Kindness Matters

Kindness Matters You never know how a simple act of kindness can change a life. Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

Stop and Pause – It’s OK

Stop and Pause – It’s OK It’s okay to stop and pause throughout the day. Think of it as a tune-up for your mind and body. Sometimes we just need to breathe. There, doesn’t that feel so much better?!  


We all have dreams. Living out your dream is living your life on purpose. It’s exciting to watch a person who is living their dream. The energy and passion is contagious. I love being around people like that. Here’s what I want you to know. It’s never too late to bring your dreams into life. […]


MENTAL CLUTTER Sometimes we have to clear out our own mental clutter to see things more clearly.


I want to pass along something a distinguished mentor told me. I try my best to put it into practice. When I do, it changes everything. It keeps me grounded and mindful of what really matters. Truly, I can’t express enough how it has opened up my thinking. I am grateful for this valuable lesson […]


WEDNESDAY WELLNESS – TIPS FOR CLEAN LIVING I would like to share a quote from my book Organically Yours. It brings me peace.  I hope it does the same for you. “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not […]

1 Major Reason To Eat Salad Daily

Listen, I can give you all the top reasons why you should eat salad. And tell you that by making just one simple change to your diet it can pay off with plenty of health benefits. But unless you have been living underneath a rock for a very long time, you know all of this. […]

Clutter Talk: How To Get The Conversation Going

I’ve got a strange question for you… How comfortable do you feel talking about your clutter? When I first started working as a Professional Organizer I quickly realized that people didn’t feel very comfortable talking about it at all. I found myself having to ask a lot of questions to try and get them to […]

Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

WEDNESDAY WELLNESS – TIPS FOR CLEAN LIVING Eat your vegetables raw or slightly steamed at most. Why raw foods? There is a presence of a beneficial antioxidant, “Quercetin” that is found in fruits and vegetables. You can also juice them. If this concept is new to you, then try it at least one day per […]

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