
Simplicity Is A Sign Of Growth

“Going Back To A Simpler Life Is Not A Step Backward” – Yvon Chouinard said that and he was right.

Simplicity Is A Sign Of Growth
It’s important to understand that “letting go” is part of the process of going back to a simpler life.  It is not in any way a reflection of you failing to achieve or hold onto “something.”  That’s not what we are talking about here.

It takes courage to simplify one’s life.  Did you hear that?  It takes courage to simplify one’s life.  Real courage to “let go” and be free of the things you may have considered important or special at one time.

Recognizing that your “things” may no longer be serving you (and can actually be holding you back from living life to the fullest) is a true sign of personal growth.  There’s a lot to be said about a person who can relinquish the old and welcome the new; even if they aren’t sure what that may look like.

I see way too often people who struggle with the notion that “letting go” is somehow a sign of weakness or giving up.  This can be to their detriment as it propels them into a perpetual state of fear because they simply cannot bear the thought they may be “losing.”  But you see there is no loss with simplicity. Simplicity offers freedom of all that was but no longer is.  So how can one lose when one becomes free?  You simply cannot.

The process of purging one’s life is powerful.  A process fully embellished with tender moments of self-discovery.  An internal treasure hunt if you please.

Tell me, what’s more beautiful than that?

Baggage Draggers – Are You One Of Them?

It’s not unusual to find beneath the manifestation of clutter there is the presence of emotional baggage from life experiences.  Years of  pain packed in suitcases that are dragged around with a collection of burdens and life disappointments.

Sometimes we hold onto our baggage for extended periods of time until we decide to unpack it for a while just to make sure that it’s still all there – reliving all the hurt and pain.  Then when it gets too unbearable, we pack it all up and drag it somewhere else.

Holding onto past experiences doesn’t foster growth or allow for new opportunities to enter our lives that can bring  joy, peace or love for that matter.  Unfortunately when we cling to these memories, we invite the pain to stay even longer along with the bitterness, depression and discouragement.

In order to break free from our excess baggage we need to learn how to “let go” of it.  By making a decision that you  no longer wish to be held a captive prisoner of your past, you can tell yourself you finally have had enough of focusing on all the negatives and you want to concentrate on moving forward with your life.  It is then, new beginnings are possible and your life will begin to improve.

Cleaning up the physical clutter is an important aspect to functioning in a healthy environment, but it is only part of the process of living clutter free.  Today, decide to unpack your baggage, take a good look at it and then let it go!