
Cluttered & Cramped?

The latest statistics show that our culture on a whole is consolidating.

It may appear that it’s as simple as “getting rid of this and getting rid of that” to make our lives neat and tidy, but we know that it does take much more than that!

You know, just as well as I do, that if it were that easy everyone wouldn’t be feeling overwhelmed when it came time to “letting things go” and organizing the rest.

It’s why the professional organizing/life coaching profession has exploded over the past few years and still is in high demand. 

People require assistance and guidance when it comes to their lovely, beautiful, sentimental things.

They want to live in a home that feels “homey” and is not referred to as a place, a house, a flat or an apartment.  They want to feel good in their space so when visitors come knocking they can feel proud to let them in and cozy up to.

Tell me, by looking at the below photographs what comes to your mind? 
cluttered & cramped
Do you think one space is better than the other? 


Do you see a difference in how their space is being used?


Do you see clutter in the spaces?
Do the pictures represent anything else for you? 
Do you secretly wish you could have a home that reflects order and style?

It’s true that everyone has their own unique style and flair for decorating – that’s what makes our homes so interesting.  It’s a reflection at some point of who we are.

Not everyone has to agree with our taste, but from my years of experience I can confidently say that everyone does agree that they don’t like clutter. 

In this class we are going to explore the many faces of clutter, and how to get motivated to want to rid yourself of the clutter by using “style and order” as a technique.

It’s a secret that I have used throughout the years with my clients and I would like to share it with you in this upcoming tel-class.
All that is required for this class is an open mind and a willing to learn and of course, you will want to take plenty of notes!  It’s going to be fun, fun, fun!

Tuesday’s Tips – 4/5/11 – What’s Your EQ?

What’s Your EQ?

Join us in this week’s Tele-Class

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

April 5, 2011 – 6:oo PM – 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Here’s the buzz about EQ and why I am offering this class.

First let me begin by saying that over the years, it has been my experience that 99.9% of my clients can get organized…once taught.

This means, getting organized is a skill set that can be learned – at any age, any time.

If my clients were struggling before we met, it was usually due to one or two reasons:

1)  They were never exposed to the skill set adequately and therefore felt insecure in their ability


2)  They just didn’t want to do it because of a belief system they integrated into their life.

Regardless of either reason, the client did not feel good about their emotional intelligence.

I have found that once they were exposed to EQ, they had better self-esteem, more confidence, the ability to get organized and feel more in control over their life.

And it is for this reason I am offering this class – I want more people to feel better!

Register Now!