Better the Balance, Better the World.
Better the Balance, Better the World.
International Women’s Day is Friday, March 8th.
The International Women’s Day 2019 campaign theme of #BalanceforBetter is a call-to-action for driving gender balance across the world.
I’m honored to be a guest speaker for a company that recognizes equality and doesn’t see barriers for moving forward. As I prepare for my presentation, I wanted to pass along to you some information that I will be sharing with my audience.
My intention is for it to move you to great accomplishments in your life that fills your heart and those of others.
Dr. Tererai Trent is the author of The Awakened Woman; A Guide to Remembering and Igniting your Sacred Dreams. She is an exemplary example of passing the baton forward. During an interview with Marie Forleo, she was asked, “What advice she would give to women who were having difficulty identifying their great hunger (purpose, passion) in their hearts?”
Here’s what she had to say:
“We all have hunger for a meaningful life. How do you tap into that hunger? You ask, ‘What Breaks My Heart?’ Because it is in those moments, those moments of our brokenness, we realize that it is not the past, it is not the challenges in front of us. Once we realize that, we have the power to find the solution inside. We start to hear the stirring in our own heart pointing us to something greater than who we are. And we find the answer to that Great Hunger. But we must be INTENTIONAL. “