It’s mid January – have you resolved to reduce/eliminate the clutter in your life? If so, congratulations! If not, what is holding you back from doing so?

With the month halfway completed, February is right around the corner and before too long we will be seeing signs of spring. Do you want to go into another season with clutter hanging around?

Now I’m asking you these questions not to get you worried or anxious, but to help you see that procrastination can be your enemy, not your friend. The longer you wait the more difficult it becomes. This is true with many things, not just clutter. And by the way, just to be clear, I am referring to all types of clutter that can affect your body, mind and environment.

I would love to set up an initial conversation to discuss how I might be able to help you sort it all out. Feel free to reply with your challenges, struggles, and anything else you care to share. I will review your comments and be in touch shortly.

Remember, don’t wait…because time waits for no one.


For over 20 years, I have been speaking on the subject matter of organizing.  Although the topic of wellness is now in the forefront, I still circle back around to the benefits of living an organized lifestyle.  Yet, it doesn’t seem to matter where I speak, who is in the audience, or how I broach the subject matter, there is always something heavy on people’s minds.

That heaviness I believe derives from the perplexity of clutter.  Most people are constantly battling the war on clutter without success.  This leaves them feeling defeated, overwhelmed and downright exhausted.  It begs the question, over and over, What’s the secret to curing clutter?
Take yesterday for example.  I was speaking at the Health Expo in New York and  people wanted to know the answers to many of these questions:
How do I get a handle on my stuff?  
How can I clear out my clutter for good?
Why does my clutter come back?
Why does my clutter get the best of me?
So I told them the truth about clutter.  Before I explained what that truth was, I said that most people probably have heard it before and others may not  like what they are about to hear. But that doesn’t  mean it’s not the truth.
You see, there really is a way to curing clutter.  But it’s not what most people think.
The reality is, that most of us go outside ourselves to seek the answers to our questions.  We have a difficult time believing that the power we need to be successful is within us. So we blame outside circumstances on our inability to win the battle and continually look for the secret elixir that is going to cure the clutter.
The truth is …  the cure for your clutter is well within our grasp.
It all starts by first acknowledging that clutter is ruling our life.  And if we want the chaos of clutter to stop, we must see this as something that is very important in our life. When something is truly important, it ranks as a high priority for us to take action.  That action then requires follow-through until the completion stage.
The problem is, however, that most people find this extremely difficult to do.  They lack the follow-up skills that are necessary.  The good news is, just like organizing, it is a skill set that can be learned.  But again, just like organizing, in order to be successful, you need to have SUPPORT.
My Clutter Coaching Program provides you with a bullet-proof plan of action and a model that will keep you motivated, committed and accountable to curing your clutter.
If you are struggling with clutter and you are at a point in your life where you can honestly say that you are ready to win the war by making it your number one PRIORITY, then I would like to hear from you.
Just hit “Reply” to this email and tell me why you feel you are ready.  Include your phone number and I will reach out to you for a complimentary Discovery Session.    You have nothing to lose but your clutter.

I hope to hear from you soon!


I’m super excited to be part of the lecture series at the Navel Expo – Center of Human Optimization!

My lecture series will give you a comprehensive approach to wellness based off my new book, Organically Yours which will have a concentration on our environment.

LIVING SPACE:  Organize Your World for More Clarity and Energy to Get the Most Out of  Your Life

Here’s what you can expect from attending the Navel Expo, directly from the source of Health Media’s CEO, Alex Lubarsky:

“The Navel expo brings together the people, technology, companies, products and concepts on the very forefront of cause-focused healing and the science of human optimization.

Here you’ll meet some of the most sought-after integrative doctors, authors, and paradigm-shifting concepts from around the nation.  You’ll discover the resources and motivation to not only get a handle on a long existing health problem, but actually create the structures for life at the very peak level of health expression.

Whether you have been proactively maintaining your well-being, or are new to the idea of being involved in how your body functions, you will find the information, inspiration and resources to take your experience of living to an entirely new level.

This event is in fact, about the most beautiful, powerful, buoyant and interesting creating on this planet, the human being.  The NAVEL expo is all about YOU!”

Here are the details to attend:


November 5, 2017 – Sunday

Time:  12:00 Noon

Where:  Huntington Hilton LI

598 Broadhollow Road

Melville, NY 11747

Phone:  516-596-8974

View the Directory Here: 

Pass Price is $20.00 and you can attend from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm to participate in the other fantastic series.





Why Having A Plan Is Healthy!

Did you know one of the reasons why a person’s environment gets cluttered is because they never learned certain life skills?

For example:

  • How does someone make a bed in the morning?
    How is dirty laundry taken care of?
    What is the right way to clean up after a meal?
    How is a bathroom kept clean and fresh?

The good news is that these are all teachable skill sets. However, without these skills set in an organized system, the individual is left to “make it up as they go along,”usually making things more complicated than necessary and causing undue stress.

This is exactly the reason why having a plan is healthy. Can you see how following an organized system can help you have a fresh, clean environment? Not to mention how much time you will save and the peace of mind it will provide.

If you would like to learn my proven strategies to living an organized life, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.


You can grab your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H. As soon as I have the book in my hands, I will mail your autographed copy with a special gift directly to your door step.


How Cluttered Is Your Brain?

A cluttered brain can be filled with many things, ranging from all the things that are on your ‘to do’ list to worrying about how you will be able to complete everything successfully. One area that can predominately clutter up our brain is the constant banter we have with ourselves – our internal dialogue. This private conversation can influence our brains to have negative attitudes and thus, negative outcomes if we feed it negative thoughts.

Take Tammy for instance. She couldn’t understand why her sister’s life was filled with happy, positive things while her life was always a struggle. Her thoughts were, “Nothing good ever happens to me. Why do good things happen to my sis, while I always get the short end of the stick? It just isn’t fair!”

It wasn’t until Tammy started to realize that her sister always has a positive attitude.  It doesn’t seem to matter what happens, her sister handles most everything with ease and looks for the good in all situations.

Maybe it’s time Tammy finds out more about healthy thinking. It certainly couldn’t hurt…

Can you identify with Tammy? Or do you fall more into the category of her sister’s mindset? There were certain things that led up to Tammy’s aha moment that helped her transform her thinking. Would you like to learn how she did it? Then, you should grab a copy of my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Healthy Vibrant Life Through Clean Living. If you pre-order now, you can receive your copy for only $1.00 plus S&H.





The day I looked into the mirror and saw a reflection that was not my own was the wake-up call I needed to take total and complete charge of my health and my life.

In my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself To A Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living, I share my personal journey back to health and the necessary changes I implemented to get well.


This experience has no doubt has changed my life and I know it can help you too.  I will guide you through a comprehensive approach to take charge of your life concentrating on three specific areas; the mind, the body, and the environment.

We all strive for a stress-free life, but without the proper self-care and nourishment, it can seem like it’s almost impossible to achieve.  I learned that it is so important to take care of your body as it is the best tool for decluttering your environment and taking control of your thoughts.

I don’t want you to have to wait until a crisis occurs.  You can begin healing yourself through clean living today!

You can help support organic, clean living by sharing this message and pre-ordering Organically Yours for only $1.00 plus S&H.  Grab it right HERE!






Spring is my favorite time of year. Everything comes alive!  I feel so happy when I wake each morning to a colorful landscape and bursts of sweet aromas.  It’s breathtaking to me.

The season of spring is also a time when we become more active and we want to do things. If you’re anything like me, I would venture to say that you also have one of those “forever” to-do lists…just waiting for each item to be checked off.

This is why I have designed a new program to help you accomplish all those “things” that have been long awaiting your attention.  I want you to start this spring season strong!

No matter if they are household items, office tasks, or personal goals – Boot Camp will help you get the results you want!

I’m going to share a few things that are on my “List” and I am also going to share something very personal with you so you can understand why I want to help you get things done!

Won’t you please join me this Thursday?  All you have to do is register below and show up.  You will be very happy you did!

Register Now!


Do you wish you had a Secret Elixir for curing your clutter – so you can live a better life?

I got ya covered!  I cracked the clutter code!

I’m about to share with you 3 Secret Elements that will radically change your clutter situation.

If you want to dig yourself out of your clutter rut, implement a tried and true organizing system, and improve the quality of your life immediately … then you’re in for a big treat!

Tuesday, March 7th @ 7:00 PM (ET) I am hosting an on-line event – free of charge – to let you in on the 3 Secrets to Curing Clutter.

All you have to do is register below and the details will follow.

Plus I will be sharing with you The Single Tip that will bring you immediate relief from the chaos of clutter.

See ya soon!


It’s time to face your stuff!

I know you want 2017 to be phenomenal – I do too!  I would like to help you confront your challenges and face whatever it is that’s holding you back.  Once you do this you will finally be able to:

Dig yourself out of your rut
Find your purpose
Make your dreams a reality

As a coach, I have helped many people who were struggling in life.  People just like you who thought things would never turn around. But they did! Some of my clients are now business owners, authors and coaches.  This can happen for you too!  (By the way…soon you will be able to read their stories on my new website…more to come!)

If you want to find your way in 2017 all you have to do is accept my gift!

I am opening up a limited amount of space to work with you if you’re serious about taking your life in a new direction this year.

Here’s how it works…  

Click on this link and answer a few questions so I can understand where you are in your life right now and what needs to happen next. Then email it back to me and we can begin moving you in the right direction.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

Sending You Love,


PS – Timing is everything, so don’t wait. Get into action and book your spot here. 

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

May The Season Bless You With Peace, Joy & Love!

