
Powerful Time Savers & Productivity Hacks For Better Work Flow (That Actually Work!)

INTRODUCING the most powerful, yet simple, productivity hacks and time savers for anyone’s life that will maximize EFFICIENCY and get you organized.

Eliminate undue worry, stress and procrastination by learning how to master your time and create schedules that stick!

Inside the EFFICIENCY e-book there is a powerful hack that …

Harvard Business Review acknowledged it as the most useful productivity hack, saying: “This may be the single most important skill or practice you can possibly develop as a modern professional.”


How To Handle Events That Change Your Life Course

There are many events that can take place in life and alter our course.

Some examples are:

  • Divorce/Ending of a Relationship
  • Care Giving
  • Illness/Death
  • Career Change/Retirement

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with these life changes.

It’s not unusual during these different stages to try and manage our emotions in an effort to comfort ourselves and feel better.  Unfortunately we may not make the best decisions at the time and end up overeating, overspending and over drinking.  All of which lead to clutter of the body, mind and environment.

We can also feel pure exhaustion and overwhelm and find it difficult to get things done that used to be part of our usual routine. This can include our household chores as well as our own self-care.

We are all human and there will be times when we will hurt. This is when we realize just how fragile we are.  Being kind and patient with ourselves is key for our well-being.

As we begin to heal, we accept that life has changed and we find ourselves asking questions, such as:

What are the changes I need to make and how do I go about doing it?

Each person is different, therefore determining the proper strategy for your needs are unique to you.  Working with a life coach to help you figure things out just might be the first step in the right direction.

If you’re interested, I’d like to offer you a free, no obligation consultation.  Together we can discuss what changes are necessary for you to overcome the obstacles you are now facing.

Insight is invaluable.  Inspiration is powerful.  Action is life changing.

I hope to hear from you.

You can schedule your appointment with me HERE!


The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

It happens to all of us at some point. We get off track and fall into old, unproductive patterns. It doesn’t make us failures – even highly successful people experience setbacks. It just means we are not perfect and perhaps, we are human after all.

The catch here is knowing how to pick yourself up and get back on track. It’s easy to stay down and make excuses when life throws you a curveball. But where does that lead you? Nowhere productive. Instead, having the mindset that “this too shall pass” humanizes the experience and helps build-up a positive attitude toward life’s misgivings. Believe it or not, this actually attracts more positivity in your life.

Here are 6 ways to get back on track and maintain a forward thinking mind:

1. Do one positive thing each day. Think about it. Every time you do something uplifting, you automatically feel better. When you feel better you are more inclined to be more productive. This one little action can help your mindset.

2. Use your mindfulness. As you start to feel better, direct that energy toward a goal and take one small step that can influence change. This can rapidly begin to turn things around in a positive way.

3. Build a buildable plan. Start with small, positive, steps that you can build on. For example, let’s say your plan is to begin decluttering your life. Try at least each day to release something – whether you trash it, donate it or sell it. Eventually the letting go process will become easier to tackle.

4. Confirm your Plan. In other words, be committed to the new positive you by staying accountable. Instead of “saying” you’re going to do it, really do it by scheduling it into your calendar and “showing up.” This is an important step to reinforce positivity and by the way – eliminate your clutter quickly.

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people. It’s true, our environment influences us – this includes people. You want to be around people that have positive attitudes, know how to work through difficulties and stay optimistic.

6. Find a Partner. Sometimes an accountability partner is just the ticket we need to help get back on track. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from someone who can help champion your goals.



1 Major Reason To Eat Salad Daily

Listen, I can give you all the top reasons why you should eat salad. And tell you that by making just one simple change to your diet it can pay off with plenty of health benefits. But unless you have been living underneath a rock for a very long time, you know all of this.

For instance, I’m sure you are aware that a bountiful salad is a convenient way to work in a couple servings of vegetables and fruit and is a good healthy habit to form. Especially if you have difficulty eating your veggies separately.

You probably also know that a salad provides you with the fiber that your body needs to help avoid constipation and lowering your cholesterol. And I’m betting you’ve heard that for years, research has shown that by eating a healthy dose of fruits and vegetables it can minimize your risk of many diseases, including cancer.

Not to mention that if your goal is to lose weight, well, a salad a day will certainly help with that as long as you don’t over do the fatty add-ons. Eating a little good fat is actually smart, such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.

I like to mix up my salads for the variety of taste and texture, but usually it is comprised of organic kale, baby arugula, baby spinach, pea or broccoli sprouts, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, asparagus, avocado, apple and tangerine slices, almonds, walnuts, choice of seeds… mixed all together with a little extra virgin olive oil and apple cider…with a sprinkle of sea salt.

Oh, and at this point, I’m also sure that you know that by eating a salad everyday with a generous amount of omega-3 foods keeps your brain healthy. And with the rise of dementia and Alzheimer’s this is vital to ensuring good health.

But let’s get back to the topic at hand… the  1 major reason why you should eat a daily salad.

Beyond how a salad can boost your body to wellness it can do something else for you. Studies have shown that by eating a salad a day it can actually keep you young and vibrant and reduce the aging process. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that pretty much the majority of the population will buy into this. Who doesn’t want to have supple skin, clear eyes, silky hair and stronger joints…?

I’m betting that there is also at least one person who wants to see you not only look and feel gorgeous but they want you to be around for a very long time. And this is because they care about you. Do yourself and your loved ones a huge favor – eat your daily salad.

Trust me, you’ll be happy you did!

In wellness,
