Take A Look At These Amazing Women



I would like to share something with you about my program, Mindful Tools For Organized Living.

You see, Mindful Tools For Organized Living is not something I constructed over night. It’s not something I developed on a whim. It’s been years of hard work, studying, writing, and lots of heart and soul.

I am proud of this program because it brings me so much satisfaction that I was able to follow-through on my vision. But more than that, it is the joy I receive knowing it is helping people from all walks of life, find the resolve and peace they’ve been searching for.

Everyday, I get the honor to work with amazing people who had the courage to step into their greatness. I understand it can be scary and uncomfortable to be vulnerable, but I promise you, once you do, the greatness is there.

Just take a look at what some of these amazing women are saying about the Mindfulness Program and how it is helping them in their life.


If You Are Struggling Read This

Photo By:  Danielle MacInnes

Recently someone who was struggling with getting organized wrote to me asking for help.

Here is some of what she wrote: ✍️

“Why can’t I get organized?
  I want nothing more than to be free from this clutter, but I can’t seem to do it.
I start, I stop.  Sometimes, the thought of it, even though it’s what I want, seems so overwhelming. 
If it’s something I want so much, then why can’t I do it?  What’s stopping me?  
Please help me understand this.  What am I not getting?”  🤔

Here’s part of my response to her:

“There can be many reasons why you may be experiencing overwhelm, especially when it’s a goal that is very important to you.  Without knowing your situation entirely, I will try to give you a better understanding of what may be the reason behind your lack of follow through with getting organized. 

There is a theory, one that I subscribe to, that beneath one’s clutter is the inability to forgive one’s self.  You see, buried underneath the clutter is a lot of life history, with raw emotion.  When we try to “deal” with the clutter, we are then reminded of our pain that was never healed.  This can be conscious or unconscious.

The truth is, we all make mistakes in life and have regret.  Unfortunately, people with clutter have difficulty with letting go of their past. They cling to their past with shame and guilt which only keeps them imprisoned.  They don’t realize that there is greatness in their brokenness.”

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Friends, forgiveness helps us make peace with what is and discover self-acceptance and grace.  Forgiveness allows us to move forward. 

I understand that coming to terms with brokenness and choosing to forgive yourself can seem like an impossible task.  But if you are struggling with your past, feeling overwhelmed and accumulating clutter, there are resources that can help you. 🔥🔥🔥

This is one of them:  CLICK  HERE

Sometimes Waiting & Holding On Causes More Damage



I love this quote…


Procrastination is a way of living in the past instead of the present moment.
~ Debasish Mridha


Far too often we wait on taking action that could be serving our highest good.


And by waiting, it prevents us from moving forward and getting our “stuff” done.


It’s like holding on to “things”  that no longer serve our needs or purpose.


All it does is keep us in a cycle of stagnation and clutter.


Waiting too long or holding on too tight can keep us in a bad relationship, a crummy job, and stifles us from pursuing our passion.


And when we live in the past all we do is continually reprogram our mind to stay there. That’s because its job is to ensure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed.  Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept.


This is why motivational activities, positive affirmations, and mindfulness programs are so impactful for people who want to change the course of their life.


So today, I’d like to encourage you to stop waiting and holding on and step into a new way of thinking…


Click Here To Let Go Of The Past And See What’s Possible For You


Because sometimes waiting and holding on does more damage than letting go.


Click Here To To Let Go Of The Past And See What’s Possible For You

And remember…


An uncluttered life is a beautiful life!