Lessons Learned: A Framework For Organization


I learned a long time ago that there is so much more to organization than meets the eye.

Organization is a platform for real growth to occur and breeds an environment that is conducive to wellness for your body, mind and environment.

Because I believe in the power of organization, I would like to invite you to my upcoming workshop:

A Framework For Organization

You can get all the juicy details by CLICKING HERE!

How To Re-Focus And Find Simplicity In The New Normal


As the country slowly starts to open up, there are still many challenges and adjustments ahead, as people start to get back to work – new procedures and protocols will have to be put in place.
Therefore, we will need to become more mindful of our personal habits and learn how to adapt as we get used to the “NEW NORMAL.”

Now more than ever, you need to be ORGANIZED because these changes will influence your home and work environment. It is ESSENTIAL that you sharpen your skills for focus, self-discipline, and time management.

And it’s equally important to keep things as SIMPLE as possible!
A brief overview of what you’ll learn in the workshop:
  • Mind Hacks:  To overcome stress and overwhelm and maintain a positive attitude
  • Clutter Solutions: To control clutter overload in your home and work space
  • ​Motivational Tips: To ensure self-care remains a top priority for your wellness
  • Safety Strategies:  To establish new boundaries and healthy habits
  • Skill Sets: To manage your time efficiently for focus and productivity

Now more than ever you need to learn the skills to navigate your way through The New Normal.  Being organized is just one of them.

Learn more about this very special workshop by clicking the link below:




Want a secret weapon to reduce your stress?

Want a secret weapon for relieving stress? Get organized.

It’s pretty much common knowledge that clutter can drain your energy. A cluttered home – a cluttered mind. But clutter also drains your finances and schedule, which we refer to as the hidden cost of clutter. Not only does it affect your energy and pocketbook, it ultimately creates a chaotic life.

Putting in the effort to get organized by establishing healthy habits, (especially if the disorganization and clutter extends to multiple areas of your life) can help reduce stress tremendously. Just think how stressful it is when you’re scrambling at the last-minute looking for your things or you show up late for a meeting because you lost track of time.

Being organized on the other hand, can leave you feeling empowered. Facing the day prepared can actually minimize the strength and duration of your stress. The key is to reduce your triggers in the first place.
Getting organized doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are a few habits you can learn right away, such as:

• Everything in its place and a place for everything. (And that place should make sense.)
• Keep like with like.
• Dedicate 20 minutes to a task each day.

To reduce your stress, consider how organized you need to be. While you may not need your books alphabetized or have every minute scheduled in your calendar, adopting a few good habits could go a long way.

In case you haven’t heard, I’m teaching a class on the 7 Habits Of Organized People. If you want to minimize your stress and learn some pretty cool strategies, put this class on your calendar! Although I won’t be addressing how to color coordinate your clothes or line up your shoes and handbags, I can promise that you will walk away with a closet full of valuable information.

Reduce your stress by CLICKING HERE!

I Love What I Do – That’s Why I’m Teaching This Class!

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about my very special workshop, 7 Habits Of Organized People.
It’s coming up soon and in case you’re sitting on the fence on whether to register or not, this might help change your mind.

This workshop is so special for me because I love teaching people about the benefits of being organized. There are many reasons for this, but foremost, it’s because I know when people are organized they FEEL BETTER! 

Throughout my 20+ years of being a Clutter Coach, I can truthfully tell you that I have witnessed many situations that hurt my heart deeply.  It pains me when I see people hurting.

I made a promise to myself that I would always do my very best to help people live clutter-free. I’ve seen the devastating toll it takes on people’s well-being.  The stress alone from physical and mental clutter can be tragic.

In my upcoming class 7 Habits Of Organized People I will be sharing some fascinating new material that you can implement into your own life right away.  Not only will you be better organized, but you’ll gain peace of mind and a sense of relief.

I hope you’ll join me for this very special workshop. I’m going to do my best to make it brilliant!

You can register for the 7 Habits Of Organized People by CLICKING HERE!

You Are Enough!

I recently attended a Master Class on dealing with rejection.

I had no idea what to expect but I was open to learning and was excited to take the class.

When I tell you that the experience I had was nothing short of profound, I truly mean it.

When I left the class, I walked away feeling “full.”  Full of knowledge, yes, but also an enormous amount of validation that I am “ENOUGH.”

The most beautiful words to my ears were:

“You are enough as you are, mess and all, beautiful and broken, showing up for your life every day.

That’s all you have to be and all you have to do. You’re already enough.”

Melisa Wilkins

My Dear Friends, let me tell you, you are more than enough! 

If you’re feeling broken and messy, that’s okay.  The truth is, we’re all broken and messy in some way.  But that doesn’t mean we’re not enough.

Buying “things” and surrounding yourself with excess “stuff” will  not give you the self-worth you are seeking. All it does is mask the pain and leave you with self-rejection and clutter.

In my upcoming class, 7 Habits Of Organized People, I’m going to show you one particular habit that will address feelings of lack and give you a better understanding of how to work through it.

If you want to dive deep with me, this is the class for you!

You can get all the details by clicking HERE!

I hope you’ll join me!

The Inside Scoop On How To Be Organized


I have some inside scoop for you!

Would you like to know why some people have little or no clutter at all and are more organized?

There’s something they do that sets them apart from people who struggle with clutter and disorganization.

I can sum it up like this:


They are deliberate about what they own, buy and choose to keep.

They know what brings them joy and happiness based on utility and purpose.

So what about you?  Can you say the same or are you struggling?

If you have it under control, good for you!  But if you’re struggling, ask yourself:

Why am I buying this and why do I own it?Do I still need to keep this or would some one else use it?

In my upcoming class, 7 Habits of Organized People, I’ll help you get crystal clear on how to reduce your clutter and get super organized.

You can get all the class details of the 7 Habits Of Organized People by clicking HERE!

See ya in class soon!

7 Habits Of Organized People; A New Course

Do you ever wonder what’s different about a person who is organized from someone who is not?

If you’re like most people, you probably think it’s because they were “born” that way – it’s their gift.

But what if I told you that’s not the case at all.

There are solid reasons why some people are more organized than others.

The good news is that you can become better organized too! 

All you need to do is learn what stands them apart (what they’re doing differently from you) and follow what they’re doing.

And I’m going to make that very simple for you to do with my new course: 7 Habits Of Organized People.

I’m going to show you the top 7 Habits that highly productive people do that  make them efficient and super organized. 

If you’ve been struggling, beating your head against the wall, trying to figure out why you can’t “BE” organized like other people, this is the class for you – so don’t miss it!

You can get all the class details of the 7 Habits Of Organized People by clicking HERE!

Why I Don’t Mess Around With Clutter

If you don’t know this yet about me, I do something very well. 

I help women de-clutter their lives.  It’s pretty much that in a nut shell.

The fact is, clutter is messy.  And when you’re all cluttered up you need help.  And not just any help.  You need an expert.

Now, you may want to know all the little juicy details about me if you’re unfamiliar, but I can assure you, if you’re feeling like your mind is about to implode and your manifesting outwardly with clutter, what you really need is someone to help you turn your life around quickly.

I have enough knowledge and experience to tell you that if you ignore your clutter there will be a pretty price to pay.  That’s why I don’t mess around when it comes to getting you clutter-free. That’s why you want me as your Clutter Coach.

I’m going to be teaching a new course.  If you have clutter, it might be a really good idea you attend.  It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

It’s FREE.  You can grab your seat here.

I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?


I’m teaching a FREE clutter class on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

My last free class was PACKED.  And so much fun.  This one is even better.  You should come.

It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.

Yes, yes it’s true.  There is a life after clutter and the world is waiting for you to show up.  (I explain more in the video once you click the reserve link)

I hope you’ll consider it.  Click here to reserve your seat in the classroom.

The Real Reason People Crave Organization

The Real Reason People Crave Organization

During one of my workshops, I asked the students to write down the reasons why it is so important for them to be organized. 

Most of the answers were the same…

  • I want to be able to find my things
  • I don’t want to be late for appointments
  • I would like to have guests over to entertain

Then I asked them to write down the reasons why it is so important for them to find their things, not be late for appointments and have guests over.

And then something interesting happened…

Just about every student sat there with a vacant look on their face, similar to a deer in headlights stare.

You see, on the surface, people can generally express why they want to be organized, but when you ask them to get in touch with it on a deeper level, they find it rather difficult to articulate their feelings.

The truth of the matter is, people want to be more organized because they crave something much deeper.  More meaningful.

The challenge is getting them to unleash the frustration, overwhelm and stress they have suppressed from playing hide-and-seek and cringing from embarrassment because they missed a deadline, showed up late or have to tell another fib about why they can’t have company over.

I have found in my 20+ some years of being in practice, that until a person can get in touch with the root cause of their clutter the cycle will continue.  It is the reason why I created Coaching Through The Clutter; Mindful Tools for Organized Living.  It is a coaching program that helps people not just release their clutter but also become more consciously aware so they can begin to make healthier choices in their life.

If you would like to learn more about this coaching program and how it can serve you, then I would love to connect with you.  Simply click HERE to schedule a FREE call with me.