Get In Now & Be Rewarded!

Psst….Great News so listen up! I AM committed to getting you organized for 2015 like never before!I AM going to make you an offer that’s so jam packed with value and additional goodies – you simply will not be able to refuse it!

That’s how confident I AM!

So here’s what YOU need to do:

1.  You need to register for this tel-class.
2.  You need to show up to the event “Live.”
3.  You need to be in a quiet place where you can focus.
4.  You need to come prepared to take notes.
5.  You need to be ready to interact and share.

I AM going to be giving you the full scoop on how to make this upcoming 2015 the year to finally reach your organizing goals!

So what do you say?  You In?  Yes?  Good!

Oh, just one other thing before you register…

In this upcoming tel-class, I will be offering you a menu of items to select from in order to make your goals come true.  There will be a variety of options for you to choose from – all with deeply discounted rates and plenty of attached bonuses.

Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it
I AM giving you plenty of notice and time to get ready for this class – so start thinking right now about your organizing goals!What would you really like to see happen for 2015?Because I AM going to show you how to create it and turn it into your reality!

So clear that calendar – we got work to do!

Love your coach,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Are You Caught Up In A Paper Maze?

I was speaking with one of my students the other day.  We were discussing the recent success she was experiencing with her paper challenges.  She expressed that she finally felt things were falling into place and that she was feeling excited and motivated like never before.I asked her to please explain to me in more detail what that “looks like.”  She then said something to me that made me pause for a moment.  She said…

“Patricia, up until I took your workshop I felt like I was caught up in a paper maze.”

paper maze

paper maze

“It’s interesting, she said, I didn’t realize how much I was hiding under my piles of papers.  Through your encouragement, I was able to make a list and confront everything that at one point felt so terrifying to me.  Seeing it through, step by step, I was able to take charge of my papers and deal with the more difficult aspects of my life.  I feel like I have a different aura about me and now carry around positive energy.”

Finding Your Way Out Of The Maze
If you feel like you are overwhelmed and caught up in a maze of papers, you may want to consider taking my upcoming workshop.  The workshop will focus on your paper  clutter, what it represents, how it was manifested, and what you can do to resolve it.

I’m going to be talking about my “upcoming workshop” in a invitation only tel-class on Wednesday, November 19th at 8:00 pm, eastern time.

If you are interested in attending Wednesday’s class, please email me directly and tell me why you want to resolve your paper challenges and why you think you would be a candidate for my upcoming workshop.  I will then provide you with the access information to the tel-class, along with a questionnaire to fill out.

Please note, this is for the serious student who truly wants to learn and advance. If you feel this is you, then go ahead and email me now!  I will only be taking a small group of people, so I recommend that you act fast if you are truly serious.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Finally Organized Forever

If you could manifest an environment that you know deep down you’d REALLY like to live in, what would that look like for you?

You see, most people “lie” to themselves when they think about how cluttered and disorganized they really are.  They say “If I could only get rid of a few things then my space (and life) would look and “be” so much better. 

So they trick themselves into believing that if they take a few bags of “things” out of their home they are more organized, so therefore life is good again.  (Which is one of the reasons why we tend to stay cluttered – physically & emotionally.)


If you’d like to finally get organized ALLLL the way to where your environment is echoing organization and you feel at peace with your life – once and for all


You would like to get my personal support as well as peer support to make it happen, then you MUST register for this tel-class.  In this class, I will be explaining the details of my upcoming on-line workshop.

Details such as:

*How to create a crystal clear vision for the ideal life you’ll be living in your neat, tidy & organized environment.

*How to uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your organizing efforts and keeping you cluttered.

*How to gain outside perspective by sharing your struggles without worry, shame or guilt.

*How to access support so you don’t have go it alone and feel isolated or overwhelmed.

This is going to be an awesome workshop that will provide you with extraordinary tools to help keep you clutter free once and for all.

So if you are interested in FINALLY GETTING ORGANIZED FOR REAL then don’t delay – register now for this tel-class!

Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it

Here’s your chance – and I hope you will take it!  I look forward to you being on the call.

Always My Best,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Ask The Coach: Do You Have A Burning Question For Me?

Ask The Coach:  Do You Have A Burning Question For Me?

There’s a lot of information out there about how to recover from life’s challenges.

But how do you sort it all out to bring about clarity and order in one’s life?

Well, if you have been following Keep It Simple Now, you likely feel confident in Patricia’s approach to organization and simplifying one’s life.

It’s solid, it’s authentic and it’s results driven.

Patricia has been helping people for more than 15 years and is making her knowledge available to you!

You will have the opportunity to ask me your questions on Tuesday, May 6th @ 7:00 PM – ET.

She’s expecting to see questions on:

  • Change
  • Letting Go
  • De-Cluttering
  • Manifestation
  • Spirituality

Come Prepared!  Really think about what you want to ask Patricia!  Talk To You Soon!

Register Here

You can begin posting your questions here now.

Simplicity Is A Sign Of Growth

“Going Back To A Simpler Life Is Not A Step Backward” – Yvon Chouinard said that and he was right.

Simplicity Is A Sign Of Growth
It’s important to understand that “letting go” is part of the process of going back to a simpler life.  It is not in any way a reflection of you failing to achieve or hold onto “something.”  That’s not what we are talking about here.

It takes courage to simplify one’s life.  Did you hear that?  It takes courage to simplify one’s life.  Real courage to “let go” and be free of the things you may have considered important or special at one time.

Recognizing that your “things” may no longer be serving you (and can actually be holding you back from living life to the fullest) is a true sign of personal growth.  There’s a lot to be said about a person who can relinquish the old and welcome the new; even if they aren’t sure what that may look like.

I see way too often people who struggle with the notion that “letting go” is somehow a sign of weakness or giving up.  This can be to their detriment as it propels them into a perpetual state of fear because they simply cannot bear the thought they may be “losing.”  But you see there is no loss with simplicity. Simplicity offers freedom of all that was but no longer is.  So how can one lose when one becomes free?  You simply cannot.

The process of purging one’s life is powerful.  A process fully embellished with tender moments of self-discovery.  An internal treasure hunt if you please.

Tell me, what’s more beautiful than that?

The Best Time Is Now!

Can you believe we are already at the end of 2013?
This made me think about the things I accomplished this year as well as my future goals for the upcoming year.
I was wondering if you were thinking about your goals too?
If you are anything like me, come New Year’s Morning I have HIGH hopes and aspirations for the year.
All types of things buzz around my mind that excite me.
Let me ask you now…
  • How’s that organizing project going – did you complete it?
  • Did you overcome your procrastination?
  • Are you managing your tasks more effectively?
  • Have you been able to balance out your life?
  • Are you living clutter free?
  • Have you been able to improve that relationship that means so much to you?

Well, if you’re like 97% of the population your answer to the above questions will be no.

But I don’t want you to be part of that 97% population – I want you to stand out and succeed.

I have a little secret I want to share with you – NOW is actually the best time to go after all you want – Do NOT wait until New Year’s Morning to begin thinking about your goals – do it NOW!

I will PERSONALLY  help you get a jump start on your goals absolutely FREE of charge with a 30 minute coaching session!

With this powerful 30 minute coaching session you will leave with:

  • Written positive outcomes for the New Year.
  • A new awareness of what is causing many of your challenges that’s holding you back from achieving your goals right now (It may not be what you think!)
  • A renewed sense of energy about the New Year to come and what you can expect.
  • A “next” step action plan for moving your goals along with commitment, motivation and passion.

Email me now for your FREE session @ [email protected]  and someone from my team will be in contact with you within 24 hours.

With love,

Patricia Diesel

Behind Closed Doors

Do you peer out your front door with a heavy heart when someone comes knocking?

If your answer is yes…

May I ask you to please search deep within your heart for the answer to this next question:


What are you truly afraid of? 

It is my Soul's calling to help you get organized and come out from Behind Closed Doors.

It is my Soul’s calling to help you get organized and come out from Behind Closed Doors.


 Please know this: 

My heart is never still knowing that you are experiencing clutter. For I know clutter creates fear, pain and shame.

It is my soul’s calling to help you.

I can’t promise you that it will always be easy but I can promise you that it does get better in time.

Please register for this upcoming class.

Allow me to share with you all the reasons why you should come out from Behind Closed Doors.

Register Here

Persistence – The Competitive Advantage

As a professional coach and organizing consultant, I deliver solutions for my clients that help solve their most complicated needs.

I am often asked, what is my secret when it comes to helping my clients achieve their goals.

The answer is always the same – persistence.

Some may view persistence as a logical consequence of one’s inner competitive spirit or inability to give up.  Yet, if we take a look at persistence from an emotional state that causes us to act, we can learn a lot.

Persistence - The Competitive Advantage

Persistence – The Competitive Advantage

You see, people assume that we are creatures of logic, but we are not.  We are creatures of emotion.  When a client is in search of a solution, I must first recognize their initial desire is being fueled off of emotion.  Logic is the secondary desire.

As with any solution process there are peaks and valleys.  That’s part of the journey.  But what most people find frustrating are the feelings they experience along the way.  Feelings associated with wanting to give up.

There are times when terrific progress is made and then things may come to a screeching halt.  A crisis may occur, roadblocks may pop-up, or you may simply feel discouraged.

As your coach and consultant, this is when my competitive advantage taps in to remind you of what you set out to do and why you set out to do it. To remind you of your initial desire so you can feel the emotion once again.

To Learn More about how I can help you achieve your personal & professional goals, please contact me for a free assessment kit and company brochure.

The Beauty of Life


“If I could make a wish for you, it would be that you would “see” all the possibility there is for you.  All the beauty that life has to offer.”

I remember someone saying this to me when I was feeling “out of sorts” many years ago.  At the time it sounded so magical to me.  Something that I wanted to believe in, yet so out of reach for me.

“If life is so wonderful and magnificent, why did I “feel” the opposite?”  And “Why did my life “feel” out of control?”  These were just some of the questions I would ask myself.

It felt impossible for me at the time to “feel” anything other than my pain. The continuation of my pain only created more pain.  Doubt, fear, abandonment, all of these emotions seeped into my “being.”  I felt emotionally crippled.

What I didn’t realize at the time was the more I would dwell on my pain, the more deeply I would “feel” the pain.  I had no idea that the more I continued to put my focus on something, the more it would manifest.

My quest began for answers.  I needed truth, facts, discoveries – anything that would give me hope for a better understanding of myself.  The deep desire to learn more consumed me because I wanted to “feel” better. 

Deep within me, I knew that no one could find these answers but me.

As my journey to know “me” started to unfold, I began to realize that stumbling into the world of coaching was indeed no coincidence.  It was part of the beauty of my life’s purpose and plan. 

Coaching has and continues to “be” such an instrumental tool for my personal and professional development.  The context of coaching breeds understanding, acceptance, empathy and countless gifts. 

Within the framework of coaching pleads powerful questions.  Questions that beseech one’s soul for answers.  Answers that help you “feel” better about yourself and your life.

I now “see” the possibility that life has to offer and the supremacy of manifestation.  With this wish that has come true, I can no longer deny all its’ wondrous beauty.

Leave A Legacy

Perhaps there is no greater question we could ever ask ourselves in life but this:

“What is the real purpose to my life?”

We want our lives to have meaning and direction – we want to believe that all of our hard work mattered in the bigger picture of life.

In other words, we want our lives to count for something – wouldn’t you agree?

Well, I have to tell you…

The most rewarding part of my job is when a client tells me that they want to get their “life” in order because they don’t want their legacy to be full of “stuff” their family can’t make heads or tails out of.


They realize that when everything is all said and done,  they want to leave behind something that matters – things that tell a story about their life experience.

Most people want to share these memories with their family and friends in a way that is uncomplicated and simple to follow.

The challenge with this however, is most people never get to clearing out their spaces and putting things in order to leave a proper legacy.

Then of course, their loved ones left behind have to deal with whatever trail is left – trying to make sense of it all.

Of course, this can range from important documents and legal matters to years of family collectibles, etc., which in essence costs excessive time and money and let’s not discount our “energy.”

During Tuesday’s Tel-Class I am going to share with you why it’s so important to get your “stuff” in order and show you how to begin the process that will honor and respect your wishes.

This is going to be a thought provoking class, so please come prepared to take notes and ask questions.