3 Things That Matter



“In the end, only three things matter:

How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully

you let go of things not meant for you.” 





If you’ve been wondering why in the world you aren’t having success with decluttering and getting organized (they are two separate tasks, by the way…)

Here’s a possible answer:

Your inability to get results right now might be because you don’t have the right tools, the right support, or the right expert you can learn from.

So it’s understandable then why you would feel discouraged and defeated.

But that all can change for you if you join my upcoming MINDFULNESS WORKSHOP!

Why is it important for you to take action now?

A study published in Current Psychology found that frustration with clutter tends to increase with age.

So, it’s just pure common sense – the longer you wait, the more difficult the clutter becomes to deal with.

Listen, there’s a saying and it holds very true here…

Pain Is Inevitable; Suffering Is Optional. In other words, clutter is painful, I’ve been saying it for years. But you don’t have to suffer – you can get help.

The MINDFULNESS WORKSHOP is your ticket to freedom!

Women are raving about their results who have participated in my other classes. As a matter of fact, they can’t wait to get together for a class reunion to compare their success.

This can happen for you too. But you must take action for your suffering to end.

You can sign up HERE!

Julies’ Lasting Impression

Julie’s Lasting Impression

Have you ever met someone in your life that changed you forever?

I’ll never forget my experience with Julie and the lasting impression she had on me.

It was a warm Friday afternoon and I just finished the remainder of my iced tea that Julie poured for us earlier. I handed the glass back to Julie, and gave her a great big hug good-bye.

“You stay put, I can see my way out,” I told her.

We did a lot of de-cluttering work that day and I could see it took a lot of energy out of her.

As I headed down the driveway toward my car, I remember thinking…

I don’t want one more person to go through this. It’s just too painful.

By the time I reached my car, my emotions welled up and got the best of me.

I drove away feeling overwhelmed with sadness.

Not too long after, Julie lost her courageous battle with cancer.

That was the turning point in my career.

From that time forward, I made a decision to help people understand the importance of decluttering their life now, before a crisis occurs.

Today, I show women how to get organized in a way that combats the fear, overwhelm and procrastination so they feel empowered to change their life. (before a tragedy occurs)

It’s working. It’s making a difference. And I know it can for you too!

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to my MINDFULNESS WORKSHOP. It’s on-line and LIVE for one day only. Space is limited.

You can get all the details HERE!

I hope you’ll join me.


Happiest Holidays


Dear Friends,

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness…

May it be yours this Holiday Season.

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2019!

With Love,




How would you like to kick-start your day with a Green Smoothie instead of a caffeinated drink?

If you’re new to drinking smoothies, this is a good starter recipe. Enjoy!

2 cups chopped kale
1/2 cucumber
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1 tangerine
1 banana
1/2 avocado
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup almond milk
Optional: 1 tbsp golden flax seeds

1. Combine all ingredients together in a blender. Blend on high until smooth.
2. If needed, consider adding more almond milk/water to achieve preferred consistency.

Here’s to wellness.

PS: You can find more wellness tips here.

Are your eyes trying to tell you something?

Are your eyes trying to tell you something?
At the risk of sounding like a commercial, (lol) Do you suffer from Dry Eye?

All kidding aside, I had no idea what that was until I found myself in a health crisis.  I soon learned all about this condition and what was needed to ensure good eye health.

One of the products I use for my eye care routine is Systane eyelid cleansing wipes along with their preservative-free eye drops.

I also apply a warm-compress to my eyes morning and night for 5-7 minutes.

To restore moisture and balance to my eyes, I take a teaspoon of fish oil every morning.  I prefer Carlson’s Norwegian Liquid over soft gels.

And I can’t stress the importance of drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated – it’s essential for your eye care.

You can learn more about this and get other good tips here.

What Are You Grateful For?

Daily life can sometimes feel like a grind – when we are overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important and all we have to be thankful for.

So in this season of Thanksgiving, I invite you to take a look at all the things in your life, no matter how simple or small they may be, and see how you can be grateful for them.

Once you start to compile your list, you’ll be able to see the things we take for granted are truly gifts to be thankful for.

For example, here’s a sample list:

I Am Grateful For:


Running water

A glass that holds my water

The slippers on my feet

Soft sheets on my bed

My bed to give me rest

The pillow for my head

My glasses to read

Material to read

That I can read

Shampoo and Soap to wash

That I have a bathroom

A mirror to see myself

Food in my refrigerator

My refrigerator

The knife that cuts my vegetables

The cutting board

That I have a kitchen to cook

The clothes on my back

My coat that keeps me warm

Heat that warms my home

Electricity that lights my home

A Candle

A flashlight

Furniture in my home

That I have a home

You see, the list is virtually endless when we come from a place of gratitude.

May your season be filled with blessings for all that you have.


I just completed the Mindfulness Program in New York and the students are raving. The buzz of the room was infectious and the results kept pouring in, therefore, the testimonials came flooding in too. It was truly incredible!

Check this out:

“Proof That Patricia Diesel Has ALREADY Helped People Adopt A Clutter-Free Life”

“[…] it has changed me… I feel so much better […] I highly recommend her class!” ~RV

“…before taking Diesel’s Mindfulness class […] I felt overwhelmed […] and now week by week […] I’m recovering and I love this class […] ” ~DS

“Patricia’s mindfulness clutter course is terrific […] I think I’m a fairly mindful person but now I’m really awake!” ~JS

“[…] her approach is so unique; you just couldn’t find her philosophy and approach anywhere […] ” ~VC

“…the discovery is magical; the results, when implemented are worthwhile and long lasting […] ” ~JP

So here’s the scoop. I want you to get in on the action and experience the same results. I’m introducing my program to you absolutely FREE just so you can get a real feel for the power behind this program. I want YOU to experience it for yourself!

Like one of my students said, “Go ahead, take the plunge, you’ll be happy you did.”

Register Now!

See ya on the other side!

Wednesday Wellness Tidbit

Wednesday Wellness Tidbit

What your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul’s emphasis is always right.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here’s a little tidbit of information for you to consider for your overall wellness:
The mind thinks of everything you can lose.
The heart thinks of everything you can give, and the soul thinks of everything you are.

Unlocking The Mystery Of Clutter Through Mindful Conversations

Unlocking The Mystery Of Clutter Through Mindful Conversations

When I began my career as a Professional Organizer, I quickly realized that people didn’t feel very comfortable talking about their clutter.  As a result, I found myself asking a lot of questions to try and get them to open up.

When I started to see the results powerful questions had on people as they became more comfortable talking about their clutter, everything changed. Before long, I knew this would help unlock a lot of the mystery behind clutter.  It’s one of the reasons why I became a Coach.

Instead of people wanting a quick fix, they were now  interested in going deeper and looking at the root cause of their clutter.

So how about you…

Can you see yourself being comfortable enough to talk about your clutter?

Really think about that for a few moments because your answer to that question will help you begin to understand the relationship you are having with your clutter.

If you can easily see yourself taking a deeper look into the root cause of your clutter, that’s fantastic! You’re on your way to a clutter-free life.

However, if you feel uncomfortable with that idea for any reason, you can start changing it today.

Like it or not, clutter has a huge impact on the quality of your life and influences a lot of your decisions in life.

So I’d like to help you develop a healthy relationship with your clutter. Not only to declutter your life but to gain a richer understanding of why you have the clutter to begin with so you can finally be free of it for good.

And let me tell you something…

Once you become comfortable talking about your clutter your whole world will change for the better. You will start to notice how other relationships in your life will improve.

It’s so much easier than you think!

Here’s a fun exercise you can do to help you start feeling more comfortable with talking about your clutter…

Beginning today, select a clutter buddy, someone that you feel comfortable sharing with. It could be a dear friend, family member or a person that has clutter challenges as well. Make sure they are positive, uplifting people.
Ask them if they wouldn’t mind spending about 5 minutes with you, either by phone or in person, to talk about something. Set up the appointment.

Next make a list of all the clutter you no longer wish to have in your home. Next to each item, reference any notes that come to mind about the memory of the item. Then briefly write an explanation as to why you are ready to let go. After that, recap your feelings with how you are going to feel once you are clutter free.

Show up to your appointment with your clutter buddy and share everything you wrote down with them. Then ask them to mirror back to you what you just shared with them.

Notice how you feel. Lighter, happy, relieved, cleansed…breathe into that feeling and exhale. Imagine what your life would look like, feel like, without the clutter.

Close the conversation with thanking them and asking if they wouldn’t mind being your clutter buddy until the items on your list are eventually gone.

Shatter the Pattern

I believe in you.

I KNOW that you are capable of living a clutter-free life.

However, if you don’t believe that’s true, you will be putting limitations on your efforts and how far you can follow through. Thus, sabotaging your good intentions.

If you’d like to make a quantum leap that shatters your pattern of acquiring clutter, it’s necessary you put some additional effort into becoming more mindful.

You do that by building the idea of living in a clutter-free environment. What words come to mind? Then ‘feel’ these words as often as possible.

Get quiet and go ‘inside’ for about five minutes, three or four times a day, and feel as though you are already living clutter free.

When you “feel” what it would be like to live this way you invoke real powers within you.

You see, your subconscious mind magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it whether it is the idea of living clutter-free or with clutter.

Choose clutter-free living.

And also…

Choose the Right Words

In addition to picturing and feeling a peaceful, free life, use affirmations and phrases that resonate with you.
Don’t choose “pie in the sky” phrases that you don’t believe. That will put you in the wrong vibration. Choose words and phrases that, when you’re saying them, they make you feel better. My favorite phrase for living a clutter-free life is:

Everything in its place and a place for everything.

Remember, if you say, “I am an organized person,” but deep inside you really think, “This is just a bunch of nonsense; I’ll never be that way,” your subconscious mind will reject the affirmation.

Why is this so?

Because your subconscious mind accepts what you really feel to be true, not just idle words or statements.

Think how glorious and beautiful your new living arrangements will be once you are living a clutter free life. Expand upon that and allow yourself to feel it. Say powerful, positive words and statements to yourself that support that feeling.

Do it…and keep doing it for the next 30 days.

P.S. You might think all of this is just some malarkey. It is not. You’re sending messages to your subconscious mind.
Commit to doing this exercise, and let me know how you make out. Do it. You’ll be happy you did!