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It’s Time To Take A Look At Things

It’s Time To Take A Look At Things

Wouldn’t you agree that purging our “things” lends us to ask certain questions?

Questions such as:

Do I like this?
Do I love this?
Do I want this?
Do I need this?
Do I…?

Should I keep this?
Should I toss this?
Should I donate this?
Should I sell this?
Should I …?

And when we ask these questions, wouldn’t you agree that it prompts us to take a more serious look at our life?  I think it does.  In a sense, purging encourages us to “let go” of whatever is no longer serving us, as much as it enables us to see what we truly value.

In my upcoming event, Fall Into Life, (a 6 week coaching program) we will take a deeper dive into some of these questions and a more serious look at how you want to live your life.

I hope you will consider this event, especially if you have been “thinking” about “things” for a while.  Now is your time to take action.

Learn more here…

9 And Counting

9 And Counting

The FALL INTO LIFE event is sure to be the EVENT OF THE SEASON.

We have 9 people attending and my goal is for 10 people to register.  If you have not registered yet, please make it your top priority to do so.

You have my word that I will personally do everything possible to make this the coaching experience of a lifetime.  I am super excited because I am learning so much content that I can hardly wait to share it with you.  I know that it’s a game changer because I am living it.

Look, I get fearful too!  I stretch myself sometimes so far I literally can’t believe I have the courage to do it..but my Coach Derek reminds me that we have two choices in life…

1.  We do it
2.  Or we don’t

I choose to stretch, to explore, to live…and by doing so I HONOR MY YES!

Friends, and yes, I call you Friend, life is short.  I know this, and so do you.  Life is also precious and I don’t want to live with any regrets because I was too afraid to do something.  No, I refuse to do that!

What about you?

Please don’t wait.  Register now for the EVENT OF THE SEASON!

Click Below To Register:


De-Stress Tip: Live Your Truth

My Dear Friend,

Would you like to find a simple way (no gimmicks, no pie in the sky remedy) to reduce the stress in your life?

I ask this question because I understand first hand what it feels like to have huge amounts of stress.  I used to live  with extreme amounts of stress.  But that was before I learned about this simple life principle.

If  we really dive deep into this principle, we will find that it is actually a Universal Law.  A law designed to help us live a more abundant life.

When I learned of this law many years ago, I understood it in theory, but not to the level I do today.  Because of this new level of understanding, I was able to take the appropriate action that was necessary to change the way stress affects my life.

That’s what I want to share with you.  I want to let you know how this principle changed my life.  The simple principle I am referring to is “Honor Your Yes.”  You see, when we honor our YES, we are able to follow through on what we truly desire in life.  In essence, we then live out our truth.

But most of us have trouble with this. 

In my upcoming 6 Week Coaching Program, Fall Into Life, I am dedicating an entire module to this principle.  Not only do I want you to understand the core principle, but I am going to teach you how to apply it in your every day life.  Then, you will get to see just how this simple principle will become a game changer for you!

If you missed my previous two classes where I introduced this event, please don’t worry.  You can call me and I will walk you through the preliminaries of it.  For now, just click on the link below and get yourself registered.

The Fall Into Life event is broken down into three modules, designed to give you all the support and networking you need to be successful.  The event has lots of bonus items and incentives, so if you want to bring along a friend, please share this email.

All you have to do is click the link below…read the invitation…then register.  Once you do that, your Welcome Packet will arrive with all the details.  Kick off begins next week for scheduling.


We’re Getting You All Spruced Up For Fall

We’re Getting You All Spruced Up For Fall

Hey, if you missed last week’s call – don’t worry.  Due to popular demand, I am going to do an Instant Replay “LIVE” for those of you who missed it or who want to listen in again.

Now is the time to ask the questions that you have for me.  I want you to get yourself organized and ready for the Fall season and begin anew.

F. Scott F. Fitzgerald said it best:

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

I am going to show you some really cool tools for your task list and share with you my very own agenda.  I will walk you through the process, step by step.  Then I am going to share something with you that very well may shock you.  But it’s all for your benefit, I promise!

So here’s you second chance to join in and see what’s happening over here…

Register Now!
By attending you will also receive a copy of my latest book

And a very special offer to go along with it!

Sending you lots of love and good vibes!


Last call!  It’s happening tonight and you won’t want to miss out.

Listen up…

  • If you would like to accomplish all those “things” you have been telling yourself that eventually you will get to – this class is for you!
  • If you have been contemplating making serious decisions in your life but keep finding yourself sitting on the fence, this class is also for you!
  • If  you are ready to take the plunge into Fall and finally go for those big goals you have been dreaming of, this is definitely the class for you!

F. Scott Fitzgerald said it best…

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.

Please join me this evening – it’s going to be sensational!

Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it
PS – I will be making a special offer to those who attend “live” as well as receiving my new eBook.  And you definitely don’t want to miss out on hearing success stories from guest clients.  If they can do it, so can you!

Sending good vibes,



3 Words That Can Change Your Life

Three words that can change your life…

“Honor Your Yes.”

What does that mean?  Simply stated, it means that we should just “go for it.”  Stop procrastinating.  Stop over thinking.  Stop making excuses.

I understand this can be difficult for many of us.  As much as we would like to say “yes” we are plagued with self-doubt, questioning if we are making the “right” decision or the “best” choice.

You see not honoring our “yes” is a habit we formed.  The good news is that it is a habit we can also break.  We can form a new habit that will help us trust in ourselves enough to believe that we do have the power within us to make choices that reflect our highest self.

We all have limited belief systems.  The key is to first recognize them for what they are and then to unlock them so we can move forward.

In this class I am going to share with you relevant information that can help you stop the negative chatter that holds you down and prevents you from emerging.

Let’s call forth the season of Fall with fresh beginnings.  Let’s clean up our old belief systems and begin anew.  Let’s honor “Yes.”

What do you say…are you with me?
Register Now!
I have helped countless clients overcome their fears and move toward their dreams.  I am confident I can help you too.

On the call you will hear from several clients who were able to create new beginnings all by honoring their “yes.”

It’s going to be a great time – I hope you will join us!

Sending you good vibes,

Patricia Diesel
(908) 642-1226

PS – By attending this event you will receive a copy of my latest eBook – but you must attend “live.”

Fall Cleaning Checklist (It’s Not What You Think)

Fall Cleaning Checklist
(It’s Not What You Think)
Fall is here!  Now is the perfect time to get your tasks completed and yourself organized.

Yet, sometimes, even though we have the best intentions and the greatest plan, we can end up getting distracted and/or overwhelmed.  Two key ingredients that can sabotage our checklist.

If you can identify with that, then you want to be on this call!

I am going to share with you my fall checklist, how I go about breaking down my tasks, and a few surprises that you just may be shocked to learn about!

I know fall clean-ups can be a dirty task, but I promise to keep it clean…well, somewhat…  🙂

Now go register…talk to you real soon!

Register Now!
PS – You need to attend “Live” to receive my latest eBook – so mark your calendar now and reserve that date!

Your task coach,

Patricia Diesel


Feel It – Bless It!
“How often in life do you stuff down negative emotions or feelings about something going on in your present life or about something that has happened in the past?
It’s a common human pattern to stuff things down. We do it to protect ourselves. You’ve done it, I’ve done it, people do it on a daily basis.
The challenge is…

As we continue to stuff things down in our lives, it accumulates and causes more and more problems for us.”


It’s just about one year that I received the above in an email from Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution.  What he said then, and still to this day, has me thinking.  Below are my thoughts.  I hope it gets you thinking too…
Eventually this accumulation of stuff has no other choice but to come out. When it does come out, it can manifest in many forms. For some people, their outward form manifests as physical clutter.
Clutter as we know represents disorder. Therefore, our physical clutter is an outward manifestation, a demonstration if you will, of what we may be feeling inwardly, i.e., confusion, turmoil, overwhelm. So it makes perfect sense when someone says, “I don’t know where to begin or how to start” when attempting to combat their clutter.
The truth is 99.9% of the time, people can get organized. Organization is a skill set that one can learn. It is the emotional aspect that prevents one from doing so, commonly referred to as an emotional block.
For this very reason, it’s important to take note that in order to deal with your physical clutter it is also necessary to work on your emotional clutter. Otherwise, it has been my experience, that no matter how many times you attempt to get things back in order, if you do not deal with the emotional aspect, the clutter will come back.
It is also important to point out, that the clutter will usually come back with a vengeance.  It’s as if the clutter is saying, “Hey you, I’m not done here…look at me…we have things to settle and I’m not going away until we do.”
This is the time when I suggest you look at your clutter with a fresh perspective. In other words, don’t fear the clutter, Bless it. Approach the clutter with gratitude and thankfulness.
Think of it this way…
Your outward manifestation is like looking through your very own Looking Glass – it’s mirroring back to help you. Look at it as an opportunity to begin the process of healing so you can begin to move forward in your life.
With Love,

Patricia Diesel

Patricia Diesel is dedicated to bringing her skill, inspiration and encouragement to those who want to regain hope and enhance the quality of their life. She conveys her life transforming lessons through her travels, speaking engagements and media appearances. She has helped countless individuals restore tranquility and sense to their lives. You can find out more about how life coaching can help you in her newly released book, Life Coaching, A Guide to Hiring a Professional Coach.

Create Space For The New

Create Space For The New
In my book Life Coaching, I talk about how the tool of coaching helps one prepare for something new.  Too many people are burdened by their past, clutched to the old.
When we live in the past there is a tremendous weight we undeniably feel.  This overload can come in the form of emotional and physical clutter.

Clearing out your emotional cobwebs and your physical space is just one of the ways you can begin to make room for the new.

Which is exactly why I am doing a little summer cleaning myself.  I have a few projects presently  underway … so it’s important I create space for success.

This got me thinking about how I can help you benefit as well.

That’s why this September I am presenting an on-line workshop that offers personal coaching. I want to help you release the old and bring in the new.

Here are the details:

9/14, 9/21, 9/28 – 2016
Wednesday Evenings

7:30 PM – 9:00 PM ET
Total On-Line Hours:  4.5 Hours


On-Line Community


  • Private Coaching each week
  • 3 Coaching Sessions for 30 Minutes
  • Total Coaching 1.5 Hours
  • Group Follow Up Call
  • Private Facebook Page for Interaction

Copy of my latest book – Life Coaching – a guide to hiring a professional coach.

Life Coaching Book Cover

Cost of Workshop: $499.99

All you have to do to reserve your spot is click on the link below.  Once you register you will receive your Welcome Package for the event.


I know that with the tools of coaching and an educational platform such as this workshop, I can help you!

It’s time to create space for the new!