishing how many people face an onslaught of clutter in their life.

It wouldn’t surprise me if your initial reaction to reading that gave you a little jolt of anxiety. I mean seriously, the thought of battling a mess everyday is exhausting, let alone actually having to experience it.

But the hard fact is: “54% of Americans are overwhelmed with clutter.”

Now, here’s something that people neglect to realize, and that is: “Clutter begins and ends with a mindset.” Yes, that’s right, I think that’s worth repeating…

“Clutter begins and ends with a mindset.”

You see, there’s something going on in the mind when someone has clutter. Now, just so we are crystal clear here, I”m not talking about the occasional messy home or office. I’m talking about the vicious cycle of clutter that feels like you’re trapped and can’t get out from under the piles and piles of stuff.

When that cycle is alive, there are very strong emotional blocks that are active as well. This is why it is extremely difficult to break free from the clutter syndrome because there is a conflict between the mind and heart.

Now, I can tell you form my 20 plus years experience as a Chronic Disorganization & Hoarding Specialist, that this is a very serious problem, however, the good news is that it is solvable. It does take some work, but there is a cure for clutter.

The cure for clutter not only has to do with developing good skills and forming new healthy habits, but it also has to do with readjusting our attitude and limiting beliefs. This is how the emotional blocks get penetrated and this is how a new mindset then occurs to end the clutter.

One of the ways I help people begin the process of de-cluttering their life is through a Mind Clearing Session. I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about this previously and have read the testimonials. The Mind Clearing does exactly that – it helps bring clarity and a deeper understanding to one’s higher self.

I’m hosting a FREE webinar discussing this and so much more. If you can relate to what I just wrote about, you owe it to yourself to attend. (Really, you do!)

Click the button below to learn more and reserve your spot!

I hope to see you soon!




Happy First Day Of Fall!

As summer wraps up and fall and winter approach, there’s plenty to do to get your home ready for the coming season.

But, there’s also plenty to do to get your “life” in order.

For instance, what are some of the “things” you promised yourself you would change in your life?  Do you need a better routine?  Do you need to self-care more often?  Do you need to change your diet?

Now is the time to get organized in your home, but remember, your home is a reflection of “you.” So how do you want to move forward in life that brings out the best in you and mirrors that back into your home?

You see, if you’re concerned about your disorganization or your clutter, what you need to realize first is that this is just an outward manifestation from what’s going on within you.  So the focus should always be on YOU first to figure out the “cause.”

Now I understand that sometimes it’s not always easy to identify the “source” of your time management issues, the perpetual procrastination, the undeniable distractions, etc., but once you do, it becomes so much clearer on what your next steps should be to clean-up the outward mess.

If this makes sense to you, and you would like to FALL INTO LIFE in a productive, stress-free way, then you should consider the Mind Clearing Session that everyone is raving about.  You can learn all about it by clicking on the link below.

Remember, it all begins with YOU!




How to bring more ‘positivity’ into your life

Let’s talk a little bit about “positivity”…

Positivity is the ability to meet challenges and situations in life with an “I can do it,” “I’ll figure it out,” “Things will work out,” attitude.

Now here’s the thing…

It’s not that people with positive attitudes don’t face the same disappointments, challenges and stressors in life that everyone else does.  Not at all.

The difference is that they choose to find a productive and positive way to cope and respond to challenges.

Studies have shown that positive thinking brings positive responses in your body which can boost your mood and diminish stress.

Again, we all have stressors in our life, but by practicing the power of positivity the more likely it will be that you will enjoy a sense of well-being.

Here’s a very powerful exercise you can do immediately to help you feel more positive:

  • Make a list (yes, write it down) of all the things that are going well in your life, of the things that bring you joy and the things you are grateful for.
  • Make an effort to read it first thing in the morning and before going to bed.  Also, place it in a place during the day where you can read it often.
  • Why is this important?  Because by focusing on the aspects of your life that are going well for you can promote a positive attitude in the rest of your life.

Now here’s a little suggestion.  If you are struggling right now and the idea of “positivity” seems far-fetched, it could be that you just need a little mental clarity.  So I’m going to invite you to schedule a FREE one-on-one call with me so I can explain how the mind clearing exercise (you know, the one that people are raving about) can be your new best friend.

Just click the link below and rest assured that soon you will feel lighter, have a sense of peace and yes, be  more positive.


Look what I found while cleaning out my basement


Watch the video and then be sure to click on the link below it!



Hesitating On Something? This Will Help.

Are you hesitating on taking action on something?

You’re not alone.

One reason we hesitate when we have something we are afraid to do is because we are thinking only of the end result and likely feel incapable of getting to that point from where we are now.

Now, if you “think” about that above statement and apply it to your own circumstances, maybe you can get a little more insight into why you’re feeling afraid or incapable.

But if you want crystal, clear insight, you definitely want to attend my FREE class on the Mind Clearing Exercise.
People are going crazy over it (in a good way😊) because it gives them the tools they need to take action.

You can join me by CLICKING HERE!

Imagine If We Could Just Love And Care More

Sometimes when we’re feeling stuck or frustrated, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to focus on self-love and self-care.

This is not always easy for many people, especially if they have been living with physical clutter.  Clutter that hangs around too long tends to condition the way we think and feel about ourselves.

Limiting beliefs of “I’m not good enough or worthy of” can surface, which can sabotage our focus and deprive us of the very thing we need the most – love and care.

That’s where the power of mindfulness can help release these blocks and move you forward in a more positive way. This is just some of the criteria I cover in my Mindful Tools for Organized Living program.

Mindfulness Program All In One

I show you how to dig into where these limiting beliefs came from and how to rewrite them, and how to show up in life with your new story that embraces your authentic self.

We all need love and care, but more importantly, we need to give it to ourselves. Mindful Tools for Organized Living will show you how to do that and in the process unclutter your life – plain and simple.

I hope you’ll give it a try.



Do This When Things Are Falling Apart

If I didn’t have the skills to organize and keep my home in order when everything around me was a mess and falling apart, I’m not sure exactly how things would have turned out for me.

And I don’t say that lightly.

You see, many years ago, “things” were not going so well in my life. Everything, and I mean everything, was out of control. It felt as if I was on one big merry-go-round and I couldn’t stop it from going around and around.

But I knew one thing for sure – I wanted off the merry-go-round!

So I started thinking about what skills I possessed that could help make a difference in people’s lives. My mind kept asking the question; Who am I and what am I good at?

For the longest time, I had no idea the answer was right under my nose. It’s comical now when I think about it. How something so obvious is right in front of us and we never know it – until we do!

I remember feeling excited, when I figured out that my ability to “organize” and see things “orderly” was a gift that I could put to good use. But more than that, I felt empowered. Like, I got real hope that my life was about to change for the better.

I’m sharing this with you because I understand what it feels like to be stuck, uncertain, sad and all those other feelings that are wrapped around them. But I also know that my organizing skills literally saved me when everything else around me felt out of control and chaotic.

That’s why I help people, just like you, learn how to get organized. It’s also why I created Mindful Tools For Organized Living. It’s a convenient study program that you can do in the privacy of your home or office. And for a limited time, you can get the program for just $297.00 $197.00 PLUS three (3) complimentary coaching sessions.

Learning how to organize is an important step. A vital step that will help you manage through transitional times and give you peace of mind and hope for the future.

Why do you think people feel soooo much better when they’re organized? It’s really that simple.


If you’re struggling, remember this…

It’s only temporary. And in the meantime, you can find stability in de-cluttering and organizing your life. I did, and I know you can too!

A Few Things To Stay Mindful Of This Season

I know how easy it is to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, so I wanted to remind you of a few things this season.

1.  Love yourself.  There’s a really good book/audio you can gift yourself with.  It’s called, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It. Author, Kamal Ravikant is a beautiful soul.  I think you’ll enjoy it!

2.  Laugh. You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine and it’s absolutely free.  The holidays, as joyful as they are, can trigger an array of emotions.  There’s no better antidote for stress then a good laugh.

3.  Stay organized. If you feel like “things” are getting out of control, now’s the time to stay mindful of what’s important in your life. The Mindful Tools for Organized Living series will assist you with that.  It’s a must!

Oh, and in 2020, I’ll be offering a brand new workshop; A New Year’s Guide to Purging and Organizing!  So, stay tuned!

Till then my dear friends, have a beautiful holiday season and stay safe!

One Day…

If I gave you a dime for every time I’ve heard the words “one day,” you’d be a wealthy person.

That’s because the majority of people I talk to think one day they’ll be clutter-free and better organized.

Because, in their mind, one day they’ll actually pursue de-cluttering their life.

If you ever think that way, I’ve got news for you…

One day—that wonderful time when all the stars align—will never come.

If you want to live a clutter-free life and have the peace of mind you crave, your power is always at this moment.

So, why not start today and get serious about achieving a better quality of life and schedule a call with me. You’ll discover how to live a life of freedom where you’re in control – not the clutter.

Remember something – once you take action, you set the wheels in motion for change.  The momentum builds from there.  Soon after your life will be totally different. And I’m talking, living life on your terms, woohoo, different!