Check Out My Video From Lifetime TV

LifetimeYes, it’s true…we live in a very busy world. It’s hard to slow down at times and just relax.

Now more than ever, the need to balance our life is critical to our overall well being.

Sometimes, we may find that if we choose to prioritize ourselves we can begin to see a difference in our overall wellness.

Try beginning your day by preparing the evening before. How you start your day does set the tone for the rest of the day. Doing a little prep work, may just be the ticket you need to begin feeling better.

Yes, life is a balancing act, but if we practice, we can become pretty good at it!

Check it out…

The Value of an Organized Life…


The pure simplicity of knowing my things are in their homes – so I shall not play “Hide-N-Seek” today.

My head is at rest, I no longer wake with worry, I can breathe  at last.

 – P. Diesel


Hey, I know what it takes to put in all your hard work and dedication to a business that you love.

I understand the desire to succeed and all the creative genius that goes into developing your vision.

In honor of that, I am extending my special Coaching Offer for anyone who wants to take their business to the next level.  I have helped hundreds of people get their business up and running and I can help you too! 

Don’t try to take the short cuts and make the mistakes I did…learn from me! 

Let me teach you my Simple Secrets to Success!

 Call Now to Take Advantage of This Offer … (908) 766-9670! 

Hurry, Limited Time Available.

What’s Her Secret?

“Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can relate to this quote in so many ways.  From a personal standpoint, reflectively speaking, I would have to say I have learned hard lessons on how important it is to have “patience” in a relationship. Over time, I have mellowed out, and can see now, what at one time I was blind to. 

Speaking professionally…patience is a virtue.  It’s the process of building a vision, an idea or thought.  Developing your business plan takes time and nurturing.  If we rush, we can stifle the creativity that could make the difference for us.

Think about it…do you consider yourself a patient person?  Would it benefit you to have more patience?  What areas do you think you can show more patience? 

I would love to hear from you…

What’s Your Top Priority Today?

Hey…what are you doing today that is important? 

Me, I am spending all day with my web designer to get the new website complete so we can launch soon…

Hats off to designers of all trades, it’s truly a creative process. 

So, come on, tell me…what have you chosen to be your top priority today?

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This Tip…

Tip for the day:

When you are feeling overwhelmed or confused on what to do next – utilize your 15-20 minute rule and just focus on something that makes you feel good. You should begin to see a difference in your energy level.  Just breathe…

Please tell me what you do when things begin to stress you out…how do you handle it? 

Thank You For Your Patience…

I just can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about my new web-site!  By now you are getting a good read on my Blog…this is going to extend over into my new site…the look and feel…It is my intention to always provide you with up-to-date information and resources, and state-of-the-art solutions and systems.  Stay tuned – because we are almost ready to launch – you will be the first to know!  Thank you again for your patience while we go through this transition. 


Save It With A Smile – A Snapshot of Clutter Control

Taking a PictureMy daughter, a fashion design student in New York City, called to remind me about her annual runway show this spring. Every year, two schools showcase their work and compete against one another to see who will win the title of “Best Designer.”

As you can well imagine, there is lots of energy and excitement leading up to this event and when the day arrives, every proud family member is there trying to capture the moments with their cell-phone cameras, digital cameras and video equipment.

But with all the fame and glory, comes, yup, you guessed it…clutter! Between the layers of outfits and accessories, piles of sketches and designs, and the ever-glowing memories from program announcements and pictures, you end up with lots of “stuff”.

Now in the life of a design student, their clutter actually becomes a stepping stone for their portfolio. Once they choose their overall design to display as their creation and work of art, they can begin to let go and reduce the excess trimmings, so to speak.

But what about us loved ones who share in their delight? What do we do about the paper trails of stuff that follow us home?

On my drive back that evening, I kept glancing at the program thinking to myself, “where am I going to put this?” How do I keep it safe until I decide what I want to do with it? Should I place it in a drawer or a file? Maybe, I should just put it in with my daughter’s other memories that are in her childhood treasure chest?

But then it occurred to me, that if I take a photograph of the brochure, inside and out, that this image will be just as valuable to me and her as the actual program, and I won’t have to worry about finding a place in my home for it to live.

Therefore, I started thinking about other ways clutter could be reduced. Consider this: How many times have you gone shopping and tried on outfits that you were not sure of, but still purchased them, only to return them.

Well, what if you took out your camera and took a picture of yourself instead. This way you have time to think about it, ask your friends and family their opinion and the best part is, you don’t have to spend any money while you are trying to figure it out. When you finally make your decision, just delete the image. It’s that simple.

So now, I carry a small digital camera in my purse where I go. If I forget it, I use my camera on my cell phone. It is my new resource for clutter control and I’m loving it!

Livin’ Can Be Easy – 10 Simple Steps to Live Simply

Simple, Modern InteriorLike most of us these days, it seems to be more and more difficult to take time out to smell the roses along the way. The days are so full, it’s hard enough to manage the things we have to do, let alone find time for ourselves.

Here are a few tips that may help simplify things a bit for you:

1. Cease the clutter

Having too much stuff requires energy and time to maintain and can be a huge drain on your energy level. Consider letting go of the items either by donating, discarding or selling.

2. Say goodbye to catalogs

Do you really need all those catalogs coming in? Tear off your mailing label, attach to an index card and write, “please remove me from your list” and mail to catalog holders.

3. Eliminate junk mail

Request to be “removed” from any list by writing your name and address and sending to: Mail Preference Service, DMA, PO Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008

4. Stop credit card offers

Call Trans Union at (888) 567-8688. Opt out for two years, or permanently. Since they share information with Experian and Equifax, you do not have to duplicate your request.

5. Automatic billing

Notify your individual creditors or go directly to your banking institution to set up automatic withdrawals monthly.

6. Consolidate debt

Devise a plan to attach that debt! Consolidate all your credit cards to make one payment. Come up with a budget. Talk to a financial advisor. Take the steps necessary to face your debt head on – it’s a huge stress factor and emotional drain, but once addressed, you will start to feel better.

7. Prioritize projects

Make a list of what needs to be done first and the time frames for completion. Conquer the little ones first so you can begin to reap the rewards of satisfaction to keep you motivated. Remember, baby steps first!

8. Reduce information overload

What magazine and newspaper subscription can you cut back on? Give your brain a break. Consider cutting down and focusing on just what you need to find out – this pertains to Web surfing, as well.

9. Be spontaneous

Being spontaneous once in a while can be a good thing. Releasing a little control can energize you and raise your spirits. It’s a great way to break the everyday routine and add a little fun into your life again.

10. Find peace

Having a place to go to for your down time is important. Find a spot that you feel at peace and can relate to as your own private sanctuary., Mediate, have a cup of tea or simply do nothing. Just relax.

5 Steps to Simplifying His Routine

Mature CoupleAre you having challenges getting your man organized?  Is it common to find your significant other dropping things throughout the house when he walks in the door?  Wish you could head him off at the pass and break these patterns?

Well, with a few helpful hints, these habits can be a thing of the past. Incorporating change can improve your relationship, ease tension, and create a healthier state of mind.

Study your man

Begin by observing his routine.  What does he actually bring in the door with him? Is he picking up the mail along the way?  Does he have a briefcase in tow?  From the moment he enters, does he go to the same place to drop off his things, or better yet, does he scatter them throughout the home – a briefcase here, a wallet there and loose change tossed on the dresser?

Typically, when retiring for the day, men need places to deposit their stuff.  When it comes to their loose change, a wallet full of receipts and electronic gadgets, having proper homes will simplify their routines and bring about order in your home.

Give him homes

  1. Small change – Start with a money jar for his extra change.  He has the option to either refill his pockets the following day, or its’ a great incentive to start saving up for something special.
  2. File it away – Consider using a file folder or an envelope, and label it receipts.  This way he can clean out his wallet each day, and at the end of the month you can match them with your statements.
  3. Safe hiding – Jewelry boxes are not only for women.  If your man wears a watch, ring, or any other accessory, he will need a safe place for his trinkets.
  4. A place to recharge – Find an isolated place for a docking station for all of his electronic devices.  However, designate a spot that is in view to help prevent forgetting it in the morning; consider placing on a bright colored tray.
  5. Sorting things out – Choose a convenient spot for the household mail.  This way, he has a place to set it down that will prevent him from misplacing it. If you can label some folders with different categories, he will be more inclined to sort it.

Note: Getting organized is a learned activity. With these simple steps, just think what can get accomplished from here.