

If you’re like most people, you’re looking forward to new beginnings and a fresh start this New Year.

2020 is the year of crystal clear vision. Knowing exactly what you want and taking action to build that life for yourself, while dropping all the limiting beliefs that previously got in your way.

It also means, it’s time to take a good hard look at some facts.

It’s a fact that CLUTTER destroys productivity – especially in the workplace. Why?  Because, the fact is, clutter is a distraction.

According to research published by the University of Chicago Press, evidence has shown that a messy workspace can be a self-defeating environment, meaning the less organized our surroundings, the more likely we are to do substandard work by taking the shortest route, or giving up on the task altogether. The studies summarized by the research make clear that disorganization portrays the sense that we’ve lost control over our environment, and therefore lack the ability be at our best.

Here’s another fact – there are many people who suffer from clutter and keep it a secret.  Why?  Because they are embarrassed, ashamed and fearful.

It’s for these very reasons I created Mindful Tools For Organized Living. 

The truth is, there are just too many people who are suffering in silence because they feel overwhelmed from the burden of clutter.  It’s a debilitating problem.

Mindful Tools For Organized Living is a program and great resource that helps educate people on the facts of clutter and how to break the cycle in the most non-threatening manner. This self-help tool, comes with a complete video tutorial and manual to guide you efficiently and effectively.

There is also the Mindfulness Coaching Program that many people opt into for one-on-one support to maximize their results.

Let’s make 2020 your year of clutter-free living.  Begin today on the right path.  It’s time to see clearly now!

You can start by clicking HERE!


It’s time to face your stuff!

I know you want 2017 to be phenomenal – I do too!  I would like to help you confront your challenges and face whatever it is that’s holding you back.  Once you do this you will finally be able to:

Dig yourself out of your rut
Find your purpose
Make your dreams a reality

As a coach, I have helped many people who were struggling in life.  People just like you who thought things would never turn around. But they did! Some of my clients are now business owners, authors and coaches.  This can happen for you too!  (By the way…soon you will be able to read their stories on my new website…more to come!)

If you want to find your way in 2017 all you have to do is accept my gift!

I am opening up a limited amount of space to work with you if you’re serious about taking your life in a new direction this year.

Here’s how it works…  

Click on this link and answer a few questions so I can understand where you are in your life right now and what needs to happen next. Then email it back to me and we can begin moving you in the right direction.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Sending You Love,


PS – Timing is everything, so don’t wait. Get into action and book your spot here. 

Cut Your Clutter – Refresh Yourself

Cut Your Clutter – Refresh Yourself

By Patricia Diesel, CPC


Right up there with minding our health and tending to our finances, getting organized is always a hot topic as the calendar turns to the new year.  In fact, a survey suggests that “Getting Organized” is one of the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.  January is a great time to get organized because the sense of renewal at the New Year puts us in the right mind set to try new ways of doing things and even living.

Your organization project begins with discarding the old, broken, obsolete or unused items that have accumulated during prior years.  Anyone who has ever experienced clutter knows the feeling of being weighed down; you cannot explain the feeling, but there is a gnawing indescribable burden you carry around with you.  In your home, a cluttered space can create tension by making you feel that your life is out of control.  The stress from living with clutter can be exhausting.

You do not need to live this way.  When you de-clutter your life, you cast off the stuff from the past you have been carrying around.  By clearing clutter, you can set the conditions for a deep personal transformation.  If you address clutter in your life, you can feel as if the weight of the world is released from your shoulders.

A home should be welcoming and inviting, a clutter-free place to entertain friends and family.  Your rooms should be pleasurable to the eye, a beautiful place where you can relax and feel good. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary where you surrender for rest to rejuvenate yourself and be free of computers, Blackberry’s and other intrusions.  Look around as you read this and think about what you really need in your life and space.

Clearing out your personal space can reap tremendous mental, physical and emotional rewards by giving you the freedom to invite friends and loved one’s into your home without the stress of the last minute “panic pick-up” to put your space in order for guests.  Living in an efficient space that is free of emotional freight makes it easier to see and achieve your goals and move forward.

As you evaluate the steps to de-clutter your life, also consider your office.  The less cluttered, the clearer your thinking and enhancing your potential to be more efficient and creative.  It is not just sanity that can be saved by getting organized, but valuable time.  You can waste a lot of time and energy if it takes you 10 minutes to rummage through files and drawers looking for your important paperwork.   Work can be stressful, but de-cluttering your workspace is something that you can control.

Your office should be well appointed, where everything you need is easy to locate. Files can be color-coded—red for “hot” active matters, and other colors for other priorities.  A clear desk limits distractions to set the stage for doing your best work. Everything should have a place.                                                                                                                                      

 Change can be difficult. It is understandable that it can feel scary and overwhelming to part with your stuff, so it is important to begin with baby steps.  As a first step, purchase a journal and write down what you want to create for yourself.  Get clear on your vision so you can manifest this into reality. 

Then start small with one drawer, one closet or one room.  It does not matter where you start, but the important step is to start somewhere.  If you are afraid of throwing something valuable away, have it appraised. Keep only well-chosen items that bring you joy and delight.

Divine order, sweet bliss; this is what you ultimately achieve when you surrender to the process of letting go of your clutter. I have never seen anyone regret they did; the only thing they might regret is that they waited so long.

From Treasure to Stranger: Deciding What to Keep and Eliminate

Are the things you hold onto truly treasures or mere things?

Isn’t it interesting how we hold onto our belongings as if we are holding onto life itself?

The idea that something we consider to be so precious to our hearts, can actually be given away, or thrown away for that matter, can feel as if our very last breath has been knocked out of us.

How is it possible then that the things we cling to and find so endearing can actually create pain for us? At what point does our “stuff” no longer feel good to us?

When posed this question, I found that most of my clients had a difficult time distinguishing what’s worth holding onto verses what can be let go.

The operative words here are “letting go.”

In most situations, trying to identify the treasures among all treasures becomes confusing and actually overwhelming. Everything begins to look like one huge treasure chest.

First, I think the most important question to ask yourself is what do you consider your definition of a treasure to be? What constitutes your items being called treasures rather than just stuff?

The next step is to go to the source of the pain. The question now to ask is “where does it hurt?” What things do you have around your home or environment that is creating a sense of disharmony for you?

Thinking along these terms, it’s sometimes easier to identify these hurtful objects by over-personalizing them using the “friend, stranger, acquaintance” game. In “Conquering Chronic Disorganization,” Judith Kolberg writes that “over personalization is the process of exaggerating the feelings that people have for their feelings. The exaggeration of personal feelings acknowledges these feelings and makes it possible for a person to move beyond them.” Using this philosophy, ask yourself, what strangers are looming around your home? And, by the way, what do you consider to be a stranger, anyway? For me, a stranger is someone for whom I have no feelings and in some cases actually can pose harm. So in relation to this, any “things” I have hanging around would be easy for me to dispose of.

Now, getting back to your treasures – how do you see them in comparison to a friend? Are your treasures really friends? For me, friends are there through thick and thin. I want my friends in my life all the time, so they participate in my life. So ask yourself, the things you consider treasures, are you treating them like friends? Do you expose them and are they interacting if your life? If you answered no, maybe the things you consider treasures are really stuff you can reduce to an acquaintance or stranger.

What I love about the friend/stranger/acquaintance game is that you can use this analogy in all aspects of life. I think it can help us really put our “things” into perspective. To the strangers, we can say goodbye; whether this comes in the form of an item, a job, or a relationship that is no longer serving us.

Acquaintances actually can be moved around at times from friend to stranger when appropriate, and we can feel OK about our decision when it’s time to let go.

And our friends, I think we can learn to honor what falls into this category and what warrants this title. If your treasures are truly friends, then bring them out and have fun with them. Your friends deserve your respect to be truly called treasures.