Black Friday Mania
Black Friday mania is here. Everything is on sale, everything looks enticing, and everything is so tempting to buy, buy, buy. But here’s the thing… If you have an existing clutter problem, it’s a good idea to distinguish between what you will be purchasing versus what you will be investing in. You see, a purchase […]
ASK THE CLUTTER COACH – YOU’RE INVITED On November 19th I will be hosting another Ask The Clutter Coach call. This call is all abut serving you. I really want to help you with all your clutter challenges. It doesn’t matter if you want tips to clean out your closet, empty out your junk drawer, […]
Stress; where does it come from and how to manage it?
Where does stress come from and how can it be managed? Let’s look at this example: Someone rejects, hurts, or wrongs you in some way. How do you respond? Perhaps like many people, you immediately want to retaliate in some manner. After all, what happened to you is not right. On the other hand, you […]
Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life 1. Decreases Stress Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things. 2.You Can Breathe Easier Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins […]
The Benefits Of Making Clutter A Top Priority
Here’s a little secret you need to know if you’ve been trying to win the war on clutter. The key to overcoming your clutter challenge has a lot to do with follow-through. And the only way you will be able to do that is if you make it a priority. Plain and Simple. A thing […]
The Benefits Of A Bullet Proof Recovery Plan
There’s no doubt in my mind that backsliding is a natural occurrence with clutter. In fact, it’s pretty natural for humans to backslide in many aspects of life recovery if you really think about it. So if backsliding is something that is going to happen, why do most people have such a difficult time with […]
This 1 Thing Could Be Affecting The Workplace
One In Four Americans Has Clutter If you think clutter doesn’t impact productivity in the workplace, think again. When your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus. The clutter also limits your brain’s ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information as well as you do in […]
Morning Mindfulness of Clients With Clutter
Morning Mindfulness of Clients With Clutter I know this may seem random – making a video first thing in the morning -but I did. I did this because as soon as I woke up and went downstairs to grab some breakfast, it hit me. Wow – I love having a home that is organized – […]
Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living
Did you know that every morning you wake up to a reality vision board? Think about this. Your home, is your creation. It is your vision in real life. So if you are pleased with your environment that you live in, good for you. If not, then change it. You see, we do manifest outwardly […]
When Decluttering Evokes Painful Memories
When Decluttering Evokes Painful Memories Although there is a sense of rebirth and freedom when decluttering your life – it is not always an easy process for someone who is grieving. There are many reasons why we may grieve; divorce or relationship break-up, empty nest, loss of a career, illness or death. Sometimes we can […]