What Are You Grateful For?

Daily life can sometimes feel like a grind – when we are overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important and all we have to be thankful for.

So in this season of Thanksgiving, I invite you to take a look at all the things in your life, no matter how simple or small they may be, and see how you can be grateful for them.

Once you start to compile your list, you’ll be able to see the things we take for granted are truly gifts to be thankful for.

For example, here’s a sample list:

I Am Grateful For:


Running water

A glass that holds my water

The slippers on my feet

Soft sheets on my bed

My bed to give me rest

The pillow for my head

My glasses to read

Material to read

That I can read

Shampoo and Soap to wash

That I have a bathroom

A mirror to see myself

Food in my refrigerator

My refrigerator

The knife that cuts my vegetables

The cutting board

That I have a kitchen to cook

The clothes on my back

My coat that keeps me warm

Heat that warms my home

Electricity that lights my home

A Candle

A flashlight

Furniture in my home

That I have a home

You see, the list is virtually endless when we come from a place of gratitude.

May your season be filled with blessings for all that you have.