
Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Is there something you’re working on that you feel really passionate about, yet a part of you is wondering if you should keep going?

Are you starting to lose faith, (hope) and having reservations about what you originally felt so strongly about?

I understand this.  I’ve had my confidence shaken before.  It can feel scary, especially when you invest so much time, energy and devotion to something you care deeply about.

You start questioning whether or not you have what it takes, or is it really worth it anymore.  The self-doubt starts to seep in, poisoning the very thing that used to keep your heart beating with excitement.

But, I’d like to tell you something.  So please, listen up carefully.

I’ve learned a few things over the years.  And one of them is that if you really, really want something, don’t give up.  It may time extra work, extra time, extra energy, but if you feel strongly about your goal, it will be worth it in the end.

No matter how much your goals seem out of reach, never, never, never give up.

Sometimes, the key to perseverance is having the right mentor and coach to remind you of how worthy and deserving your goals are.  A good coach will support you but also challenge you.

I’m the type of person that loves a good challenge.  I’m also a coach that loves to challenge my clients.

What about you?  Are you ready for a challenge?

If so, The 30 Day Challenge might be just what you need.

I’ll be the coach that will help you get your mind right.

I’ll be there every step of the way, cheering you on…

Don’t give up.  Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Learn how to win HERE!




Another Happy Client

Another Happy Client

Working with clients who are ready to make their dreams a reality is one of my biggest dreams. For years I used to envision what it would be like to have clients work with me here at The Cottage. To be living this dream and creating with my clients is such an exciting and beautiful process. I’m passionately crazy about creating!

Recently, I had the pleasure of creating with Andrea Colby. Andrea is now working on her second book and launching a speaking career. But before all of this, Andrea and I worked together on many different aspects of her life’s journey as she transitioned from her legal career to becoming a coach and author. You can learn all about Andrea and her business by visiting her here!

Check out what Andrea had to say about our time at The Cottage:

“Attending Patricia’s one-on-one live workshop was an incredibly efficient and productive way to move forward in my life. Starting with Patricia’s initial questionnaire helped me focus on what I wanted to derive from our time together and working through the entire workshop, I came to several unexpected and delightful realizations about my overall goals in life, both personal and professional. Patricia was patient and urged me on to find ways of scheduling my time so that I will spend it wisely and well, doing the things that I value and enjoy. I heartily recommend Patricia’s workshop to help jump start your coaching agenda and reach your goals quickly. It was wonderful!”

The dedication Andrea has demonstrated to her personal and professional growth has quantum leaped her career and opened up boundless opportunities for her. The same can happen for you! All you need is the right support and faith in believing in your dreams. And it all can happen right here at The Cottage.


Click on the link below, complete the connect with me form and submit it. I will then contact you to provide further details about the workshop. Full Disclosure: Only two spots remain for the month of August. Is one of them yours?