Get Your Wellness On

Being organized saves you time, reduces stress and balances out your life. These are facts.

The challenge for most people who are trying to get organized is overcoming their procrastination, fear and overwhelm.

It’s a vicious cycle that cause people to give up on their dream of being organized and having a healthier lifestyle.

It’s to say the least, very sad to see this happen.

But what if I told you that you don’t have to worry about that any longer.  There is a program that is proven to get you organized quickly and most importantly stay that way.

It’s taken me 20+ years to combine all of my refined, tweaked strategies and develop the most elite, comprehensive program that is guaranteed to keep you organized.

No more stress, worry, fatigue, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, procrastination….you can let it all go.

This program builds you up mentally and physically to give you the strength to push through the clutter and the tools to keep it away.

Listen, you can hire a professional organizer to come in and clean you all up, but I can guarantee, until you get your habits under control, and understand the story behind your clutter, it’s not going away for good.  That’s another fact.

The way I see it is you have a few choices:

  • Do nothing and be miserable.
  • Try to do it alone and waste time trying to figure it out.
  • Invest in this program and get rapid results and change your life.

I would opt for the program.  And when you do, you will receive a bundle of bonus items that you won’t find anywhere else.  They are invaluable resources.

Don’t wait.  Get your wellness on today.  Start by clicking HERE!

Did You Survive The Temptation?

Patricia here…

Just taking a moment to check in with you and see how you survived Black Friday.

Cyber Monday is approaching and well, you know the story – there will be some really hot deals that can make it difficult to distinguish whether you will be making a purchase based off of a trigger or a sound investment.

Now mind you, if you are gift shopping for the people you have on your list and you find the perfect gift at a great price, then that makes sense.  I’m all about saving money.

But if you find yourself getting hooked into really good marketing and everything starts to look alluring…

STOP and give yourself a time-out to reassess the situation.

And if you are really feeling overwhelmed and need a reality check, hit me up over here for a FREE chat.

I’m here to help you make sense of it all.  Remember, less is more.

Black Friday Mania

Black Friday mania is here.

Everything is on sale, everything looks enticing, and everything is so tempting to buy, buy, buy.

But here’s the thing…

If you have an existing clutter problem, it’s a good idea to distinguish between what you will be purchasing versus what you will be investing in.

You see, a purchase can be a random, snap decision, based on impulse.  It’s something you see, want, buy and never really give too much thought about. Usually these purchases are stress related triggers and give you a negative return.

But, when you are truly making an investment in something, you are being mindful about your choice.  You’re considering why and how the investment will help you advance, overcome or improve some aspect of your life. The investment will give you a positive return.

Because I know the holidays are tempting times, I want to make sure that you have the right tools to keep you as organized as possible and as mindful as possible throughout the season.

My mindfulness program is designed to do just that.

And since it’s massively discounted, you will be saving on your investment that will give you a rapid return before 2019. Now that’s a bargain for Black Friday.

So if you want to live a stress-free, organized life, reduce your clutter for good, I’m going to suggest that you think about what’s most important to your overall well-being…

Gathering more stuff that will only clutter you up or making a sound investment that will improve the quality of your life?

Choose to be mindful.

Oh and by the way, the program has a money-back guarantee.  That’s how confident I am that you will be successful with your investment.  It’s a lifetime of savings.

PS:  If by chance you’re new to my community and have not purchased my book, Organically Yours

get it here and enjoy the extra bonus items to live a healthier, stress-free life.

Here’s to wise choices.

Are your eyes trying to tell you something?

Are your eyes trying to tell you something?
At the risk of sounding like a commercial, (lol) Do you suffer from Dry Eye?

All kidding aside, I had no idea what that was until I found myself in a health crisis.  I soon learned all about this condition and what was needed to ensure good eye health.

One of the products I use for my eye care routine is Systane eyelid cleansing wipes along with their preservative-free eye drops.

I also apply a warm-compress to my eyes morning and night for 5-7 minutes.

To restore moisture and balance to my eyes, I take a teaspoon of fish oil every morning.  I prefer Carlson’s Norwegian Liquid over soft gels.

And I can’t stress the importance of drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated – it’s essential for your eye care.

You can learn more about this and get other good tips here.

Let’s Start Today

Have you ever played the “Let’s Pretend” game?  You know what I mean…where you imagine all the things you wish and hope for come true.

It’s a fun game.  But unfortunately many people get caught up in the game and never take action to make their dreams come true.

Did you know that people who experience the most success in life are proactive.

Meaning, they don’t wait for something to happen before taking action…

They take action NOW.

We’re less than a month away from 2019 and most people will wait until we get there to start planning to get organized and live a healthier lifestyle.

I highly encourage you to avoid this approach.

Let’s pretend it’s 2019 now!

That way you start doing the right things now that’ll ensure in 2019 you reduce your stress, feel more balanced and become clutter-free.

To help you get a rapid start, I have two opportunities for you that you can access right now for a very small investment.

It’s designed to give you specific tools to follow that will show you how to finally live a stress-free, organized life by improving your body, mind and environment.

Option One:  
If you haven’t purchased my book, Organically Yours, grab it here with all the bonus items, including 3 Lessons Everyone Needs To Know with video training, pdf’s, and upgrades.

Option Two:
If you’re ready to dive in and get rapid results for living stress-free, click here and you’ll receive  my mindfulness program with bonus items, including 3 Habits Guaranteed to Keep Your Organized, video training, pdf’s, and a FREE Discovery Call with me.

We’re heading toward the end of November and now’s the perfect time to take action on this before it goes up in price.

I look forward to hearing great things in the New Year for you.

PS:  There are tons of lifestyle programs out there, but I’ve got a 20+ refined, proven strategy that’ll help you eliminate the stress and clutter for good so you can get on with living life on your terms – no more pretending.

Get all the details here for either option that are guaranteed to improve your quality of life.
Organically Yours
Mindful Tools

I look forward to helping you experience great success in 2019!

What Are You Grateful For?

Daily life can sometimes feel like a grind – when we are overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important and all we have to be thankful for.

So in this season of Thanksgiving, I invite you to take a look at all the things in your life, no matter how simple or small they may be, and see how you can be grateful for them.

Once you start to compile your list, you’ll be able to see the things we take for granted are truly gifts to be thankful for.

For example, here’s a sample list:

I Am Grateful For:


Running water

A glass that holds my water

The slippers on my feet

Soft sheets on my bed

My bed to give me rest

The pillow for my head

My glasses to read

Material to read

That I can read

Shampoo and Soap to wash

That I have a bathroom

A mirror to see myself

Food in my refrigerator

My refrigerator

The knife that cuts my vegetables

The cutting board

That I have a kitchen to cook

The clothes on my back

My coat that keeps me warm

Heat that warms my home

Electricity that lights my home

A Candle

A flashlight

Furniture in my home

That I have a home

You see, the list is virtually endless when we come from a place of gratitude.

May your season be filled with blessings for all that you have.

The Gift Of Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is a special time. No matter what else may be happening in life, it’s the one day we come together and share the spirit of gratitude.

It’s a day that reminds us to slow down, be mindful, and give thanks for all of the blessings in our life.

I’d like to share with you a passage that has helped me tremendously when I get caught up in the daily grind of life and neglect to see all that I have to be thankful for. It’s a quick tonic for a reality check.

“Pray. Share a few words with God. But do not pray to God for a solution to your problems or a change in your condition. Say a prayer of gratitude.” ~Neale Donald Walsch

Did you know that gratitude is the antidote to anger — you can’t be grateful and angry at the same time. Just pause for a moment and think about the health benefits of being grateful.

This Thanksgiving I invite you to tell the people you love how thankful you are for them. To smile at a stranger or say a kind word to your neighbor. Give to that charity that’s been on you mind and lend a helping hand.

And most of all, for the miracle of life – for this is truly a gift to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving.



On November 19th I will be hosting another Ask The Clutter Coach call.

This call is all abut serving you. I really want to help you with all your clutter challenges. It doesn’t matter if you want tips to clean out your closet, empty out your junk drawer, solutions for your paper and mail or how to declutter your entire home – this call is about moving forward.

This call is also about not repeating the same habits and behaviors so you can live clutter-free.

Why not let 2019 be dramatically different (and better) than 2018.

Join me on Monday, November 19th @ 7:00 pm EST. No need to reserve – just mark your calendar and this link – (you’ll need this link to join us.) YOU MUST BE IN A CHROME BROWSER.  The link will provide Domestic and International phone number for you to call in if you wish.

Oh, one last thing. If you really want this call to impact your upcoming year, bring one change that you would like to see for yourself but for some reason has not happened. It could be a better routine/schedule, healthier diet, positive outlook…

Remember, this is all about moving forward and recognizing our patterns is a good place to start.

I’ll see you on the call.

PS: Mark your calendar now!


Stress; where does it come from and how to manage it?

Where does stress come from and how can it be managed?

Let’s look at this example:

Someone rejects, hurts, or wrongs you in some way.  How do you respond?  Perhaps like many people, you immediately want to retaliate in some manner.  After all, what happened to you is not right.

On the other hand, you may think it’s nobler to stuff the hurt deep inside your soul.  But despite your resolve, it keeps popping out, and as you relive it, the pain engulfs you once again.

Now from a spiritual point of view, you might believe what’s necessary is the grace of forgiveness.  And although this may be the case, if  it doesn’t come from a sincere heart, there will be a struggle.

If we lash out, stuff down our feelings, or forgive with an insincere heart, how does that resolve the issue?

It doesn’t.

Eventually the stress will outwardly manifest in some form or fashion.

Clutter is a lot like that.  It manifests in all sorts of ways that reflect unresolved feelings.

It’s the reason why I created my new program, Mindful Tools for Organized Living.  I literally coach you through the clutter and walk you through a step-by-step process so you can fully understand the story behind your manifestation.

It’s the only way to find resolve so you can move forward.

Sure you can clean your place up and pretend nothing is really bothering you, but….I can guarantee, until you get to the root cause of the clutter, it will come back…again and again.

Here’s the link to the program:  For a very small investment (and while’s it’s massively reduced in price) you can be well on your way to managing your stress.

You can always upgrade later to one of my personal one-on-one coaching programs, but the value that is packed in this, especially with all the bonus items are incredible.

Oh and by the way, you get a FREE Discovery Call with me once you register, so you’ll know exactly how to start and where to begin.  I thought about everything to ensure your success – so you don’t have to worry, I got ya covered!

If you want to get a jump-start on next year so you can be living a stress-free, healthy life, I am encouraging you to follow this link:

It might just change your life!



On November 19th I will be hosting another Ask The Clutter Coach call.

This call is all abut serving you. I really want to help you with all your clutter challenges. It doesn’t matter if you want tips to clean out your closet, empty out your junk drawer, solutions for your paper and mail or how to declutter your entire home – this call is about moving forward.

This call is also about not repeating the same habits and behaviors so you can live clutter-free.

Why not let 2019 be dramatically different (and better) than 2018.

Join me on Monday, November 19th @ 7:00 pm EST. No need to reserve – just mark your calendar and this link – (you’ll need this link to join us.) Don’t worry though, if you’re not in front of a computer, the link will provide a phone number for you.

Oh, one last thing. If you really want this call to impact your upcoming year, bring one change that you would like to see for yourself but for some reason has not happened. It could be a better routine/schedule, healthier diet, positive outlook…

Remember, this is all about moving forward and recognizing our patterns is a good place to start.

I’ll see you on the call.

PS: Mark your calendar now!