The Benefits Of Making Clutter A Top Priority
Here’s a little secret you need to know if you’ve been trying to win the war on clutter.
The key to overcoming your clutter challenge has a lot to do with follow-through. And the only way you will be able to do that is if you make it a priority. Plain and Simple.
A thing that is regarded as more important than another.
(i.e., that thing is your clutter)
Saying something is important and then choosing to do something else is a conflict of interest. So saying you want to be clutter free, yet not making it important enough to make it a priority, will not cure your clutter.
So what to do, what to do….
First we need to understand why making something a priority helps us.
Here’s 4 Good Reasons:
1. It helps us organize our time
2. It helps us make daily choices that reflect our values
3. It helps us set boundaries with others
4. It helps reduce stress
Knowing something and implementing it is another story though, right? I get it. Especially when so many other “things” pop up.
But this is when you need to get real with your situation. How important is being clutter free to you? So the next time you’re in the “throws” of decluttering and something else feels like it’s taking precedence over being clutter free, ask yourself this:
If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?
Now really think about this. Because you’re saying “no” to so much more than an organized space. You’re saying no to saving yourself time, reducing your stress, honoring your values and establishing good boundaries for yourself. Yes?
Life can be busy and at times it feels as if we are being pulled in too many different directions. But if you can honestly answer the above question it can work wonders and help you keep things in perspective.
I think you get the idea!
Here’s to saying YES to living an organized life – for good!