Struggling With CLUTTER?

So many people struggle with clutter.


They don’t have to.


They can live clutter free.  There are options.


Yet, people by and large still struggle.


Why is that?



It’s a question that I have asked myself for years. In fact, I was so intrigued by this question that I found myself on a quest to find the answer. Unbeknown to me, I soon found that this one question was packed with more than I bargained for.


I wanted to know, understand, and come to terms with, ‘why human beings insist on struggling – even when they don’t have to?’


This question posed other questions for me.  Unleashing my deep desire to come to a better understanding of:


  • Why are so many people depressed?
  • Why do we feel anxious?
  • What are we all so afraid of?
  • Why is there so much imbalance in the world?
  • What is the human spirit capable of?


Which evolved into what I guess, one would say, a spiritual journey for me.


Over the years, I have received countless emails from people asking: What’s the secret to living a clutter-free life?


And with each inquiry my quest grew deeper.


I wanted to help these people.


I wanted to get them to a place where they could live in a home that was neat and clean.


I wanted them to stop worrying and feel at peace.


And most of all I wanted their pain to go away.  It broke my heart to see them suffer.


I wish I could tell you that I was able to figure out all the answers, but there are still many questions that remain open.


However, this spiritual journey that I speak of has served me well.  It has provided a richer understanding of why some people choose to free themselves of clutter while others remain stuck.


Yet, that didn’t stop my quest for trying to help those who are still struggling.


With compassion and tenacity, I created a program that is simple to implement for freeing your mind.


Mindful Tools For Organized Living is the most elite and complete, step-by-step program that will help you overcome your stress, overwhelm and procrastination.


All that is required is a few necessities:


  • You show up
  • You are committed
  • You keep an open mind
  • You embrace mentoring


With these requirements, everything else will fall neatly into place.


I am confident when I say; It is the only program you’ll ever need to finally get organized for good!


You can learn more about how this program can help you or a loved one here:


Mindful Tools For Organized Living

Mindfulness Program All In One


Have you ever tried to get something done that’s very important but your heart just isn’t into it?

It feels strange because it’s contradictory to what you’re saying you want to do, right? Part of you knows it would be such a relief and it makes so much sense, yet you just can’t seem to find the motivation to get it done.

Do you ever wonder why that is?

Well, here’s the thing. Your mind has a lot to do with how your heart is feeling.

You see, if you don’t have clear direction, a path with steps to follow, through to completion, your heart is simply not going to be into it.

I know it sounds funny, but it’s true.

If your mind doesn’t have clarity you will find yourself procrastinating. As Brendon Burchard would say, “Your heart is going to ask you to pause.”

In my program, Mindful Tools For Organized Living, I address this issue thoroughly because I know that most people who have clutter have problems with procrastination. I also know that frustration, stress and overwhelm is a result of not having clarity.

If you’re an on-line learner, Mindful Tools For Organized Living is a video tutorial that walks you through, step-by-step, the process of decluttering your life and Mindful Tool #5 specifically deals with how to overcome procrastination.

If you prefer one-on-one support, The Mindfulness Coaching program is your best choice for rapid results. If you’re interested in learning more about this, simply schedule a call with me HERE!

Either one is guaranteed to help you get out of your rut and on to being productive.

I hope this clears up the mystery a bit about “matters of the heart” and look forward to helping in any way I can.

It’s All About The Results

It’s Friday and I’m hoping you have some really cool plans for your week-end.

Whether you have something super exciting to do or you’re going to simply chill out and relax, as long as you have peace of mind, that’s all that counts.

Having a clear head to enjoy the things you want to do in your free time is priceless.

That’s not always easy to do when you have countless things on your mind, especially things that you have been putting off and procrastinating about.

The problem with procrastination is eventually it takes a toll on the mind and starts to wear you down.

I’m going to be teaching a class on how to finally put procrastination to rest. I think you’ll find it quite helpful if you’re looking to get results on some of those looming projects.

I hope you’ll join me.


Jen’s Story Just Might Help You


I’d like to introduce you to Jennifer. 

Jen is a middle aged woman, married with children, and lives in the suburbs of the USA.

From outward appearances, Jen appears to have quite a life; a nice home, stylish wardrobe and a new car.

But what most people don’t know is that Jen has a secret. A secret that she’s been keeping from her family and friends.

You see, Jen has a wee bit of a problem.  A problem that has, over time, gotten bigger.  And now, this problem is difficult to keep under wraps, so Jen is feeling anxious and not sleeping well. 

That’s when she called me and asked if I could help her. 

But the story doesn’t end there. 

Actually, the story has a very happy ending.  I’d like to share that story with you because I think it just might help shed a little light on “things.”

I’m hosting a FREE call that I’d like to invite you to.  I’ll be discussing stories like Jen’s and others.

If you’re interested, all you need to do is register by clicking on the below link.




I hope you’ll join me.


Darling, You’re Tougher Than You Think!

Life can be tough darling, but you know what?  So are you!

It takes courage to face our demons and deal with repressed or unconscious aspects of our personality.  But the flip side is that there is a life of freedom when we do.

It is through awareness and understanding, we recognize our unconscious actions, so as not to become a victim to the programmed patterns which accompany them.

In a nutshell, if we truly want to be free from the source of our suffering; fears, insecurities, doubts,  negative beliefs, we must be willing to let go of the past in order to embrace the life that is waiting for us.

The same thing holds true for clutter. Facing your demons is the only way to resolve the clutter for good.  Just clearing out your physical space will not take care of the problem.

If you’re interested in learning more about facing your clutter demons, check out my blog post by CLICKING HERE.

One Word That Can Bring You Success


I’m often asked, “What is the secret to being organized?”

I have deep empathy for people who struggle with clutter and disorganization – because I have witnessed the pain they go through.

Just this morning I was talking to one of my students about how her life has changed since she got organized –  simply because she was able to say “Yes.”

Here’s what I mean by that –

I’m sure you can relate to getting all fired up about something, and then talking yourself out of it with all the reasons why it isn’t possible and why it won’t work out for you.

Well,  I’m here to tell you for certain, the ONLY reason things don’t work out for you is  that  you keep  finding all the reasons to say “no”, rather than all the reasons to say “yes.”

Because my client said “YES,” she’s now able to –

  • Invite people over to her home without worrying about being embarrassed by clutter
  • Find her things without always feeling like she’s on a scavenger hunt
  • Feels more peaceful and relaxed in her home which helps her sleep better at night
  • Experiences more joy and happiness throughout her day

When you can muster up the courage to say “yes” you’ll see yourself making similar progress.

I want to encourage you to think of what it is you’ve been really wanting, and then say “yes.” You’ll feel a shift inside you immediately.

And then, continue saying “yes” as you take each and every step until you find yourself living your best life – organized and all!

If you want my help on how to get started – all the details are

Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Is there something you’re working on that you feel really passionate about, yet a part of you is wondering if you should keep going?

Are you starting to lose faith, (hope) and having reservations about what you originally felt so strongly about?

I understand this.  I’ve had my confidence shaken before.  It can feel scary, especially when you invest so much time, energy and devotion to something you care deeply about.

You start questioning whether or not you have what it takes, or is it really worth it anymore.  The self-doubt starts to seep in, poisoning the very thing that used to keep your heart beating with excitement.

But, I’d like to tell you something.  So please, listen up carefully.

I’ve learned a few things over the years.  And one of them is that if you really, really want something, don’t give up.  It may time extra work, extra time, extra energy, but if you feel strongly about your goal, it will be worth it in the end.

No matter how much your goals seem out of reach, never, never, never give up.

Sometimes, the key to perseverance is having the right mentor and coach to remind you of how worthy and deserving your goals are.  A good coach will support you but also challenge you.

I’m the type of person that loves a good challenge.  I’m also a coach that loves to challenge my clients.

What about you?  Are you ready for a challenge?

If so, The 30 Day Challenge might be just what you need.

I’ll be the coach that will help you get your mind right.

I’ll be there every step of the way, cheering you on…

Don’t give up.  Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Learn how to win HERE!




Can I Mentor You For The Next 30 Days?

Can I Mentor You For The Next 30 Days?

How would you like to work with me for the next 30 days?

What would happen if you were able to let go of the things (clutter and all) that are standing in the way of you living your best life?

Would that progress make you happier, healthier, more productive and fulfilled?

Well to get there, perhaps you need a coach.

Just like elite athletes need a coach helping them climb to higher levels, so do you.

That’s why I’m kicking-off my 30 Day Challenge; Flourish In Wellness.

And if you act now, you’ll be able to take advantage of the

Early Bird Registration.

You can get all the details here!

Lifestyle Changes Everyone Ought To Know About

Lifestyle Changes Everyone Ought To Know About

How are your days going?

Do you get through your daily tasks with ease and simplicity or does it feel more like a struggle to get things done?

Whether you are satisfied with your day or not, I can relate to both.

There are definitely times when I feel the stress piling up and the overwhelm mounting.

And the days that go really well, almost silky smooth, I have to be honest, I cherish.

For those reasons, I signed myself up for a Master Wellness Class.

I was interested in learning how I could quantify my silkier days and better manage the rocky days.

If you can relate to this, I would like to invite you to my FREE Webinar.

I’m going to do my best to share the major highlights of what I learned to help you have better days ahead.

I hope you’ll join me.

How To Get Out Of A Clutter Rut Fast

The one thing I hear most often from people who have clutter is that they feel like they’re in a rut.

They know they are in a clutter cycle but they don’t know how to get out of it.

They describe a certain heaviness around them, as if they’re buried beneath their stuff.

That’s why the expression, “dig yourself out of a rut” gives such an accurate description of what  people are up against with their clutter.

I explain that a rut is actually a an established habit. A pattern of behavior that becomes unproductive.

I go on to further explain that without the right support it can be very difficult to get out of a clutter rut.

The first step in breaking the clutter cycle is acknowledging that you need help and allowing yourself to receive it.

In the past I’ve shared my Secrets to Cure Clutter with great success for people who are experiencing overwhelm.  I’ve been told that it’s like opening a potion of secret powers because they finally feel relief.  It’s that potent.

Spring is right around the corner and most of you will be looking to declutter and get your surroundings in order.  It’s the perfect time to take advantage of my special offer and get a jump-start on getting organized.

You can find out how to get your SECRET ELIXIR here!