
Celebrity Talk…with Marlo Thomas

So here’s the scoop…the dating video is out….
check it out here:

Marlo’s new book, Growing Up Laughing, has prompted a new website where she has created an exciting community for women to discuss a variety of topics.

What did we talk about?

She was interested to learn about my experience as a single mom and going through the “empty nest” phase – with having only one child.

She was curious to know what it feels like to date in your 40’s & 50’s as a single woman…(now you know I have stories for you here that will make you laugh.)

Calling All Men…

What are your struggles with organization?

How does it impact your life? 

Single Dads, what are your struggles with domestication? 

What are your struggles in the workplace?

I’m curious. Let’s get some discussions going on the blog. Comment below and let me know your thoughts. I want to develop solutions targeting these struggles and I need your input. If you prefer to be confidential, email me directly at [email protected].