A Few Things To Stay Mindful Of This Season
I know how easy it is to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, so I wanted to remind you of a few things this season.
1. Love yourself. There’s a really good book/audio you can gift yourself with. It’s called, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It. Author, Kamal Ravikant is a beautiful soul. I think you’ll enjoy it!
2. Laugh. You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine and it’s absolutely free. The holidays, as joyful as they are, can trigger an array of emotions. There’s no better antidote for stress then a good laugh.
3. Stay organized. If you feel like “things” are getting out of control, now’s the time to stay mindful of what’s important in your life. The Mindful Tools for Organized Living series will assist you with that. It’s a must!
Oh, and in 2020, I’ll be offering a brand new workshop; A New Year’s Guide to Purging and Organizing! So, stay tuned!
Till then my dear friends, have a beautiful holiday season and stay safe!