
How Life Coaching Can Help You

How Life Coaching Can Help You

Client testimonials feed my soul.  They remind me how awesome life coaching is and why I became a coach to begin with.

When I first met Jacqueline, she was ambivalent about her career and struggling with finding her passion.

Through the course of our sessions, it became clear that life coaching may very well be the career she was always looking for.

I introduced Jacqueline into the world of life coaching and well, take a peek at what she had so say:Life Coaching Book Cover

Jacqueline’s Testimonial:

“Good Morning Patricia, hope you’re enjoying the beautiful summer weather we’ve been having lately!

I participated in Mod I this weekend and it was honestly the most empowering weekend of my life. I feel like a completely new person, with such an amazingly positive outlook on life and what I now feel confident enough to pursue.

I met some of the most genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I am forever grateful for this experience.

I’m confident this is the road I’m meant to travel and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to discover this road! I’m not sure where it will take me or where I may end up but I am open to all avenues right now.

I thank you for your patience and guidance, Patricia! I saw many of the techniques in the way you coached me over the course of my time with you and it all completely clicked!

I’ll never forget the experience I had this weekend and am looking forward to all that is in store in the near future! You have an amazing gift, Patricia and I am thankful I found you!”

If Jacqueline’s testimonial resonates with you, I strongly suggest you participate in my upcoming event.  You never know what may be around the corner waiting for YOU!

Life Coaching – A Guide To Hiring A Professional Coach

Life Coaching – A Guide to Hiring A Professional Coach

Life Coaching Book Cover

I wrote this book as a guide to life coaching.  I want to help you decide if life coaching is right for you.  Below is an excerpt from the book and a very special prelaunch offer (before it goes on Amazon).

Please enjoy and thank you for supporting my work.  It means the world to me.


“Are you considering hiring a Life Coach?  If so, you probably have come to the realization that you need to make some changes in your life. Perhaps they are personal or professional changes, but nevertheless, you recognize that change is in order. You know you are unsatisfied and possibly feeling as if you are settling in the game of life. You yearn for something more — much more.

Maybe you feel stuck and confused. You are not sure what your next steps should be; heck, you are not sure about anything, for that matter, but you know you want out of the grips that keep you feeling immobilized.

For most of us, change can be a very scary thing, yet intuitively you know you need to take charge of your life. You begin to look for answers to the questions you have been asking of yourself and you discover life coaching. You become curious, deeply intrigued and you wonder…is it possible a life coach can really help?”


For a limited time, I am making this eBook available at a SPECIAL RATE of only $2.99. (before it is published on Amazon.)


AS A SUPER SPECIAL thank you for purchasing the book, you will also receive a complimentary telephone coaching session with me. (A link to register will follow once your purchase is complete.)

Please feel free to share this offer – but remember, this is for a limited time, so you must ACT NOW!

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support.  You always make me strive to do better work!

Sending you lots of love,




Dwelling In Possibilities In NYC

Dwelling In Possibilities In NYC

Part of dreaming big is allowing yourself to dwell in all the possibilities that life has to offer.

Within the dwelling of possibilities you become a seeker of opportunity.

You begin to see things different – with fresh eyes and a keen sense of what can be.

It can be an exhilarating time with so much hope for the future.

Does it take courage?  Of course it does.  Does having support help?  I believe it does.

I could not have recovered from many things in my life and gained the clarity I needed without  life coaching.  It helped me tremendously by opening up a whole new world for me.

Life coaching gave me the tools to believe in myself.  When I think back and look at the things I have accomplished by believing in myself I am amazed, and so grateful for the support through life coaching.  I sincerely believe that it enabled me to do the things I once only dreamed of.

I have recently published a new e-Book – Life Coaching; a guide to hiring a professional coach.   If you are considering making some changes in your life and thinking about working with a coach, you may find it helpful.

I am also in the process of another project that I am so excited about and am anticipating the release by early Fall 2016.  However, as all the dwellers of possibilities know – you must begin to breathe your dreams into life.  That’s what the below picture is about – just me, dreaming big!

ny times - 2016

I would love to help you do the same.  If you are interested in learning more about how life coaching can change your life –  drop me a line.  I would love to hear from you. You can reach me @ [email protected]

With love,









Curious about how Life Coaching can help you create productive and lasting change?


life coaching


Join me for the free tel-class on February 9, 2016 @ 7:00 PM ET



The Benefits Of Life Coaching

The Benefits Of Life Coaching

How To Break A Stone Egg
Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

This Is What A Life Coach Can Do For You How To Break A Stone Egg Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

This Is What A Life Coach Can Do For You
How To Break A Stone Egg
Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

 “Right now, this very moment, I have such a clear vision that I must share it with you,” said Barbara.

“Okay, let’s hear it – you have my full attention,” I replied.

“I feel like I finally get it. I see for the first time what you have been trying to show me all along. Not only do I see it, but I truly feel it.”

“This is going to be good,” I said. “I can’t wait, please continue…”

Barbara excitedly shares her vision. She tells me to envision an egg. Only this egg is a stone egg. This stone egg is really an analogy – because the stone egg, this hard-core shell that has been rock solid for many years, is really her. And like the stone egg, Barbara’s outer core has been very difficult to penetrate. And like the stone egg once again, this outer shell has protected itself like she has protected herself for many, many years. They are both the same, virtually unbreakable.

“But you see, Patricia,” she said, “you know this. You have been watching me, observing me, coaching me. You get me. You see this and so you take heed and carefully select your words and actions with me. But with every word and action, you create a little crack on the egg.

“It’s as if I see you gently tapping the egg ever so slightly, but nevertheless unyielding. You do not give up, you just keep tapping away, little by little. Eventually, one of these taps creates a huge fracture. It’s hard to see now where the very first crack occurred as all the cracks blend into one another. The stone egg is extremely fragile and like myself, can break open in an instant.

“You prepare the stone egg for this critical time. You place the egg in a safe zone so when it’s ready to emerge it does not feel broken. Instead, like myself, it will witness a break through. And a pivotal moment it will be for us as the stone egg morphs into no other but me. But the best part of all of this is that what I see and feel is my higher self finally coming out to play.

“It’s whimsical, it’s delirious and most of all it is freeing. I celebrate, I dance, I sing, I am overjoyed that at last I get to experience the freedom to be no one else, but me.”

It is a glorious day.  I am grateful and I am thankful for this experience with Barbara.  And as always, I like to save the best for last.

Barbara said:

“I know this is only the start. I am onto a new beginning, one with no end in sight and I am finally ready!”

How Life Coaching Changed My Life

There was a time in my life when I felt everything was falling apart and no matter what I tried to do to “fix” it – it just appeared to get worse.

I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted – because I felt confused about how to make things better.  I didn’t know what to do.

Are you feeling this way now?

The Gift of Life Coaching
present Many years ago when I “stumbled” upon Life Coaching I was very intrigued by the concept of how it works and how it would be applicable to my life.  But what really peeked my curiosity was how I was introduced to Life Coaching and how it appeared to “show up” at the perfect time for me.

Yet, did I engage in Life Coaching right away?  Of course not.  I was a skeptic, possibly just the way you are right now.  I mean, after all, I tried so hard before to make everything “perfect” and “right” and failed.  So how could Life Coaching possibly show me anything other than what I had already experienced…right?

But you see, that’s exactly what my very first “lesson” was – the ability to understand and then accept that things do happen for a reason.  Yes, yes, I know – it’s sounds very new age like and all that, and may even sound so “out of reach” especially when one is suffering so deeply, but honestly, it’s not new age at all, it’s as old as time itself.  Simply meaning, it’s the “truth.”

Once I was able to wrap my head around the concept of “truth” everything began to make sense for me.  It truly was if a “light” switch went off.  Did it happen over night?  No, it is a process.  A process that I have learned how to be so grateful and thankful for.  It has not only changed my life, but I get to “experience” how it changes others as well.

I would like for you to pay attention to the words that I “quoted” and underlined.  They are little clues for you around your own life story.  And you may want to ask yourself right now this question…”What Is My Truth?”

I hope this gives you a little insight into why Life Coaching is such an instrumental tool in the process of life itself.  For more information simply CLICK HERE.

In Healing,

Patricia Diesel, CPC

Coaching Super Specials!

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If you are looking for an affordable way to obtain organizational coaching, life coaching, entrepreneurial coaching, or business coaching, this is the solution for you! This simple, affordable, and flexible program provides you with the coaching you need, when and how you want to use it. For more information about this special program, email [email protected].

$100 = 50 Coaching Emails

(25 Emails From You, 25 Emails From Me)