

It was an amazing time at the Employee Healthcare Congress in LA.  So many passionate people looking to make a difference.  Having the opportunity to sit alongside such influential thought leaders –  Lorna Borenstein of Grokker Inc.,  Cat Lee of Pinterest, Becky Cantieri of Survey Monkey, Pat Wadors of LinkedIn and our amazing moderator, Rasheda Ali was an education in itself.  We talked about why wellness is so important for women in the workplace, the importance of having a mentor, tips for working mothers and so much more.  A wealth of information was shared and I learned so much from these beautiful and powerful women.  It was an honor and a privilege.



I would like to invite you to join me at the 9th Annual Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress (EHBC),, which will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center, October 2nd – 4th.
I am super excited to share with you that I will be one of the panelists for the Women’s Leadership, “Ask the Experts” on Monday, October 2nd  at 5:00 pm dedicated to the business of women’s health and well-being. Through interactive discussions, this session will have you leaving transformed, energized and empowered!
As a woman, do you ask yourself how do you get what you want, both in your professional and your personal life? How does leadership manifest itself in the workplace and the home? Can you negotiate effectively with your clients, colleagues, peers and family? How do we define success? What are your professional and personal goals?

Join us for an inspiring “Ask the Experts” fireside chat where you will be in the presence of power.  You can get all the details HERE!

Hope to see you!

The Secret Of Health

For over 500 years, people have been talking about Ponce de Leon’s discovery of the Fountain of Youth.  People to this day still flock to this historic site basking in the tale.

I think we all are curious about how we can maintain our youthfulness and stay vibrant and healthy. That’s what my new book, Organically Yours, is all about – how to live a vibrant healthy life for your body, mind and living space.

Listen, I wish just as much as you, that all I had to do is bathe or drink from the Fountain of Youth to stay forever young.  But the truth is, we have to work on our health if we want be be healthy.  But I will tell you that one of the secrets to living healthy is staying hydrated.

I am going to be discussing this and so much more at my book party.  It’s going to be a really cool discussion.  And I will be giving away bonus items that will help you on your quest to living a healthy life.

All you have to do is register now and soon you’ll be on your way to a healthier life.  Go ahead, do it now!


Let’s Get This Book Party Started!

Woohoo – It’s Book Party Time!

You know how I’ve been telling you to be on the lookout for an invitation to a special Book Preview Party…a.k.a. a fun and informative discussion on how you can begin the process of opening yourself to a vibrant, healthy life?

Well, I’m happy to report that the time has come! “Organically Yours” is finally in print, so it’s time for us to take a moment, let out a sign of relief, and celebrate! Besides, what better way for me to thank you for your continued support and encouragement than to share with you some extremely effective ways that you can get on a path of better health and wellness physically, mentally, and environmentally-starting today?  If by chance you did not pre-order the book it is now available on Amazon.

Speaking of your physical, mental, and environmental health, all attendees at this fun and completely free Book Preview Party will receive a special bonus at the end which will address all three of these key areas. So,believe me when I say that you aren’t going to want to miss this!

The party is going to be on September 14, 2017, Thursday @ 7:00 PM ET ….. so jot that down right now. As soon as you register, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to attend. It’s only going to take about an hour, but if you have questions at the end, I’m leaving plenty of room to stick around and answer them. For me, this is all about you! After all, you’ve earned it!

Also,as a little added bonus, if you’re one of the first 25 people to sign up and secure your spot at the Book Preview Party, I’ll even enter you in a drawing where the winner gets a free hour of coaching…with me! How fun is that?

Register Now!

 Secure your spot today and I look forward to seeing you there!


So honored to be one of the Wellness Innovations Panelists for Global Healthcare Resource.  Read on and then watch the video to learn a wealth of information on wellness.

Employers spend millions on safety in the work place but investing in stress and preventative care is just as important, and saves just as much money! Watch this replay of our Weekly Wellness Innovations Panel and explore ways in which workplace wellness ambassadors are shifting toward a thorough understanding of employee health and what impact this has on the bottom line.



You Don’t Have To Be Forced Into Wellness

Too many of us wait until a crisis occurs before we take action. Take me for example. I didn’t know that I would wake up one morning and be in for the shock of my life. But it happened! That experience forced to become my own health detective and advocate due to the pressure constraints and lack of immediate knowledge. I don’t want that to happen to you!

“Many Americans live an unhealthy lifestyle, not by choice, but because of a lack of education as to what they need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A lack of education about being healthy and well, as well as a lack of motivation to get employees to “engage” in healthy behavior is one of the largest problems the United States faces.”
(Source: According to the Corporate Health & Wellness Association)

The truth of the matter is, preventative care is the key to wellness. Not to sound like a broken record here, but again, I had no idea that the foods I was ingesting were breaking down my body instead of building it up. I learned so much on a fast tracked basis on how to heal my body and what I should and should not be doing. There were things I knew were far more healthier for me, but I didn’t know what or how it would personally affect me. That’s why I am passionately trying to share with you this information as best as I can. I don’t want you to suffer like I did!

Don’t wait until you are forced into wellness – be proactive – empower yourself and learn what you can do right now to change the course of your health and life.  Check out my latest video…then see for yourself. If you think my book can help you then go ahead and grab the book for only $1.00 for a limited time offer:




I want to tell you about my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.  But more importantly, why I wrote this book.

I don’t want you to have to suffer if you should find yourself facing a health crisis like I did.

Think of this book as your personal coach who is guiding you through a journey of wellness.

What you’re going to find in this book is how to have a:

Fit & Nourished Body

Forward Thinking Mind

Fresh, Free Environment

I can’t think of a better way for you to improve your health.  And what’s more attractive then being healthy and vibrant through clean living?

Find out how…it’s all in my book, Organically Yours!



There’s a certain connotation the word declutter brings to mind – don’t you think? For me it evokes a feeling of freedom. I personally don’t operate well when I have clutter around me. So anything I can do to get myself on track quickly helps not just with my immediate surroundings, but it makes my mind clearer and focused. My attitude starts to shift and I feel more energy.  Here are three good reasons why decluttering is a healthy choice.

3 Reasons Why Decluttering Is Healthy:

1. You Can Decrease Stress; not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time your have unannounced guests, you don’t have to fret and scramble to hide things before letting them in. Just knowing your place is environmentally friendly is a load off the old noggin.

2. You Can Breathe Easier; regular household dust is enough to deal with. But excessive clutter may contain mold, and other toxins that can complicate health issues further, especially if you have asthma or other breathing problems.

3. You Can Clear Your Mind; did you know that clutter can actually interfere with your brain’s ability to process information. Think about it. Clutter is akin to chaos. Studies have proven that chaos restricts our ability to focus. When we are in a a clutter-free space we experience more energy and productivity.

Did you find the above information helpful? If so, you will enjoy my new book,
Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living. Here I discuss the concept of clean living and how it affects our mind, body and environment.


You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H. As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.