Cut Your Clutter – Refresh Yourself

Cut Your Clutter – Refresh Yourself

By Patricia Diesel, CPC


Right up there with minding our health and tending to our finances, getting organized is always a hot topic as the calendar turns to the new year.  In fact, a survey suggests that “Getting Organized” is one of the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.  January is a great time to get organized because the sense of renewal at the New Year puts us in the right mind set to try new ways of doing things and even living.

Your organization project begins with discarding the old, broken, obsolete or unused items that have accumulated during prior years.  Anyone who has ever experienced clutter knows the feeling of being weighed down; you cannot explain the feeling, but there is a gnawing indescribable burden you carry around with you.  In your home, a cluttered space can create tension by making you feel that your life is out of control.  The stress from living with clutter can be exhausting.

You do not need to live this way.  When you de-clutter your life, you cast off the stuff from the past you have been carrying around.  By clearing clutter, you can set the conditions for a deep personal transformation.  If you address clutter in your life, you can feel as if the weight of the world is released from your shoulders.

A home should be welcoming and inviting, a clutter-free place to entertain friends and family.  Your rooms should be pleasurable to the eye, a beautiful place where you can relax and feel good. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary where you surrender for rest to rejuvenate yourself and be free of computers, Blackberry’s and other intrusions.  Look around as you read this and think about what you really need in your life and space.

Clearing out your personal space can reap tremendous mental, physical and emotional rewards by giving you the freedom to invite friends and loved one’s into your home without the stress of the last minute “panic pick-up” to put your space in order for guests.  Living in an efficient space that is free of emotional freight makes it easier to see and achieve your goals and move forward.

As you evaluate the steps to de-clutter your life, also consider your office.  The less cluttered, the clearer your thinking and enhancing your potential to be more efficient and creative.  It is not just sanity that can be saved by getting organized, but valuable time.  You can waste a lot of time and energy if it takes you 10 minutes to rummage through files and drawers looking for your important paperwork.   Work can be stressful, but de-cluttering your workspace is something that you can control.

Your office should be well appointed, where everything you need is easy to locate. Files can be color-coded—red for “hot” active matters, and other colors for other priorities.  A clear desk limits distractions to set the stage for doing your best work. Everything should have a place.                                                                                                                                      

 Change can be difficult. It is understandable that it can feel scary and overwhelming to part with your stuff, so it is important to begin with baby steps.  As a first step, purchase a journal and write down what you want to create for yourself.  Get clear on your vision so you can manifest this into reality. 

Then start small with one drawer, one closet or one room.  It does not matter where you start, but the important step is to start somewhere.  If you are afraid of throwing something valuable away, have it appraised. Keep only well-chosen items that bring you joy and delight.

Divine order, sweet bliss; this is what you ultimately achieve when you surrender to the process of letting go of your clutter. I have never seen anyone regret they did; the only thing they might regret is that they waited so long.

How Organized Do You Really Want To Get?

If you could manifest an environment that you know deep down you’d really like to live in, what would that look like?


Most people “lie” to themselves when they think about how cluttered and disorganized they really are.  They say “If I could only get rid of a few things then my space (and life) would be and look so much better.”   


So they trick themselves into believing that if they take a few bags of “things” out of their home they are more organized, so therefore life is good again. (Which is one of the reasons why we tend to stay cluttered – physically & emotionally.)




If you’d like to finally get organized ALLLLLL the way to where your environment is echoing organization and you feel at peace with your life – once and for all AND…


If you’d like to get my personal support to make it happen, then check this out…


I’m offering a special “Finally Organized Forever” Coaching Session (a $250 value) for only $24.99 to the first ten (10) people who register! 


During this powerful, 1-on-1 coaching session, we’ll work together to…  

  • Create a crystal clear vision for the ideal life you’ll be living in your neat, tidy & organized environment. 
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your organizing efforts and keeping you cluttered. 
  • Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally get organized and live the way you want once and for all.


To claim your special “Finally Organized Forever” coaching session today, simply


I will be in touch with you within the next 24 hours to schedule your one-on-one “Finally Organized Forever” session.  Please allow 60 minutes for this session.

The sooner you Claim Your Session, the more likely you are to be one of the ten (10) lucky coaching candidates.  So hurry, don’t get left out…do it now!

Can Teaming Up Actually Calm You Down?


Can working as a team have benefits beyond moral support?

Researchers at Santa Clara and Stanford Universities have found that exercising with a partner enhances a workout’s stress-reducing effects – benefiting body and mind.  What they discovered was that when working with a partner, people generally felt calmer then if they worked solo.  They also concluded that whether they chatted or not through their regimen, the dialogue did not have an adverse effect on their results, and that the feelings of calmness usually lasted well into the evening hours.

In the Professional Organizing world – there is a similar parallel which we refer to as the “Body-Double.”  The purpose of the Body- Double is to act like an anchor, not an active assistant in the process of organizing.  The concept is to help the other person stay focused and ignore distractions, simply by being present.

Often, this practice provides emotional support, as clients will feel that having a Body-Double gives them permission to finish what needs to be done,  thus calming their feelings of overwhelm and reducing their urge to walk away.  It is a highly effective strategy that leaves the persona feeling empowered and satisfied.



30 Days To Successful Organizing

An Excerpt from “A Visit With Patricia Diesel – New Jersey Countryside Magazine.”

In addition to deciding what’s important to your life, successful organizing is about time and how you use it.  You have to organize your organizing.  People say, I don’t have time to organize.  I say you DO have time, no matter how busy you are.


One of my tricks is the 30-day challenge.  Sit down with a calendar in front of you.  Pick a priority project that’s really urgent.  Maybe it’s the closets.  Say:  I’m going to give myself 30 days to clean out my closets.  Mark the end date on the calendar.  You can figure out approximately how much total time it will take and mark the days you’ll work on it, even if it means skipping a less important engagement or two.  The point is that if you give yourself 30 days, you’re not rushing yourself.  Noe excuses.  Schedule it into your time.

At the end of 30 days, celebrate your victory.  Give yourself a reward, some sort of treat.  You deserve it!

A side benefit of the 3o-day challenge is that you are really learning about how you are using your time.  Perhaps you can cut out something unproductive and substitute something you enjoy.

Sidebar:  Learn how to set boundaries and limits for the use of your time.  In doing so, learn how to say “No.”  This is a big one.  Before you make your decision about a request, ask, will this balance my day or put me on overload?

The On-Line Workshop That Will Guide You To Organizing Success

The On-Line Workshop That Will Guide You To Organizing Success!
No More Excuses – It’s Time To Get Unstuck!

I am making this workshop so desirable and so affordable

that it is virtually (literally) impossible not to REGISTER!

A Simple Guide to an Organized Life - Add to Cart!


I mean it’s going to be downright AWESOME!

Here’s a cool look at what you can expect:

Personal Workbook
Fun Groundwork Assignments
3 Evenings of Workable On-Line Sessions
30 Minute Individual Coaching Session
Follow Up Group Coaching Call
Vision Board

And the best part is that it is truly AFFORDABLE!

Here’s the skinny on the price:

The cost is simply $129.99 – that’s it!
(One session alone is more than this.)

But you have to REGISTER NOW for two reasons:

1.  I am only allowing a limited amount of students.

2. Starting January 12th the price goes up to $159.99.

So don’t remain stuck and don’t cost yourself money!

It’s time to start  a new chapter of your life.


The Best Time Is Now!

Can you believe we are already at the end of 2013?
This made me think about the things I accomplished this year as well as my future goals for the upcoming year.
I was wondering if you were thinking about your goals too?
If you are anything like me, come New Year’s Morning I have HIGH hopes and aspirations for the year.
All types of things buzz around my mind that excite me.
Let me ask you now…
  • How’s that organizing project going – did you complete it?
  • Did you overcome your procrastination?
  • Are you managing your tasks more effectively?
  • Have you been able to balance out your life?
  • Are you living clutter free?
  • Have you been able to improve that relationship that means so much to you?

Well, if you’re like 97% of the population your answer to the above questions will be no.

But I don’t want you to be part of that 97% population – I want you to stand out and succeed.

I have a little secret I want to share with you – NOW is actually the best time to go after all you want – Do NOT wait until New Year’s Morning to begin thinking about your goals – do it NOW!

I will PERSONALLY  help you get a jump start on your goals absolutely FREE of charge with a 30 minute coaching session!

With this powerful 30 minute coaching session you will leave with:

  • Written positive outcomes for the New Year.
  • A new awareness of what is causing many of your challenges that’s holding you back from achieving your goals right now (It may not be what you think!)
  • A renewed sense of energy about the New Year to come and what you can expect.
  • A “next” step action plan for moving your goals along with commitment, motivation and passion.

Email me now for your FREE session @ [email protected]  and someone from my team will be in contact with you within 24 hours.

With love,

Patricia Diesel

Behind Closed Doors

Do you peer out your front door with a heavy heart when someone comes knocking?

If your answer is yes…

May I ask you to please search deep within your heart for the answer to this next question:


What are you truly afraid of? 

It is my Soul's calling to help you get organized and come out from Behind Closed Doors.

It is my Soul’s calling to help you get organized and come out from Behind Closed Doors.


 Please know this: 

My heart is never still knowing that you are experiencing clutter. For I know clutter creates fear, pain and shame.

It is my soul’s calling to help you.

I can’t promise you that it will always be easy but I can promise you that it does get better in time.

Please register for this upcoming class.

Allow me to share with you all the reasons why you should come out from Behind Closed Doors.

Register Here

Persistence – The Competitive Advantage

As a professional coach and organizing consultant, I deliver solutions for my clients that help solve their most complicated needs.

I am often asked, what is my secret when it comes to helping my clients achieve their goals.

The answer is always the same – persistence.

Some may view persistence as a logical consequence of one’s inner competitive spirit or inability to give up.  Yet, if we take a look at persistence from an emotional state that causes us to act, we can learn a lot.

Persistence - The Competitive Advantage

Persistence – The Competitive Advantage

You see, people assume that we are creatures of logic, but we are not.  We are creatures of emotion.  When a client is in search of a solution, I must first recognize their initial desire is being fueled off of emotion.  Logic is the secondary desire.

As with any solution process there are peaks and valleys.  That’s part of the journey.  But what most people find frustrating are the feelings they experience along the way.  Feelings associated with wanting to give up.

There are times when terrific progress is made and then things may come to a screeching halt.  A crisis may occur, roadblocks may pop-up, or you may simply feel discouraged.

As your coach and consultant, this is when my competitive advantage taps in to remind you of what you set out to do and why you set out to do it. To remind you of your initial desire so you can feel the emotion once again.

To Learn More about how I can help you achieve your personal & professional goals, please contact me for a free assessment kit and company brochure.

Simplicity Beckons Me…

Simplicity Beckons Patricia Diesel

Simplicity Beckons Patricia Diesel


Simplicity Beckons Me…

Why does one seek to create more yet want less?

What motivates us to acquire things only to release them?

Why do we work so hard but have such little time to play?

What makes us initially keep something only to let it go?


In answer to these questions, we may wonder…

Is it the perception we have on life?

Is it our belief system that we were told?

Do we get to a point where we then shift our value system?

Do circumstances force us to change?


Please know this…

Simplicity is a state of “being.   

It is a process that beckons one’s soul. 

It becomes an undeniable quest to pursue.


Question for you…  

Does simplicity beckon your soul?


With Love,

Patricia Diesel

The Beauty of Life


“If I could make a wish for you, it would be that you would “see” all the possibility there is for you.  All the beauty that life has to offer.”

I remember someone saying this to me when I was feeling “out of sorts” many years ago.  At the time it sounded so magical to me.  Something that I wanted to believe in, yet so out of reach for me.

“If life is so wonderful and magnificent, why did I “feel” the opposite?”  And “Why did my life “feel” out of control?”  These were just some of the questions I would ask myself.

It felt impossible for me at the time to “feel” anything other than my pain. The continuation of my pain only created more pain.  Doubt, fear, abandonment, all of these emotions seeped into my “being.”  I felt emotionally crippled.

What I didn’t realize at the time was the more I would dwell on my pain, the more deeply I would “feel” the pain.  I had no idea that the more I continued to put my focus on something, the more it would manifest.

My quest began for answers.  I needed truth, facts, discoveries – anything that would give me hope for a better understanding of myself.  The deep desire to learn more consumed me because I wanted to “feel” better. 

Deep within me, I knew that no one could find these answers but me.

As my journey to know “me” started to unfold, I began to realize that stumbling into the world of coaching was indeed no coincidence.  It was part of the beauty of my life’s purpose and plan. 

Coaching has and continues to “be” such an instrumental tool for my personal and professional development.  The context of coaching breeds understanding, acceptance, empathy and countless gifts. 

Within the framework of coaching pleads powerful questions.  Questions that beseech one’s soul for answers.  Answers that help you “feel” better about yourself and your life.

I now “see” the possibility that life has to offer and the supremacy of manifestation.  With this wish that has come true, I can no longer deny all its’ wondrous beauty.