
Life Recovery and You – Let’s Talk About It!

Life Recovery and You – Let’s Talk About It!I could say that lately more and more people are curious about the topic of life recovery – but the truth is people have always been interested – they just did not typically talk about it so openly.I would like to change that.

We all experience life differently – but that does not mean we are immune from the winds of change.  It is within these changes we can find ourselves recovering from life.

I understand that change can bring about different emotions – primarily fear. Through the recovery process we can view change as an opportunity for possibilities.
Let’s talk about it!
Register Now!
With love,

Cleaning Essentials – Clean-Up From The Inside Out

Cleaning Essentials – Clean-Up From The Inside Out

Hey, check out this article from The Digest that I was featured in.

Great tips – Valuable Information!

The Benefits Of Life Coaching

The Benefits Of Life Coaching

How To Break A Stone Egg
Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

This Is What A Life Coach Can Do For You How To Break A Stone Egg Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

This Is What A Life Coach Can Do For You
How To Break A Stone Egg
Tapping Your Way To A Breakthrough

 “Right now, this very moment, I have such a clear vision that I must share it with you,” said Barbara.

“Okay, let’s hear it – you have my full attention,” I replied.

“I feel like I finally get it. I see for the first time what you have been trying to show me all along. Not only do I see it, but I truly feel it.”

“This is going to be good,” I said. “I can’t wait, please continue…”

Barbara excitedly shares her vision. She tells me to envision an egg. Only this egg is a stone egg. This stone egg is really an analogy – because the stone egg, this hard-core shell that has been rock solid for many years, is really her. And like the stone egg, Barbara’s outer core has been very difficult to penetrate. And like the stone egg once again, this outer shell has protected itself like she has protected herself for many, many years. They are both the same, virtually unbreakable.

“But you see, Patricia,” she said, “you know this. You have been watching me, observing me, coaching me. You get me. You see this and so you take heed and carefully select your words and actions with me. But with every word and action, you create a little crack on the egg.

“It’s as if I see you gently tapping the egg ever so slightly, but nevertheless unyielding. You do not give up, you just keep tapping away, little by little. Eventually, one of these taps creates a huge fracture. It’s hard to see now where the very first crack occurred as all the cracks blend into one another. The stone egg is extremely fragile and like myself, can break open in an instant.

“You prepare the stone egg for this critical time. You place the egg in a safe zone so when it’s ready to emerge it does not feel broken. Instead, like myself, it will witness a break through. And a pivotal moment it will be for us as the stone egg morphs into no other but me. But the best part of all of this is that what I see and feel is my higher self finally coming out to play.

“It’s whimsical, it’s delirious and most of all it is freeing. I celebrate, I dance, I sing, I am overjoyed that at last I get to experience the freedom to be no one else, but me.”

It is a glorious day.  I am grateful and I am thankful for this experience with Barbara.  And as always, I like to save the best for last.

Barbara said:

“I know this is only the start. I am onto a new beginning, one with no end in sight and I am finally ready!”

My Holiday Prayer For You


My Holiday Prayer For You

I searched high and low
To find the right prayer for you today
To show you just how much I care
and appreciate all that you do
No matter what I found
It just wouldn’t do
As my heart kept telling me
Something else to do
So I took my pen in hand
and went straight to you
Oh Father I am so grateful
You always show me the way
To speak my words
From this place of today
So Dear Friends
What I am trying to say
Is that I am truly thankful
For people just like you
Who have touched my life
So deeply and shaped me anew
In this season of rebirth
Of all that is pure
Please accept my words as my gift
So you will know them forever more

With Much Love,

Patricia xo

Christmas Prayer Me


boot camp
If you are considering starting your own business or perhaps you have an idea that you have been contemplating for some time – then this is EXACTLY the event you want to be part of!

If you are in the midst of developing a business or simply would like to grow your business – then this is EXACTLY the event you want to be part of!

We all have unique gifts and talents.  What most people do not realize is that our unique gifts and talents can be turned into a viable business opportunity.
What’s really awesome about this, is that not only do you get to share your talents with the rest of the world, but you can actually help people too!
By helping people you can develop, expand and grow your business and generate additional revenues of income.
Boot Camp for Business is going to give you the tools you need to learn how to do ALL of this.
Simply register for the informational tel-class that will take place on Monday, September 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM (ET) and let me show you how Boot Camp For Business  can help make your dreams come true!
Register Now!
I know firsthand what it takes to create a product and/or service that people will want to purchase.
You see, helping people is where it’s at.  Everyone needs support.  If you can provide that, well as they say, you will be rewarded in kind.
Let me show you how Boot Camp for Business can transform your life.

How To Soar To New Heights

“How does it feel to be completely blocked from achieving your highest potential? You know you want to get there; you feel you can do it; you even imagine it in all its glory.  But nothing happens.  You can’t make the transition.”~ B. E. 

The above is a fairly typical example of  how my clients express themselves when they feel stuck.
Perhaps there are moments when you feel this way too?It is also fairly common to gain moments of clarity in the stuck process.  You start to get energized and take steps to get yourself out of the rut.  You feel like you are making progress and you feel excited.  Then “something” happens.  You are not sure exactly what that something is, but it stops you from moving forward.  You find yourself pulling back again, this time even further.  You’re not sure why you pull back but you do. Your primary instinct is to seek comfort.  Comfort from your internal tug of war.
So what is this all about – what’s really going on when a person feels this way? Although a person may feel stuck, it is important to understand what “stuck” represents.  Often you will hear the comparison of being stuck to being in the middle of something.  The middle of something that one may feel they can’t get out of or not sure which direction to go.This is a very accurate description.  The truth is, the person who is feeling this way is  indeed stuck in the middle of something!  And that something usually represents the past and the future. This is why feeling stuck can be very confusing and needless to say, emotional.
So how do you get unstuck? 
On Monday, August 31, 2015 from 7:30pm until 9:00pm ET, I will be presenting an on-line workshop that will help you sort it all out.  Following will be Q&A time.  Just imagine what it will feel like when you are no longer trapped in the middle of your past and future.  Take a moment and envision being unstuck.  Do you see yourself soaring above – perhaps soaring to your higher self? 
Life Recovery
Take a look at what my client has to say now (the one who wrote the quote above) about being unstuck…
“I feel like I’m soaring like a bird.  I smell the sweet, sweet air with the gentle wind against my face.  It’s delightful, it’s exhilarating, it’s freeing!” ~B.E.
It’s not fun being stuck in the middle! Let me help you! Register for this event!
Once you register you will receive a Welcome Package that includes detailed information on how to attend the event.  You will also receive a Workbook that will guide you through the PowerPoint presentation that evening.  There will be time for a Q&A period so please bring your questions.
*Q&A Time
*1.5 + Hours
Since I believe in providing value to my clients, I try throughout the course of the year to offer events that are affordable for all to participate – this is just my way of giving back.  This is why this event is only $69.99. ($1,000. value)The event however is only open to the first ten (10) people who register.  Then it is locked.  Since all of my workshops sell out, I encourage you to register now so you don’t miss this event.  This one is sure to be POWERFUL!
Note:  Please come prepared to learn and be open to a fresh perspective on how to get unstuck.  Remember, the more open you are to learning, the faster the understanding will come.  Once the understanding arrives, you are more apt to accelerate change.  Just a hint…xo

Feel It – Bless It

How often in life do you stuff down negative emotions or feelings about something going on in your present life or about something that has happened in the past?

It’s a common human pattern to stuff things down. We do it to protect ourselves. You’ve done it, I’ve done it, people do it on a daily basis.

The challenge is…

As we continue to stuff things down in our lives, it accumulates and causes more and more problems for us. 

I received the above in an email from Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution, and it got me to thinking …

Eventually this accumulation of stuff has no other choice but to come out. When it does come out, it can manifest in many forms. For some people, their outward form manifests as physical clutter.

Clutter as we know represents disorder. Therefore, our physical clutter is an outward manifestation, a demonstration if you will, of what we may be feeling inwardly, i.e., confusion, turmoil, overwhelm. So it makes perfect sense when someone says, “I don’t know where to begin or how to start” when attempting to combat their clutter.

The truth is 99.9% of the time, people can get organized. Organization is a skill set that one can learn. It is the emotional aspect that prevents one from doing so, commonly referred to as an emotional block.

For this very reason, it’s important to take note that in order to deal with your physical clutter it is also necessary to work on your emotional clutter. Otherwise, it has been my experience, that no matter how many times you attempt to get things back in order, if you do not deal with the emotional aspect, the clutter will come back.

It is also important to point out, that the clutter will usually come back with a vengeance.  It’s as if the clutter is saying, “Hey you, I’m not done here…look at me…we have things to settle and I’m not going away until we do.”

This is the time when I suggest you look at your clutter with a fresh perspective. In other words, don’t fear the clutter, Bless it. Approach the clutter with gratitude and thankfulness.

Think of it this way…

Your outward manifestation is like looking through your very own Looking Glass – it’s mirroring back to help you. Look at it as an opportunity to begin the process of healing so you can begin to move forward in your life.


7 Weeks to a Better Home, Office & Life!

I am going to give it to you straight up – you BELONG in this training program.  There’s no doubt in my mind.

How do I know this?  Because you have proven over and over by attending my classes that you not only desire and want to have a better environment, but you NEED it!

I also know that FEAR is holding you back from getting what you truly deserve.  But the good news is that I can help you fight through that fear so you can take control over your home, office and gosh, your life for that matter!

Over and over you provide the same reasons why you cannot commit to a program – and they are all EXCUSES!  You continually convince yourself that you do not have the time, the money, the resources, and the list can go on.  Please DO NOT do that to yourself anymore.  You are programming yourself for continual failure.

I make all my events, workshops, programs, extremely affordable and time efficient – and all of them are jam packed with valuable content, techniques and strategies.  I do this because I BELIEVE in what I do and I know I can help you!

Here is the preliminary outline:

June 22, 2015
Kick-Off On-Line Workshop
Workbook Included
8:00 – 9:00 PM ET

June 22-26, 2015
Intake Sessions
One Hour

June 29 – August 7, 2015
Private Coaching Sessions
30 Minutes

Group Coaching Calls
To Be Scheduled

I would like for you to PUT DOWN all the excuses, all the doubt, and register for this program.  It’s going to be like no other, I promise. Once you register, you will receive all the information needed to participate and I will contact you to schedule your sessions.

Please take note, this program has limited availability.  All of my programs sell out – so you should act NOW!  No gimmicks, just the truth!


register-300x300I WANT TO CHANGE MY LIFE

Boot Camp Organizing

Welcome to Boot Camp!



A training program that can possibly change your life!


Here is a quick review of what you can expect:


Why Boot Camp 

You see, it has been my experience that people who struggle with task management, procrastination, and clutter have “something” in common.  That something is the lack of follow-through.


What I also found is that people sometimes equate the experience of following through with the word “discipline” which can conjure up negative feelings, possibly an experience of punishment or something of that nature.


Now this belief system can potentially limit them in this area until one comes from a place of understanding and acceptance, but I also found that sometimes, yes, sometimes, the best way to overcome the lack of follow-through is to just jump in with a “Boot Camp” attitude.


With your new “Boot Camp” attitude, you will no longer be saying things such as this:

  • “I can’t take it anymore”
  • “I can’t stand myself for being late”
  • “I’m so overwhelmed & frustrated”
  • “I’m so embarrassed I can’t have anyone over”
  • “I feel like a failure”
  • “I have too many things going on”
  • “I’m such a mess”

What is Boot Camp Organizing?
Boot Camp Organizing is a program that will:

  • Create awareness
  • Put an end to self-defeating patterns
  • Develop an action plan
  • Have you feeling like a winner

Now don’t worry, there will be no one dressed in army fatigues screaming at you, but there may be whistles, alarm clocks and a few obstacle courses… (lol)


Here’s how it works:   


Step One

You will show up to a Group Conference Call with everyone who has enrolled in Boot Camp.  There will be a meet and greet and sharing of each person’s challenge and struggle. This will now be your Peer Support Group to access through your training.  Count on making new friends. (Date to be announced)


Step Two

You will send me pictures/video of your entire home and/or office environment.  I understand I will be entering your world and I take that invitation very seriously.  You can count on confidentiality, respect and no judgement.


Step Three

We will set up a private one hour conference call, otherwise known as an “Intake Session” to review your pictures.  This session allows me the opportunity to assess your living conditions and consult with you in a very private and personal way. This will be invaluable information for me to understand you better, i.e., patterns, behaviors, circumstances.


Step Three

You will be given a suggested plan of action which will take into consideration your ability to invest physically, emotionally and financially.


Step Four

We will engage in a one-on-one weekly coaching program for 30 minutes for a period of 7 weeks.  That’s a total of seven (7) sessions.  They will be set each week on the same day and same time.  In these sessions we will:

  • Set your agenda for the devised plan
  • Create next steps
  • Have deliberate target dates
  • Have measurable outcomes

Step Five

We will develop a “Best Practice” for you to then utilize moving forward in your organizing pursuits and maintenance routine.


Please Note:  Our time together is considered just like “Real Time.”  You have the option to engage via internet, telephone or Skype. This is a modality that I have used for many years to service clients nation wide and is just as effective as if I were there “live.”


What Does Boot Camp Cost?

For the “purpose” of Boot Camp I am making an outrageously low offer that you simply will not be able to resist…that is, if you are truly serious about seizing an amazing opportunity to change the course of your life.

Remember, you will receive a private, one-on-one consultation & assessment with me and seven private coaching sessions.  A value worth thousands of dollars.  But for this Boot Camp Special the price is an amazingly low price of only$399.00


Since I am only able to take a handful of clients at this deeply discounted offer, you will have to act NOW if you want to guarantee your spot in Boot Camp.


So show me your new Boot Camp attitude and…




Once you register you will be sent your Welcome Package with all the detailed information and specific dates about Boot Camp Organizing!


So what will it be?

Will you be showing up with your sleeves rolled back, ready to jump in, combat your clutter and disorganization, and win the battle…


Or will you continue to find excuses of why you can’t enlist.


So what will it be….the choice is yours!


(Remember, you are receiving this Priority Invitation because you registered for the tel-class – so if you are serious about Boot Camp here is your opportunity to register to avoid being closed out!)

Simplicity Is A Sign Of Growth

“Going Back To A Simpler Life Is Not A Step Backward” – Yvon Chouinard said that and he was right.

Simplicity Is A Sign Of Growth
It’s important to understand that “letting go” is part of the process of going back to a simpler life.  It is not in any way a reflection of you failing to achieve or hold onto “something.”  That’s not what we are talking about here.

It takes courage to simplify one’s life.  Did you hear that?  It takes courage to simplify one’s life.  Real courage to “let go” and be free of the things you may have considered important or special at one time.

Recognizing that your “things” may no longer be serving you (and can actually be holding you back from living life to the fullest) is a true sign of personal growth.  There’s a lot to be said about a person who can relinquish the old and welcome the new; even if they aren’t sure what that may look like.

I see way too often people who struggle with the notion that “letting go” is somehow a sign of weakness or giving up.  This can be to their detriment as it propels them into a perpetual state of fear because they simply cannot bear the thought they may be “losing.”  But you see there is no loss with simplicity. Simplicity offers freedom of all that was but no longer is.  So how can one lose when one becomes free?  You simply cannot.

The process of purging one’s life is powerful.  A process fully embellished with tender moments of self-discovery.  An internal treasure hunt if you please.

Tell me, what’s more beautiful than that?