The Lesson That I Learned

The Lesson That I Learned – What Is Accountability.  This Tuesday’s Tel-Class – April 3, 3012.


One morning I was in the office before usual business hours getting ready for my day ahead, when my telephone rang.


Detecting a sense of worry from the caller, I listened to her until her anxiety subsided.


I then asked her a question, which I believe became the turning point for her, which was;


“What part of the clutter are you willing to take ownership of?”


So I ask you my dear readers…


If you are struggling with overwhelming feelings because you can’t get out of your own way due to the chaos of clutter….


“Are you ready to be held accountable?”


Is this resonating for you?  Then you probably will want to learn more by signing up for this Tuesday’s Tel-Class …




Please read on to learn more…. 


It is not uncommon when someone is faced with insurmountable amounts of clutter to place blame on everyone or anything, as long as it isn’t them.  The reason being, I believe, is it can be very painful to accept (until we are ready) that we could be the source of own downfall.


From my experience, I have witnessed countless times, clients who try to maintain control over their clutter, failing to recognize that they are powerless over something that is virtually bigger than them.


Until their level of denial is penetrated, excuses will continue. It is when a person can accept the reality of what their clutter is about; a by-product or symptom of something else, the clutter will then cease.


There have been critical times, right before work will commence or a contract needs to be signed, that a person will reject or find fault with something in order to stay still in there mess.  The manifestation of their clutter is far more comforting then the prospect of clearing out the chaos.


This is the time that understanding and patience is required.  It is not always easy, if I do say so myself, especially when hours of time have been invested before hand, but never the less, it is in the client’s best interest not to pursue action, since it will only lead to unsuccessful attempts.


We will go into further detail about the above in this Tuesday’s Tel-Class – REGISTER HERE!    


One of the ways to break this cycle is to participate in support groups, sign up for workshops and engage in coaching programs that have an emphasis on clutter education.  This way, a foundation has been set and groundwork is complete before entering into a formal commitment of the de-cluttering process.


As I have always maintained, baby steps are the way to changing behavioral patterns.  It is also important to recognize that celebrating your victories, no matter how small, is key for success.


In the end, the person who can maintain accountability for their actions will triumph over the clutter.


There’s no doubt about it – accountability is the key ingredient here, but you first need to learn what that word represents for you in order to be successful.


Let me share with you what I have learned about accountability and how it has personally and professionally helped me grow as a person.



Are You Accountable For Your Clutter?

Are You Accountable For Your Clutter?

One morning I was in the office before usual business hours getting ready for my day ahead, when my telephone rang.  Detecting a sense of worry from the caller, I listened to her until her anxiety subsided.

I then asked her a question, which I believe became the turning point for her, which was;

“What part of the clutter are you willing to take ownership of ?”


Are You Accountable For Your Clutter?

It is not uncommon when someone is faced with insurmountable amounts of clutter to place blame on everyone or anything, as long as it isn’t them.  The reason being, I believe, is it can be very painful to accept (until we are ready) that we could be the source of own downfall.

From my experience, I have witnessed countless times, clients who try to maintain control over their clutter, failing to recognize that they are powerless over something that is virtually bigger than them.  Until their level of denial is penetrated, excuses will continue. It is when a person can accept the reality of what their clutter is about; a by-product or symptom of something else, the clutter will then cease.

There have been critical times, right before work will commence or a contract needs to be signed, that a person will reject or find fault with something in order to stay still in there mess.  The manifestation of their clutter is far more comforting then the prospect of clearing out the chaos.

This is the time that understanding and patience is required.  It is not always easy, if I do say so myself, especially when hours of time have been invested before hand, but never the less, it is in the client’s best interest not to pursue action, since it will only lead to unsuccessful attempts. 

One of the ways to break this cycle is to participate in support groups, sign up for workshops and engage in coaching programs that have an emphasis on clutter education.  This way, a foundation has been set and groundwork is complete before entering into a formal commitment of the de-cluttering process. 

As I have always maintained, baby steps are the way to changing behavioral patterns.  It is also important to recognize that celebrating your victories, no matter how small, is key for success.

In the end, the person who can maintain accountability for their actions will triumph over the clutter.

To learn more – check it out here: 

10 Principles of Healthy Living

10 Principles of Healthy Living

Sometimes when I think about what is really required to live a simple life, it always comes back to these basic principles.  For without these, life will be difficult.


10 Principles of Healthy Living

  1. Breathe deeply
  2. Drink water
  3. Sleep peacefully
  4. Eat nutritiously
  5. Enjoy activity
  6. Give and receive love
  7. Be forgiving
  8. Practice gratitude
  9. Develop acceptance
  10. Develop a relationship with God

Cluttered & Cramped?

The latest statistics show that our culture on a whole is consolidating.

It may appear that it’s as simple as “getting rid of this and getting rid of that” to make our lives neat and tidy, but we know that it does take much more than that!

You know, just as well as I do, that if it were that easy everyone wouldn’t be feeling overwhelmed when it came time to “letting things go” and organizing the rest.

It’s why the professional organizing/life coaching profession has exploded over the past few years and still is in high demand. 

People require assistance and guidance when it comes to their lovely, beautiful, sentimental things.

They want to live in a home that feels “homey” and is not referred to as a place, a house, a flat or an apartment.  They want to feel good in their space so when visitors come knocking they can feel proud to let them in and cozy up to.

Tell me, by looking at the below photographs what comes to your mind? 
cluttered & cramped
Do you think one space is better than the other? 


Do you see a difference in how their space is being used?


Do you see clutter in the spaces?
Do the pictures represent anything else for you? 
Do you secretly wish you could have a home that reflects order and style?

It’s true that everyone has their own unique style and flair for decorating – that’s what makes our homes so interesting.  It’s a reflection at some point of who we are.

Not everyone has to agree with our taste, but from my years of experience I can confidently say that everyone does agree that they don’t like clutter. 

In this class we are going to explore the many faces of clutter, and how to get motivated to want to rid yourself of the clutter by using “style and order” as a technique.

It’s a secret that I have used throughout the years with my clients and I would like to share it with you in this upcoming tel-class.
All that is required for this class is an open mind and a willing to learn and of course, you will want to take plenty of notes!  It’s going to be fun, fun, fun!

Friendship Blessing

What a gift to have such a Friendship Blessing!

Holding Hands

“But oh, the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearless on any subject; with whom one’s deepest as well as one’s most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely.

Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person – having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.


(PS – I Love You!)



A Lesson In Life

A Lesson In Life

Whenever my mom would came across reading material she found meaningful enough to share, she would clip it out and save it until the time was appropriate.

It’s one of the many things I loved about her.

I speak in past tense because my mom suffers from an awful disease that we call “Alzheimer’s.” 

It has robbed her memory, changed her quality of life and invaded her privacy.  For this, I am grief stricken.  It is a disease that affects all – all that choose to love and support her.

It has been over a year now that I have carried around this beautiful message – A Lesson In Life .  I found it while cleaning out my parent’s vacation home.  I now feel a desire to share it with you.

My hope is that you gain inner strength and peace from reading it.

My best always,



A Lesson In Life

A Lesson In Life

Everything happens for a reason.  Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.

Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.  Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them.  For they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open your heart to.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.

Make every day count.  Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen.  Hold your head up because you have every right to.  Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.

You can make of your life anything you wish.  Create your own life and then go out and live it!


Unclutter Your Love – Tel-Class Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unclutter Your Love – Tel-Class Tuesday, February 7, 2012 is going to be a class you won’t ever forget.

It’s February – the month of LOVE.

I for one, particularly love the concept of Valentine’s Day, but I don’t necessarily think it has to be just for “lovers.”  I think sharing the love with our family and friends can go a long way.

It is in this spirit that I think this month is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to make your relationships better than ever.


Unclutter Your Love - Tel-Class Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This Tuesday, I am offering a ground-breaking tel-class, Unclutter Your Love based on a current book that I am writing and my years of experience helping people overcome their physical and emotional clutter..

We will be having a relationship expert/family therapist as our guest speaker as we delve into root causes and explore tips on how to organize your way back to love.

I know, it’s so exciting – so if I were you I wouldn’t miss out and I would Register Now!

This exciting event will explore the following topics:

  • Messy or neat….who wins?
  • How we may be expressing anger, sadness or disappointment through clutter
  • Exposing the real conflict
  • The strategy of compromise
  • How to set your boundaries without crossing the line
  • The secret to effective communication
  • Bridging the gap with humor
  • The powerful effect of happiness
  • Agreeing on a lifestyle that works for both of you
  • Asking yourself the tough questions

I am always interested in teaching new topics to my clients and think this one will be really instrumental in helping you and your loved ones.

Don’t miss out on learning how to Unclutter Your Love!





How To Make Routines Work For You And Others – Tuesday’s Tel-Class

Despite what you may have heard, routines are actually very good for you and can create an overall sense of health and well being.

If I could show you how to make routines work for you and others to help you become more productive and efficient in an upcoming Tel-Class this Tuesday, would you enroll in the class?


Wouldn’t you agree, there’s nothing worse than feeling like you just wasted your time on an uneventful day.

Most of us will be left feeling unproductive and frustrated, especially when we are trying so hard to achieve both our professional and personal goals.

When this happens to me, I usually find that I got out of my routine in some form or fashion, which ultimately sabotaged my time.


How To Make Routines Work For You And Others

Understanding the basics of time management is a valuable lesson to learn since it can be incorporated in all aspects of your life, from your work place to your home.  Therefore, routines are good to have.

If you want to develop a routine to stop wasting time, then consider taking this upcoming tel-class.

The Course Curriculum Will Cover:

    • How to find out what makes you tick personally.
    • Where you waste time and where you could be more productive.
    • Tips to help you understand that you have control over your day.
    • How to create a schedule that keeps you on track.
    • Understanding the importance of scheduling time for yourself.
    • Why taking a peek at tomorrow is helpful to prioritize your schedule.
    • How to resolve all issues as you have scheduled, unless it is impossible to do so.
    • How having a routine helps others.
    • And so much more…

I strongly suggest you come with an open mind, a sense of humor and a willingness to learn!


I’m always thinking of classes to help simplify your life.

I believe this one is going to help you tremendously.

I look forward to your participation.

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The Infamous Home Office – (Tuesday’s Tel-Class – 1/17/12)

Have you been dreaming of getting your home office into shape?

Would you like to know what is the key to having an office that runs efficiently?

Then you may want to consider signing up for this upcoming class:  REGISTER HERE !


Smart Systems that Work for You


When you walk into your office, do you sit down at your desk and begin your daily work with a strong sense of focus and concentration? If you said yes, well good for you!  But many of us don’t feel this way.  Instead of entering with a purpose, we get distracted and end up going in several directions, none of which proves to be productive or efficient.

If you can relate to this and feel overwhelmed and scattered, take a serious look at your desk!

(And then consider signing up for this class right now!)

Has it become your dumping ground and covered with things to read (I know, one day you will get to relax and read it) such as newspapers, magazine articles, letters…need I go on?

First, suffice it to say, you need a system to streamline your stuff and organize your work.

So let’ me give you a taste of what you will be learning in class:

Smart Sorting

Take those papers and divide them into three categories:

1. Immediate Attention

2. Look Later

3. File

Please, make it simple on yourself, throw away, shred, or recycle everything else that you have not touched or looked at in years and do not need!

Never underestimate the power of having things within arm’s reach – so now put all those immediate action items there!

Organize them so you can see them…try something that will keep them upright, such as a letter sorter. If you lay them down, it’s too risky to start piling again, hence they get buried.

Now create an area that is for your “Look Later” stuff. Find something that is colorful and will draw your eye as a reminder.

I personally like the file totes that have the detachable file inserts. It’s ideal for your magazines, papers, and catalogs and you can make bold labeled tabs for each category.

Tip: Once you see it getting full or heavy, it’s time to purge!

Curious? Want to hear a little more?

Keep reading, but I’m telling you – you should sign up for this class – it’s going to be a popular one!                                                                                                

Clearing Your Space

I always say, you must be attracted to your tools, and a filing cabinet is no exception. Find something that you like that will compliment the style of your office. You have to feel like you want to “go” to the files.

Take the time to shop or go on-line and browse a bit. I suggest you find one with drawers that close – it helps things look less cluttered and professional.

Finally, it’s important to put like with like.  This means, no commingling your papers please. Separate your mail immediately and keep your bills in their own home. Then put the rest of the mail in the homes you already established prior – “Immediate, Look at Later or File.” Remember, now is a good time to toss, shred or recycle the rest.


If it’s been more than 2 weeks and you haven’t read your catalogs, it’s time to let them go.

Want to learn more and get that office of yours humming?

Then I suggest you sign up now and take advantage of this opportunity – so don’t delay!


Don’t forget to come prepared with your questions so I can personally help you!