
How to bring more ‘positivity’ into your life

Let’s talk a little bit about “positivity”…

Positivity is the ability to meet challenges and situations in life with an “I can do it,” “I’ll figure it out,” “Things will work out,” attitude.

Now here’s the thing…

It’s not that people with positive attitudes don’t face the same disappointments, challenges and stressors in life that everyone else does.  Not at all.

The difference is that they choose to find a productive and positive way to cope and respond to challenges.

Studies have shown that positive thinking brings positive responses in your body which can boost your mood and diminish stress.

Again, we all have stressors in our life, but by practicing the power of positivity the more likely it will be that you will enjoy a sense of well-being.

Here’s a very powerful exercise you can do immediately to help you feel more positive:

  • Make a list (yes, write it down) of all the things that are going well in your life, of the things that bring you joy and the things you are grateful for.
  • Make an effort to read it first thing in the morning and before going to bed.  Also, place it in a place during the day where you can read it often.
  • Why is this important?  Because by focusing on the aspects of your life that are going well for you can promote a positive attitude in the rest of your life.

Now here’s a little suggestion.  If you are struggling right now and the idea of “positivity” seems far-fetched, it could be that you just need a little mental clarity.  So I’m going to invite you to schedule a FREE one-on-one call with me so I can explain how the mind clearing exercise (you know, the one that people are raving about) can be your new best friend.

Just click the link below and rest assured that soon you will feel lighter, have a sense of peace and yes, be  more positive.


Loving What Is

Loving What Is

Below is an excerpt from Byron Katie’s Book –Loving What Is
“I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts me when I argue with reality.  We can know that reality is good just as it is, because when we argue with it, we experience tension and frustration.  We don’t feel natural or balanced.  When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless.”
My Dear Friends…
Doesn’t this free you up? Doesn’t it give you permission to say, ‘Ah, yes, it is all OK – I am not going to argue with what is, I can accept it and then take the steps that are necessary with ease?
Living an untruth is always stressful. So many times haven’t we denied or tried to control our reality instead of just accepting it.  And how has that worked out?  Usually it becomes at some point very painful.   
The process of  Life Recovery is just like that…loving it all…loving every broken piece of it and then some.
Maybe it’s your career, relationship, environment, finances or health that’s causing you to feel anxiety, frustration and confusion.  But if, just if, we take this approach of Loving What Is, doesn’t it feel gentler and more peaceful? Doesn’t clarity begin to focus in? Then inspiration … possibly?
If you are struggling and would like to learn how to overcome your challenges and  recover, I would love to share with you all the valuable tools that have helped me.
In Healing,
Patricia xo