Sometimes You Can’t Do It Alone
Sometimes you can’t do it alone and that’s okay. Social organizing can help you get things done, says Patricia Diesel.
CLUTTER; The Great Imposter
It’s not unusual for a person to think that their clutter is the cause of their emotional upheaval. It’s why I call it the Great Imposter, says Patricia Diesel
Home, Sweet Home
Patricia Diesel suggests you don’t wait a minute longer to have a home, sweet home.
Turn Chaos Into Calm By Reconnecting With The Lighter Side Of Life
Organically Yours helps you find the calm amidst the chaos and reconnect with your brighter self.
Is Clutter Rooted In Unhappiness?
Are you deeply rooted in clutter or unhappiness? Is unhappiness the root cause of your clutter or is clutter causing you to be unhappy? Which comes first?
It’s All In The Mind
Patricia Diesel’s Mindfulness Program helps make decluttering easier without the stress, overwhelm or procrastination.
Imagine – The Peace Of Mind From Being Organized
Imagine, the peace of mind from being organized, says Patricia Diesel.
Julies’ Lasting Impression
Julie’s Lasting Impression taught me the importance of helping women get organized before a crisis occurs.
The unbearable heaviness of clutter remains heavy on my heart
The unbearable heaviness of clutter remains heavy on my heart
The Unbearable Heaviness of Clutter
A cluttered home can be a stressful home, researchers are learning.