This Is It…Now You Can Breathe


I get it.

You want something very different for your life.

You want to experience wellness in a new way.

You’ve been looking for that special “thing” to help you feel better.

Something that has been proven time and again to work for health conscious people like you.

Something that will finally relieve your stress and improve your body, mind & environment.

Relax. Breathe. You’re in the right place.

Click here to see why.



I just completed the Mindfulness Program in New York and the students are raving. The buzz of the room was infectious and the results kept pouring in, therefore, the testimonials came flooding in too. It was truly incredible!

Check this out:

“Proof That Patricia Diesel Has ALREADY Helped People Adopt A Clutter-Free Life”

“[…] it has changed me… I feel so much better […] I highly recommend her class!” ~RV

“…before taking Diesel’s Mindfulness class […] I felt overwhelmed […] and now week by week […] I’m recovering and I love this class […] ” ~DS

“Patricia’s mindfulness clutter course is terrific […] I think I’m a fairly mindful person but now I’m really awake!” ~JS

“[…] her approach is so unique; you just couldn’t find her philosophy and approach anywhere […] ” ~VC

“…the discovery is magical; the results, when implemented are worthwhile and long lasting […] ” ~JP

So here’s the scoop. I want you to get in on the action and experience the same results. I’m introducing my program to you absolutely FREE just so you can get a real feel for the power behind this program. I want YOU to experience it for yourself!

Like one of my students said, “Go ahead, take the plunge, you’ll be happy you did.”

Register Now!

See ya on the other side!


Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life

1. Decreases Stress
Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things.

2.You Can Breathe Easier
Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins that can complicate health issues and cause breathing problems.

3.Clears Your Mind
A clutter-free environment frees yours mind and aids in focus and concentration. Clutter causes chaos and can interfere with your brain’s ability to process information.

Wednesday Wellness Tidbit

Wednesday Wellness Tidbit

What your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul’s emphasis is always right.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here’s a little tidbit of information for you to consider for your overall wellness:
The mind thinks of everything you can lose.
The heart thinks of everything you can give, and the soul thinks of everything you are.



Your re-usable clothing and household goods are especially needed for these three foundations:




Won’t you consider donating to one of these foundations – by doing so, you will be clearing out your clutter, helping the environment and giving to a worthy cause.

Too Much Of Anything Is Not Always A Good Thing

I’ve been helping people with clutter for 20+ years.  I’ve learned a thing or two about why people acquire things and why it’s so difficult for them to let go. Although clutter may outwardly appear for some to be just a bunch of random things collected or a messy place where things don’t have a home, I can honestly tell you, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Truthfully, for me, clutter makes me feel a bit disoriented. Too much of anything makes me that way. Clutter reminds me of the time I ate way too much chocolate and I felt the after effects that cocoa and sugar can have on the nervous system. It sure did taste good initially. But I had no clue how I would feel later. All I knew was it tasted good and I wanted more. I had no idea of the physical toll it would take.

I think it’s like that for people with clutter. At first, when they buy or find something new they’re all excited. They think of a million reasons why it’s a good idea to bring home yet another item. Then one day, the thrill of the hunt is no longer appealing or gets them high. In fact, it does the complete opposite – it brings them down to a complete crash. It takes a physical toll on them. Suddenly, they are faced with the reality that they have too much stuff and not enough space.

Now it may appear obvious for some who would say, Just get rid of it. But it’s not that easy. If it was so easy, 1 out of every 10 Americans wouldn’t be renting offsite storage—the United States now has 2.3 billion square feet of self-storage space. (New York Times Magazine)

The one thing I learned about clutter which most people don’t realize or want to talk about, is that clutter hurts! There’s emotional pain associated with having too much. It’s just like when eating too much chocolate caused me physical pain. Too much of anything is simply that – too much!

Clutter interferes with the quality of a person’s life. This is not just a single, isolated issue either. Friends and family members are affected too. How could they not be? The trickle-down effect clutter has is evident by the way it spills over into other people’s lives, claiming their space. Clutter especially hurts when you’re searching for misplaced items and can’t find them. It is estimated that over a course of a lifetime, we will spend a total of 3,680 hours or 153 days searching for lost items; phones, keys, eyeglasses and paperwork are at the top of the list. (The Daily Mail)

Unsettling feelings, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, and depression are all attached to how hurtful clutter can be, not only for the person who is struggling with clutter but their loved ones as well. I guess that’s why the home organization industry has grown by leaps and bounds and today has 32 chapters, with more than 4,000 members in 22 countries. (Fast Company)

If I feel disoriented when I’m in a cluttered environment, and it affects my focus and productivity to the point where I am uncomfortable, imagine how difficult it can be to live that way on a daily basis. It’s exhausting. That uncomfortable, disoriented feeling just serves as a reminder that too much of anything is not always a good thing.

Fortunately there is help for people who want to live clutter-free and a healthier life. I’m not about to sugar coat this either – making the choice to turn your life around and recover from a lifestyle of clutter requires commitment and a change of life-long habits – but it can be done. And it can be done successfully with the right program. My Mindfulness program is one of them.

Mindful Tools for Organized Living is a program that helps you get to the root cause of your clutter and then reverse it by using my 20+ years of experience and refined proven strategies. If you’ve been struggling with clutter, feeling stressed-out and a sense of emptiness, then you absolutely need my program. Not only will it show you how to reverse your clutter and create a healthier environment, but it will also give you the tools to be more mindful of the importance of self-care.

If that’s something that interests you, email me at [email protected]

Unlocking The Mystery Of Clutter Through Mindful Conversations

Unlocking The Mystery Of Clutter Through Mindful Conversations

When I began my career as a Professional Organizer, I quickly realized that people didn’t feel very comfortable talking about their clutter.  As a result, I found myself asking a lot of questions to try and get them to open up.

When I started to see the results powerful questions had on people as they became more comfortable talking about their clutter, everything changed. Before long, I knew this would help unlock a lot of the mystery behind clutter.  It’s one of the reasons why I became a Coach.

Instead of people wanting a quick fix, they were now  interested in going deeper and looking at the root cause of their clutter.

So how about you…

Can you see yourself being comfortable enough to talk about your clutter?

Really think about that for a few moments because your answer to that question will help you begin to understand the relationship you are having with your clutter.

If you can easily see yourself taking a deeper look into the root cause of your clutter, that’s fantastic! You’re on your way to a clutter-free life.

However, if you feel uncomfortable with that idea for any reason, you can start changing it today.

Like it or not, clutter has a huge impact on the quality of your life and influences a lot of your decisions in life.

So I’d like to help you develop a healthy relationship with your clutter. Not only to declutter your life but to gain a richer understanding of why you have the clutter to begin with so you can finally be free of it for good.

And let me tell you something…

Once you become comfortable talking about your clutter your whole world will change for the better. You will start to notice how other relationships in your life will improve.

It’s so much easier than you think!

Here’s a fun exercise you can do to help you start feeling more comfortable with talking about your clutter…

Beginning today, select a clutter buddy, someone that you feel comfortable sharing with. It could be a dear friend, family member or a person that has clutter challenges as well. Make sure they are positive, uplifting people.
Ask them if they wouldn’t mind spending about 5 minutes with you, either by phone or in person, to talk about something. Set up the appointment.

Next make a list of all the clutter you no longer wish to have in your home. Next to each item, reference any notes that come to mind about the memory of the item. Then briefly write an explanation as to why you are ready to let go. After that, recap your feelings with how you are going to feel once you are clutter free.

Show up to your appointment with your clutter buddy and share everything you wrote down with them. Then ask them to mirror back to you what you just shared with them.

Notice how you feel. Lighter, happy, relieved, cleansed…breathe into that feeling and exhale. Imagine what your life would look like, feel like, without the clutter.

Close the conversation with thanking them and asking if they wouldn’t mind being your clutter buddy until the items on your list are eventually gone.

Shatter the Pattern

I believe in you.

I KNOW that you are capable of living a clutter-free life.

However, if you don’t believe that’s true, you will be putting limitations on your efforts and how far you can follow through. Thus, sabotaging your good intentions.

If you’d like to make a quantum leap that shatters your pattern of acquiring clutter, it’s necessary you put some additional effort into becoming more mindful.

You do that by building the idea of living in a clutter-free environment. What words come to mind? Then ‘feel’ these words as often as possible.

Get quiet and go ‘inside’ for about five minutes, three or four times a day, and feel as though you are already living clutter free.

When you “feel” what it would be like to live this way you invoke real powers within you.

You see, your subconscious mind magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it whether it is the idea of living clutter-free or with clutter.

Choose clutter-free living.

And also…

Choose the Right Words

In addition to picturing and feeling a peaceful, free life, use affirmations and phrases that resonate with you.
Don’t choose “pie in the sky” phrases that you don’t believe. That will put you in the wrong vibration. Choose words and phrases that, when you’re saying them, they make you feel better. My favorite phrase for living a clutter-free life is:

Everything in its place and a place for everything.

Remember, if you say, “I am an organized person,” but deep inside you really think, “This is just a bunch of nonsense; I’ll never be that way,” your subconscious mind will reject the affirmation.

Why is this so?

Because your subconscious mind accepts what you really feel to be true, not just idle words or statements.

Think how glorious and beautiful your new living arrangements will be once you are living a clutter free life. Expand upon that and allow yourself to feel it. Say powerful, positive words and statements to yourself that support that feeling.

Do it…and keep doing it for the next 30 days.

P.S. You might think all of this is just some malarkey. It is not. You’re sending messages to your subconscious mind.
Commit to doing this exercise, and let me know how you make out. Do it. You’ll be happy you did!

Mindfulness In The Workplace For Organized Living


Rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives, yet “Eighty-four percent of recently stressed Americans say they worry that their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and within that group, 55 percent called it out as a source of recent stress.” (Huff Post)

When dirty dishes are piled, laundry overflows and your belongings are scattered about, your stress level rises. Trust me when I tell you, clutter & stress is real.  Stress is inflammatory.  When we are stressed out, it not only creates physical clutter, but it causes mental and body clutter as well.

Unfortunately this is a lethal combination.  When a person is under the influence of a significant amount of clutter, their well-being is compromised, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, anxious and helpless.  Ultimately this trickle down effect exposes itself in the workplace and productivity in many facets suffer.  This puts the employee and employer in a vulnerable position which can lead to financial consequences.

6 Mindful Tools to Organized Living is a program that helps remedy this situation before it gets out of hand.  Implementing best practices for a healthy body and mind is an enormous factor in overcoming clutter and disorganization. Although part of the problem is underdeveloped skill sets with organization, it is not the only culprit to having clutter.  To penetrate the problem and resolve it entirely, it is necessary to engage lifestyle tools that embody wellness for the body, mind and environment.

If you are receptive to learning more about how the 6 Mindful Tools can benefit you personally and/or your team,  I would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you and tell you about my FREE offer. Simply email me at [email protected]

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.




5 Tips Why You Should Eat Celery


5 Tips Why You Should Eat Celery


When I was young, celery was just a vegetable that was added to soups or as an added ingredient for a recipe. Rarely did I eat it alone.

Boy, was I missing out on something good.

Today, I love this refreshing green vegetable that belongs to the Apiaceae plant family. Check out the benefits to adding it to your diet.

5 Healthy Benefits Of Adding Celery To Your Diet

1.Celery is a great source of important antioxidants.
2.Celery reduces inflammation.
3.Celery supports digestion.
4.Celery is rich in vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index.
5.Celery has an alkalizing effect.

The Benefits Of Making Clutter A Top Priority

Here’s a little secret you need to know if you’ve been trying to win the war on clutter.

The key to overcoming your clutter challenge has a lot to do with follow-through. And the only way you will be able to do that is if you make it a priority.  Plain and Simple.

A thing that is regarded as more important than another.
(i.e., that thing is your clutter)

Saying something is important and then choosing to do something else is a conflict of interest. So saying you want to be clutter free, yet not making it important enough to make it a priority, will not cure your clutter.

So what to do, what to do….

First we need to understand why making something a priority helps us.

Here’s 4 Good Reasons:

1. It helps us organize our time
2. It helps us make daily choices that reflect our values
3. It helps us set boundaries with others
4. It helps reduce stress

Knowing something and implementing it is another story though, right? I get it. Especially when so many other “things” pop up.

But this is when you need to get real with your situation. How important is being clutter free to you? So the next time you’re in the “throws” of decluttering and something else feels like it’s taking precedence over being clutter free, ask yourself this:

If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?

Now really think about this. Because you’re saying “no” to so much more than an organized space.  You’re saying no to saving yourself time, reducing your stress, honoring your values and establishing good boundaries for yourself. Yes?

Life can be busy and at times it feels as if we are being pulled in too many different directions. But if you can honestly answer the above question it can work wonders and help you keep things in perspective.

I think you get the idea!

Here’s to saying YES to living an organized life – for good!