Take A Virtual Organizing Session With Me!
Patricia Diesel is helping you get organized virtually so you can feel better and control your inner world.
The 3 Gateways To Self-Care; How to improve your wellness and reduce stress
Patricia Diesel will be teaching a class on how to reduce your stress and improve your well-being.
A Few Things To Stay Mindful Of This Season
These three things can help make your holidays a little brighter.
The Psychology Of The To-Do List
Our brains love order. That’s why being organized feels so good!
I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?
In my new class I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.
Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This.
“We all get overwhelmed at times. When your mind feels like it’s going to explode from too many things to do, try this simple exercise. You’ll be able to find the simplicity in the complicated.” says Patricia Diesel
The Real Reason People Crave Organization
The truth of the matter is, people want to be more organized because they crave something much deeper. More meaningful.
Want To Get Organized Without Going Bonkers?
You don’t have to go bonkers to get organized. Stop the stress and let me show you how to do it with ease and simplicity, says Patricia Diesel
Lifestyle Changes That Move You To Be A Better Person
My health scare led me to ask two important questions, says Patricia Diesel
It’s All In The Mind
Patricia Diesel’s Mindfulness Program helps make decluttering easier without the stress, overwhelm or procrastination.