
Live A Life On PURPOSE

Live a Life On PURPOSE

Living a life without purpose, no direction, no goals, is just existing.  It’s like going on a long journey without a compass.

When I see people living this way, I wonder to myself, what happened?  How did they forget about their talents, abilities, skills…their gifts?

Did you know that we all have special gifts.  Inside all of us, is a unique gift given to us.  Our job is to activate and employ our gifts.  Our gifts our also designed to be shared with others. They’re not meant to be kept to ourselves. Our gifts are meant to be expressed for the world to see just how different and unique we are.  Believe it or not, this motivates people for the common good when we do.  It also provides hope for people.

Here are some reasons why people don’t give their best in life:

They don’t know how (Lack a plan)
Feel inadequate (I can’t do this)
Guilt feelings (Living In the past)
Fear of failure (Giving Up)
Unwilling to make a commitment (Lack of responsibility)
Don’t have time (Poor management of time)
Comparing themselves to others (Worried what people think)

There are also times when we question our true purpose.  We can feel stuck and not sure of our direction.  Perhaps you are asking yourself some serious questions now. View these questions as opportunities to explore and discover new things about yourself.  Don’t be limited by your past, doubt or fear.

The world needs your special gifts, now more than ever.  Don’t waste your gifts, talents and time.  Begin today to commit to changing the way you live your life.

You can learn more about how to LIVE YOUR LIFE ON PURPOSE by clicking here.


It’s time to face your stuff!

I know you want 2017 to be phenomenal – I do too!  I would like to help you confront your challenges and face whatever it is that’s holding you back.  Once you do this you will finally be able to:

Dig yourself out of your rut
Find your purpose
Make your dreams a reality

As a coach, I have helped many people who were struggling in life.  People just like you who thought things would never turn around. But they did! Some of my clients are now business owners, authors and coaches.  This can happen for you too!  (By the way…soon you will be able to read their stories on my new website…more to come!)

If you want to find your way in 2017 all you have to do is accept my gift!

I am opening up a limited amount of space to work with you if you’re serious about taking your life in a new direction this year.

Here’s how it works…  

Click on this link and answer a few questions so I can understand where you are in your life right now and what needs to happen next. Then email it back to me and we can begin moving you in the right direction.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Sending You Love,


PS – Timing is everything, so don’t wait. Get into action and book your spot here. 


Since so many of you have requested that I host an On-Line Support Group, I am pleased to announce that commencing January 2017 we will go LIVE!

I am super excited about developing an on-line forum that will inspire and empower all members.  The goal is to create a community for like minded individuals centered around personal and professional development.

I invite you to review the details surrounding this On-Line Support Group.  If you feel this is a good fit for you, I encourage you to complete the Membership Application and register with payment as space is limited.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you!

With love and support,

Patricia Diesel

(908) 642-1226



Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

The On-Line Support Group will commence January of 2017.

We will meet the 2nd Monday of every month from 7:30-8:30 pm et

Each month I will select a new topic as an educational venue.

Each month I will present a slide presentation supporting the topic of conversation.  This will be a very interactive participation and round-robin type opportunity to share, discuss, explore the topic and how it relates to your personal and professional life.

The On-Line Support Group is a Membership Platform that Requires an Annual Commitment. (Please read membership application)

Membership Fee is $25.00 per month which is $300.00 per year.  You have several options to make your investment into the group.

1.  Pay a full one year term of $300.00
2.  Pay two installments.  One now and the 2nd in 6 months of $175.00
3.  Pay monthly – one month in advance of $35.00 each month.

Please select from one of the following payment links to activate your Membership:




Feel It – Bless It!
“How often in life do you stuff down negative emotions or feelings about something going on in your present life or about something that has happened in the past?
It’s a common human pattern to stuff things down. We do it to protect ourselves. You’ve done it, I’ve done it, people do it on a daily basis.
The challenge is…

As we continue to stuff things down in our lives, it accumulates and causes more and more problems for us.”


It’s just about one year that I received the above in an email from Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution.  What he said then, and still to this day, has me thinking.  Below are my thoughts.  I hope it gets you thinking too…
Eventually this accumulation of stuff has no other choice but to come out. When it does come out, it can manifest in many forms. For some people, their outward form manifests as physical clutter.
Clutter as we know represents disorder. Therefore, our physical clutter is an outward manifestation, a demonstration if you will, of what we may be feeling inwardly, i.e., confusion, turmoil, overwhelm. So it makes perfect sense when someone says, “I don’t know where to begin or how to start” when attempting to combat their clutter.
The truth is 99.9% of the time, people can get organized. Organization is a skill set that one can learn. It is the emotional aspect that prevents one from doing so, commonly referred to as an emotional block.
For this very reason, it’s important to take note that in order to deal with your physical clutter it is also necessary to work on your emotional clutter. Otherwise, it has been my experience, that no matter how many times you attempt to get things back in order, if you do not deal with the emotional aspect, the clutter will come back.
It is also important to point out, that the clutter will usually come back with a vengeance.  It’s as if the clutter is saying, “Hey you, I’m not done here…look at me…we have things to settle and I’m not going away until we do.”
This is the time when I suggest you look at your clutter with a fresh perspective. In other words, don’t fear the clutter, Bless it. Approach the clutter with gratitude and thankfulness.
Think of it this way…
Your outward manifestation is like looking through your very own Looking Glass – it’s mirroring back to help you. Look at it as an opportunity to begin the process of healing so you can begin to move forward in your life.
With Love,

Patricia Diesel

Patricia Diesel is dedicated to bringing her skill, inspiration and encouragement to those who want to regain hope and enhance the quality of their life. She conveys her life transforming lessons through her travels, speaking engagements and media appearances. She has helped countless individuals restore tranquility and sense to their lives. You can find out more about how life coaching can help you in her newly released book, Life Coaching, A Guide to Hiring a Professional Coach.

Create Space For The New

Create Space For The New
In my book Life Coaching, I talk about how the tool of coaching helps one prepare for something new.  Too many people are burdened by their past, clutched to the old.
When we live in the past there is a tremendous weight we undeniably feel.  This overload can come in the form of emotional and physical clutter.

Clearing out your emotional cobwebs and your physical space is just one of the ways you can begin to make room for the new.

Which is exactly why I am doing a little summer cleaning myself.  I have a few projects presently  underway … so it’s important I create space for success.

This got me thinking about how I can help you benefit as well.

That’s why this September I am presenting an on-line workshop that offers personal coaching. I want to help you release the old and bring in the new.

Here are the details:

9/14, 9/21, 9/28 – 2016
Wednesday Evenings

7:30 PM – 9:00 PM ET
Total On-Line Hours:  4.5 Hours


On-Line Community


  • Private Coaching each week
  • 3 Coaching Sessions for 30 Minutes
  • Total Coaching 1.5 Hours
  • Group Follow Up Call
  • Private Facebook Page for Interaction

Copy of my latest book – Life Coaching – a guide to hiring a professional coach.

Life Coaching Book Cover

Cost of Workshop: $499.99

All you have to do to reserve your spot is click on the link below.  Once you register you will receive your Welcome Package for the event.


I know that with the tools of coaching and an educational platform such as this workshop, I can help you!

It’s time to create space for the new!



A shirt here, a sock there, papers, papers, everywhere…

If you are experiencing clutter, I am sure you can relate to what I refer to as the scattered item syndrome. It’s where you participate in a wild goose chase looking for your things.

Clutter has the capacity to make us a little goosey. (exhibiting nervous behavior when we cannot locate our stuff)  It can be unnerving to say the least when you are on a constant hunt trying to find your stuff.

I propose that it is time to end this goosey  cycle and crush the clutter once and for all!  That’s why I am offering a workshop dedicated to helping you do just that.

I offer events like these sporadically and they are jammed packed with value for little cost in comparison.  They sell out quickly so if you want in, I am giving you plenty of notice.  To hold your spot, a deposit of $100.00 is required in order to be fair to everyone.

Below are the details:

9/14, 9/21, 9/28 – 2016
Wednesday Evenings

7:30 PM – 9:00 PM ET
Total On-Line Hours:  4.5 Hours

PowerPoint Slides for Learning & Workbook


  • Private Coaching each week
  • 3 Coaching Sessions for 30 Minutes
  • Total Coaching 1.5 Hours
  • Group Follow Up Call
  • Private Facebook Page for Interaction

Copy of my latest book – Life Coaching – a guide to hiring a professional coach.

Cost of Workshop: $499.99

It’s going to be an amazing event and together we will CRUSH THE CLUTTER!

Breaking The Cycle of Chronic Lateness

Breaking The Cycle of Chronic Lateness

There are books, articles and studies performed to try and help people overcome their chronic lateness.  Some experts believe in order to break the pattern we need to look at not only what we are doing but why we are doing it.  I concur.

Let’s look at some examples of how people show up chronically late in areas of their life; appointments, interviews, ceremonies…

Take the classic physician who is always running late with patients.  Now in their defense, they will most likely explain their circumstances with reasons such as being over-booked, an emergency arose, or a populated epidemic of something.  Now from the patient’s perspective, who is in the waiting room 45 minutes or much longer, he is probably feeling anxious and a tad put-off, as it can be perceived as a lack of respect of  time.

In Anna’s case, there was no question that being on time was essential for her upcoming interview.  It was a company that she would be thrilled to work for. There was one problem.  With all the excitement, Anna forgot to verify the location.  By the time she was off and running, she realized she didn’t know exactly where she was going.  Hence, she showed up 30 minutes late for the interview.  Not only was she stressed out and embarrassed, but she carried that energy all throughout the interview process.  You can guess the outcome – Anna didn’t get the job.

When Brian’s childhood friend asked him to be the best man for his wedding, he admitted it was one of the highlights of his life.  Not only was it a huge honor, but it was a big responsibility.  He wanted to make sure everything went smooth and that his long time buddy could count on him during this happy occasion.  The morning of the wedding, Brian walked out the door and neglected to bring the wedding bands that his friend entrusted him with.  Just about halfway through his driving time to the ceremony, he realized he had to turn back home to go get them.  Needless to say, Brian was 15 minutes late.  Brian was so worried that he ruined the most important day of his friends life.  He apologized all day long.

A good starting point to breaking the cycle of lateness is to become consciously aware of your lateness and then to make the effort to prioritize being prompt.  You can begin with observing the cost of being late and the payoff of being on time.

Cost of being late – being late is upsetting to others and stressful for the one who is late.

Payoff of being on time – eliminates stress and the need to apologize.

The consequence of being late all the time runs deeper than this however.  When you are chronically late you are not showing up as the best version of yourself.  You are creating a reputation for yourself that is sending messages that people can’t trust or rely on you.  This impacts your relationships and your self-esteem.

Considering the technical aspect of why people are late is also important.  Not having good planning skills or how to estimate how long things will take can be critical.  A simple exercise you can try is to write down how long you think each thing you do will take and then compare it to how long it actually took to complete.  The comparison will help you find your pattern so you can adjust your time.

Learning how to say NO by either declining or deferring when people are asking things of you will also help you stay mindful with your commitment to time.  You can use catch phrases, such as;

“I would love to help but I have a prior commitment.”

I am on a tight deadline, so I have to pass on this.”

“I have plans during that time today, but maybe tomorrow I can.”

From an emotional/psychological aspect we can look at this from a different view.  Most people know what they are doing by arriving late.  They are choosing to arrive when they want.  The question is “Why?”  Here are some possibilities:

Resistance – Carried over from a rebelliousness childhood.

Crisis Maker – Thrives on mini crisis of running late.

Adrenaline – Need the rush of being under the gun to get things moving .

Anxiety – Fear about where they are going.

There are many tools that can be used to help decipher the why of what makes one late, but from a life coaching perspective, I can tell you that understanding where the emotional blocks come from is key to understanding why we do what we do and how to break the cycle.

In my new book – Life Coaching – a Guide to Hiring a Life Coach – I talk about how instrumental coaching has been in my life as well as how to go about finding a coach that can help you.  Through coaching you can find ways to overcome your lateness and begin to learn how to convert time into a pleasurable experience.

Life Coaching Book Cover

For a limited time you can receive a copy of Patricia’s new book with a special coaching offer.  Contact now @ (908) 642-1226 or email [email protected]


How Life Coaching Can Help You

How Life Coaching Can Help You

Client testimonials feed my soul.  They remind me how awesome life coaching is and why I became a coach to begin with.

When I first met Jacqueline, she was ambivalent about her career and struggling with finding her passion.

Through the course of our sessions, it became clear that life coaching may very well be the career she was always looking for.

I introduced Jacqueline into the world of life coaching and well, take a peek at what she had so say:Life Coaching Book Cover

Jacqueline’s Testimonial:

“Good Morning Patricia, hope you’re enjoying the beautiful summer weather we’ve been having lately!

I participated in Mod I this weekend and it was honestly the most empowering weekend of my life. I feel like a completely new person, with such an amazingly positive outlook on life and what I now feel confident enough to pursue.

I met some of the most genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I am forever grateful for this experience.

I’m confident this is the road I’m meant to travel and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to discover this road! I’m not sure where it will take me or where I may end up but I am open to all avenues right now.

I thank you for your patience and guidance, Patricia! I saw many of the techniques in the way you coached me over the course of my time with you and it all completely clicked!

I’ll never forget the experience I had this weekend and am looking forward to all that is in store in the near future! You have an amazing gift, Patricia and I am thankful I found you!”

If Jacqueline’s testimonial resonates with you, I strongly suggest you participate in my upcoming event.  You never know what may be around the corner waiting for YOU!

How I Stumbled Upon Life Coaching

“I will never forget how I stumbled upon life coaching. A friend of mine asked me to attend a book signing with her. It was a last-minute call, an impromptu kind of moment. It was snowing, almost blizzard-like conditions, but she was insistent we still go. I came up with a thousand excuses why I could not, but she would not take no for an answer.

Before I knew it, her car, covered in a blanket of snow, was in my driveway with the headlights beaming, windshield wipers flapping, and her heavy hand on the horn. Feeling slightly annoyed (although considerably amazed at my friend’s tenacity), I opened my front door. She popped her head out of the car window, wearing one of those floppy, pom-pom hats, and yelled, “Let’s go. Hurry up.” It was too much for me to resist. Minutes later, we were off.”

“What I did not know was that evening would change my life.

Life Coaching - A Guide To Hiring A Professional Coach

Are you curious to read more?  If so, that’s good news because I wrote this guide to help people, just like you, who are curious about life coaching.

For a limited time, I am making this eBook available at a special rate of only $2.99.  And as a super special thank you for purchasing the book, you will also receive a complimentary coaching session with me. (Details will follow with your purchase)

I look forward to answering your questions and the opportunity to coach you!

Lots of Love,

Patricia xo


Life Coaching – A Guide To Hiring A Professional Coach

Life Coaching – A Guide to Hiring A Professional Coach

Life Coaching Book Cover

I wrote this book as a guide to life coaching.  I want to help you decide if life coaching is right for you.  Below is an excerpt from the book and a very special prelaunch offer (before it goes on Amazon).

Please enjoy and thank you for supporting my work.  It means the world to me.


“Are you considering hiring a Life Coach?  If so, you probably have come to the realization that you need to make some changes in your life. Perhaps they are personal or professional changes, but nevertheless, you recognize that change is in order. You know you are unsatisfied and possibly feeling as if you are settling in the game of life. You yearn for something more — much more.

Maybe you feel stuck and confused. You are not sure what your next steps should be; heck, you are not sure about anything, for that matter, but you know you want out of the grips that keep you feeling immobilized.

For most of us, change can be a very scary thing, yet intuitively you know you need to take charge of your life. You begin to look for answers to the questions you have been asking of yourself and you discover life coaching. You become curious, deeply intrigued and you wonder…is it possible a life coach can really help?”


For a limited time, I am making this eBook available at a SPECIAL RATE of only $2.99. (before it is published on Amazon.)


AS A SUPER SPECIAL thank you for purchasing the book, you will also receive a complimentary telephone coaching session with me. (A link to register will follow once your purchase is complete.)

Please feel free to share this offer – but remember, this is for a limited time, so you must ACT NOW!

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support.  You always make me strive to do better work!

Sending you lots of love,
