
Mindfulness In The Workplace For Organized Living


Rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives, yet “Eighty-four percent of recently stressed Americans say they worry that their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and within that group, 55 percent called it out as a source of recent stress.” (Huff Post)

When dirty dishes are piled, laundry overflows and your belongings are scattered about, your stress level rises. Trust me when I tell you, clutter & stress is real.  Stress is inflammatory.  When we are stressed out, it not only creates physical clutter, but it causes mental and body clutter as well.

Unfortunately this is a lethal combination.  When a person is under the influence of a significant amount of clutter, their well-being is compromised, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, anxious and helpless.  Ultimately this trickle down effect exposes itself in the workplace and productivity in many facets suffer.  This puts the employee and employer in a vulnerable position which can lead to financial consequences.

6 Mindful Tools to Organized Living is a program that helps remedy this situation before it gets out of hand.  Implementing best practices for a healthy body and mind is an enormous factor in overcoming clutter and disorganization. Although part of the problem is underdeveloped skill sets with organization, it is not the only culprit to having clutter.  To penetrate the problem and resolve it entirely, it is necessary to engage lifestyle tools that embody wellness for the body, mind and environment.

If you are receptive to learning more about how the 6 Mindful Tools can benefit you personally and/or your team,  I would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you and tell you about my FREE offer. Simply email me at [email protected]

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.




Are You Accountable For Your Clutter?

Are You Accountable For Your Clutter?

One morning I was in the office before usual business hours getting ready for my day ahead, when my telephone rang.  Detecting a sense of worry from the caller, I listened to her until her anxiety subsided.

I then asked her a question, which I believe became the turning point for her, which was;

“What part of the clutter are you willing to take ownership of ?”


Are You Accountable For Your Clutter?

It is not uncommon when someone is faced with insurmountable amounts of clutter to place blame on everyone or anything, as long as it isn’t them.  The reason being, I believe, is it can be very painful to accept (until we are ready) that we could be the source of own downfall.

From my experience, I have witnessed countless times, clients who try to maintain control over their clutter, failing to recognize that they are powerless over something that is virtually bigger than them.  Until their level of denial is penetrated, excuses will continue. It is when a person can accept the reality of what their clutter is about; a by-product or symptom of something else, the clutter will then cease.

There have been critical times, right before work will commence or a contract needs to be signed, that a person will reject or find fault with something in order to stay still in there mess.  The manifestation of their clutter is far more comforting then the prospect of clearing out the chaos.

This is the time that understanding and patience is required.  It is not always easy, if I do say so myself, especially when hours of time have been invested before hand, but never the less, it is in the client’s best interest not to pursue action, since it will only lead to unsuccessful attempts. 

One of the ways to break this cycle is to participate in support groups, sign up for workshops and engage in coaching programs that have an emphasis on clutter education.  This way, a foundation has been set and groundwork is complete before entering into a formal commitment of the de-cluttering process. 

As I have always maintained, baby steps are the way to changing behavioral patterns.  It is also important to recognize that celebrating your victories, no matter how small, is key for success.

In the end, the person who can maintain accountability for their actions will triumph over the clutter.

To learn more – check it out here: 

Take Care Of Yourself – Organize Your Life


Live your very best life by learning how to overcome emotional and physical clutter culprits that are cramping your mind and crimping your productivity at home and in the workplace. Identify obstacles and find solutions to negative habits that have been limiting your achievements and activity while learning how to clean up your home, office and messy hot spots.

Join us for this engaging and informative series and learn:

  • Solutions that work for overcoming procrastination and becoming motivated
  • The 3 Golden Rules to managing the clutter
  • SURVIVAL TIPS for managing your time and stress
  • The art of letting go

Dates: 3 Part Series April 13, 20 & 27, 2011, 7:00-8:30pm

Investment: $99 per person, materials included.
Limited to 20 participants