A Reminder We Can All Use
A REMINDER WE CAN ALL USE A few signs along the way after teaching my Mindfulness Course in Florida. We are all so unique and special and although our stories may be different we are all the same – and we all need kindness, love and support. Here’s to staying mindful!
Is Clutter Rooted In Unhappiness?
Are you deeply rooted in clutter or unhappiness? Is unhappiness the root cause of your clutter or is clutter causing you to be unhappy? Which comes first?
Imagine – The Peace Of Mind From Being Organized
Imagine, the peace of mind from being organized, says Patricia Diesel.
How to Smash the 3 Deadly P’s
Patricia Diesel, creator of the Mindfulness Program that cures clutter shows you how to smash the 3 Deadly P’s.
I just completed the Mindfulness Program in New York and the students are raving. The buzz of the room was infectious and the results kept pouring in, therefore, the testimonials came flooding in too. It was truly incredible! Check this out: PROOF! “Proof That Patricia Diesel Has ALREADY Helped People Adopt A Clutter-Free Life” “[…] […]
Too Much Of Anything Is Not Always A Good Thing
I’ve been helping people with clutter for 20+ years. I’ve learned a thing or two about why people acquire things and why it’s so difficult for them to let go. Although clutter may outwardly appear for some to be just a bunch of random things collected or a messy place where things don’t have a […]
Unlocking The Mystery Of Clutter Through Mindful Conversations
Unlocking The Mystery Of Clutter Through Mindful Conversations When I began my career as a Professional Organizer, I quickly realized that people didn’t feel very comfortable talking about their clutter. As a result, I found myself asking a lot of questions to try and get them to open up. When I started to see the […]
Mindfulness In The Workplace For Organized Living
MINDFULNESS IN THE WORKPLACE FOR ORGANIZED LIVING Rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives, yet “Eighty-four percent of recently stressed Americans say they worry that their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and within that group, 55 percent called it out as a source of recent stress.” (Huff Post) […]
Your Life Is About To Change Dramatically!
You’re life is about to change dramatically! If you are seeking to live an organized life I have great news for you! You know that clutter runs deep. There’s a story behind your clutter. Once that story is revealed and understood, the clutter will subside. After that you need to remove any obstacles that may […]
The Benefits Of A Bullet Proof Recovery Plan
There’s no doubt in my mind that backsliding is a natural occurrence with clutter. In fact, it’s pretty natural for humans to backslide in many aspects of life recovery if you really think about it. So if backsliding is something that is going to happen, why do most people have such a difficult time with […]