Jump On A Call With Me Tonight!

What are you doing this evening?

Yesterday, I sent you information regarding an On-Line Support Group that will be launching this January. If you have been looking for an On-Line Support Group that will inspire, encourage and support your personal and professional development, then jump on this call with me tonight!

I will be providing all the details about the On-Line Support Group and how you can become a Member. It’s for like minded individuals, just like you! It’s a platform like no other and I’m super excited to share all the details with you tonight!

It doesn’t matter if you are struggling with something, looking to advance in an area or just like being part of a community that empowers – this support group is for anyone who is interested in personally growing.

Here’s the information to jump on the quick call:

November 15, 2016Tuesday
Time:  7:00 PM ET
Phone Number:  1-712-832-8300
Access Code:  270916


Since so many of you have requested that I host an On-Line Support Group, I am pleased to announce that commencing January 2017 we will go LIVE!

I am super excited about developing an on-line forum that will inspire and empower all members.  The goal is to create a community for like minded individuals centered around personal and professional development.

I invite you to review the details surrounding this On-Line Support Group.  If you feel this is a good fit for you, I encourage you to complete the Membership Application and register with payment as space is limited.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you!

With love and support,

Patricia Diesel

(908) 642-1226



Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.

The On-Line Support Group will commence January of 2017.

We will meet the 2nd Monday of every month from 7:30-8:30 pm et

Each month I will select a new topic as an educational venue.

Each month I will present a slide presentation supporting the topic of conversation.  This will be a very interactive participation and round-robin type opportunity to share, discuss, explore the topic and how it relates to your personal and professional life.

The On-Line Support Group is a Membership Platform that Requires an Annual Commitment. (Please read membership application)

Membership Fee is $25.00 per month which is $300.00 per year.  You have several options to make your investment into the group.

1.  Pay a full one year term of $300.00
2.  Pay two installments.  One now and the 2nd in 6 months of $175.00
3.  Pay monthly – one month in advance of $35.00 each month.

Please select from one of the following payment links to activate your Membership:



The Event Of The Season

The Event Of The Season


If you have been saying to yourself, “I really need to get organized,”  or “I know I need to get my life back into balance,” this is the EVENT for you!

I am going to give you 6 weeks of personal coaching that will shift those stubborn paradigms that have been holding you hostage.  No longer will you be just wishing and hoping things will get better.  Instead, you will have a realistic plan with three modules of training to help you make productive change.

Below is an outline of what you can expect from this event.  You can go directly to the Event Page to register.  Launch date is October 10, 2016.  Availability is limited to the first ten people who register.

NOW is the time to take action.  An EVENT  like this doesn’t come along that often.  It is filled with bonus items and jam packed with value and affordability.  If you really want to figure out how to get yourself to a better place and uncover your Authentic Self, this is for YOU!

See ya on the other side,


Module One

We will focus on our inner feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm.  All the feelings that keep us from moving forward and getting what we deserve.  We will explore these feelings so we can validate and acknowledge them.

Next, we will look at how these feelings intrude on our life.  How they cause us to avoid the things that we should be doing.  We will then explore the areas that we manifest in, specifically the areas that personally affect you.  Such examples are: clutter, excessive shopping, over eating, tardiness, and procrastination.
Module Two

We will take an in-depth look at our life wheel so we can assess which areas are causing us to be out of balance.  This is an important exercise as it helps us explore the areas that we may be under or over prioritizing based on an old story.

Next, we will examine how these stories play into our choices we make on a daily basis and how they affect our short and long term goals.  We will dive deeper into our value system.
Module Three

We will work on the physical and emotional purging of our clutter and old stories.  We will devise a blueprint, a step-by-step action plan to facilitate this process.  This may come in the form of decluttering our environment and utilizing the tools implemented in the course.

We will then begin the process of rewriting your authentic story.  You will have learned at this point what it means to; acknowledge and validate your feelings, how your old story belongs in the past because it no longer serves your highest self, that you do have the capacity to let go and start again.

Next, you will begin implementing your goals into action with committed frameworks of time.

Authenticate Your Fall – Uncover Your True Self & Get Organized

I bet if you had a penny for every time you said,

“Hey, don’t worry, I got this!” those pennies would begin to add up pretty quickly.

So often we tell ourselves (and others) that we have everything under control.  We can manage it.  It’s all fine.

But that’s not really the truth.

We want it to be the truth, but it’s just not.  We do not feel like everything is okay.  Actually, inside we feel like everything is just about to tip over and fall apart.  Yet, we continue to say, “I got this.”

Listen up…are you listening?  This is very important.  It’s okay, yes, I will say it again.  It’s more than okay to admit that things just aren’t the way you would like them to be.

Why is this a good thing to admit?  Because it’s the first step to change.   .

From my experience, once we begin to honor our feelings we can begin to get clear on what needs to change.

The season of fall is the perfect time to authenticate our feelings and begin the process of change.  Especially if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

We want to be on the look out especially right now if you are manifesting clutter or any other habit/behavior that you would like to curb, i.e., excessive shopping, impulse buying, not cleaning up or following through, etc.

Why wait?  This can be the time you hoped for.  I am going to provide you with some viable options to clear things out, get back on track and help you uncover your true self.

Won’t you please join me?

Register Now!
Authentically yours,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Patricia Diesel is a Certified Professional Coach who is dedicated to helping others regain hope and enhance the quality of their life.

Find out how you can get a copy of Patricia’s book.

When It All Feels Too Much

When it all feels too much and trying to get through everything feels utterly impossible….

I want you to take a deep breath and say this immediately:

“I can change everything I need and more – It’s all within me.”
My coach Derek turned me onto this affirmation and I want to share it with you because it’s powerful! It’s powerful because it’s true.  We all have inside of us what we need – we just need to be reminded of this.  If at this very moment you are feeling overwhelmed, and it feels as if you lost your way, please register for my upcoming class.  I know where you are – I understand what you are going through.

Now is the time you want to learn some really good skill sets to balance out your life.  When we are out of alignment in our life, it usually is due to a conflict in our values.  The good news is this is something that can be worked out.

I encourage you to register for my upcoming class, especially if you are experiencing excessive clutter or any other outward manifestation. 

Register now and then congratulate yourself for taking the first step to change.  I look forward to your presence.

Register Now!
With love,

Patricia Diesel, CPC
(908) 642-1226

Patricia Diesel is a Certified Professional Coach who is dedicated to helping others regain hope and enhance the quality of their life.

Find out how you can get a copy of Patricia’s book.

Parents Need Coaching Too – Find Your Balance

Listen up….Calling all parents! 

Back to school time is hectic.  And right now you are in the “throws” of it.  That means you are super busy and I am sure feeling pretty stressed.

It’s okay…I understand.  I was a single parent for many years.  I know what you are going through.  Although this can be a very exciting time for your children, it’s not always easy to share in their enthusiasm when we are feeling out of balance.

I get it! 

What we want to be on the look out for is associated overwhelm and anxiety.  This is important because it’s generally the time we start to see excessive amounts of clutter and other manifestations.

I understand that work-life balance is a challenge and how easy it is for things to snowball out of control.  That’s why it’s necessary we prepare and put into place an organizational plan.

I’m presenting a tel-class to help you re-focus, prioritize your important tasks, and clear out those cob-webs. It’s the perfect time to brush up on your skills and perhaps learn a few things or two.

Won’t you join me?  Remember, parents need coaching too!
Register Now!
Sending good vibes,

It’s Back To School Time – Find Your Balance

Back to school time can be hectic!

It already feels like there’s so much to do just with our daily life tasks.

Now we have the hustle and bustle of getting the kids off to school, maintaining the house, staying on schedule, getting to work on time, and the list can go on. It’s understandable why one would feel the stress piling up.

What we want to be on the look out for is associated overwhelm and anxiety.  This is important because it’s generally the time we start to see excessive amounts of clutter and other manifestations.

I understand that work-life balance is a challenge and how easy it is for things to snowball out of control.  That’s why it’s so important that we prepare now.

I’m presenting a tel-class to help you re-focus, prioritize your important tasks, and clear out those cob-webs. It’s the perfect time to brush up on your skills and perhaps learn a few things or two.

Won’t you join me?  
Register Now!

We’re Getting You All Spruced Up For Fall

We’re Getting You All Spruced Up For Fall

Hey, if you missed last week’s call – don’t worry.  Due to popular demand, I am going to do an Instant Replay “LIVE” for those of you who missed it or who want to listen in again.

Now is the time to ask the questions that you have for me.  I want you to get yourself organized and ready for the Fall season and begin anew.

F. Scott F. Fitzgerald said it best:

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

I am going to show you some really cool tools for your task list and share with you my very own agenda.  I will walk you through the process, step by step.  Then I am going to share something with you that very well may shock you.  But it’s all for your benefit, I promise!

So here’s you second chance to join in and see what’s happening over here…

Register Now!
By attending you will also receive a copy of my latest book

And a very special offer to go along with it!

Sending you lots of love and good vibes!


Last call!  It’s happening tonight and you won’t want to miss out.

Listen up…

  • If you would like to accomplish all those “things” you have been telling yourself that eventually you will get to – this class is for you!
  • If you have been contemplating making serious decisions in your life but keep finding yourself sitting on the fence, this class is also for you!
  • If  you are ready to take the plunge into Fall and finally go for those big goals you have been dreaming of, this is definitely the class for you!

F. Scott Fitzgerald said it best…

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.

Please join me this evening – it’s going to be sensational!

Get more information
Register Now!
I can’t make it
PS – I will be making a special offer to those who attend “live” as well as receiving my new eBook.  And you definitely don’t want to miss out on hearing success stories from guest clients.  If they can do it, so can you!

Sending good vibes,
