De-Stress Tip: Live Your Truth

My Dear Friend,

Would you like to find a simple way (no gimmicks, no pie in the sky remedy) to reduce the stress in your life?

I ask this question because I understand first hand what it feels like to have huge amounts of stress.  I used to live  with extreme amounts of stress.  But that was before I learned about this simple life principle.

If  we really dive deep into this principle, we will find that it is actually a Universal Law.  A law designed to help us live a more abundant life.

When I learned of this law many years ago, I understood it in theory, but not to the level I do today.  Because of this new level of understanding, I was able to take the appropriate action that was necessary to change the way stress affects my life.

That’s what I want to share with you.  I want to let you know how this principle changed my life.  The simple principle I am referring to is “Honor Your Yes.”  You see, when we honor our YES, we are able to follow through on what we truly desire in life.  In essence, we then live out our truth.

But most of us have trouble with this. 

In my upcoming 6 Week Coaching Program, Fall Into Life, I am dedicating an entire module to this principle.  Not only do I want you to understand the core principle, but I am going to teach you how to apply it in your every day life.  Then, you will get to see just how this simple principle will become a game changer for you!

If you missed my previous two classes where I introduced this event, please don’t worry.  You can call me and I will walk you through the preliminaries of it.  For now, just click on the link below and get yourself registered.

The Fall Into Life event is broken down into three modules, designed to give you all the support and networking you need to be successful.  The event has lots of bonus items and incentives, so if you want to bring along a friend, please share this email.

All you have to do is click the link below…read the invitation…then register.  Once you do that, your Welcome Packet will arrive with all the details.  Kick off begins next week for scheduling.