Why I Think Kale Is SEXY

WHY I THINK KALE IS SEXY I happen to find Kale very sexy. The varying degrees of curves, curls and color that this one vegetable is capable of is simply fascinating to me. Beyond what this vegetable is showcasing on the exterior, there is so much more it can do for us on the inside. […]


Modern Stress is real.  We all experience it from time to time – perhaps even more than we care to admit. Too much stress can impact our heart, brain and nervous system. So I think this begs the question, ” How do we combat our immediate stress?” Do we impulsively reach for a glass of wine, […]


CAN BERRIES TRANSFORM YOUR MOOD? I don’t know about you, but for me, there’s something about a bowl full of delicious berries that makes me feel … well, good!  They can put me in a happy mood just by looking at them. These small, pulpy, edible fruits, in my opinion got it going on…they’re beautiful looking, they taste […]


THE WAKE-UP CALL The day I looked into the mirror and saw a reflection that was not my own was the wake-up call I needed to take total and complete charge of my health and my life. In my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living, I share […]


NEW BOOK RELEASE – COMING SOON! PRE-ORDER NOW FOR HUGE SAVINGS Have you ever had the feeling that there is so much more to life than what you already have?  Do you struggle trying to balance your health, your mindset and your living space?  Does it feel impossible to do? What if, instead, the constant battle […]

The New Year Buzz

  It’s almost time to “ring in” the New Year… and the most popular buzz that’s humming around town for a resolution is: “To live a simpler lifestyle.” Now I knew it would only be a matter of time before this idea caught on, and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am […]

Why I Chose My Winners To Get Simplified!

To say the least, Melissa and Tammy wooed me! They made me feel something for them… And for me, that translated into wanting to help them. Check out what they had to say and you will see why it wasn’t difficult for me to select these Two Amazing Women as My Winners!       […]

Join Me In The Present

Most of us regret things we didn’t do. Now more than ever, I realize how precious life is & how important it is to live in the present time.

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