Jen’s Story Just Might Help You


I’d like to introduce you to Jennifer. 

Jen is a middle aged woman, married with children, and lives in the suburbs of the USA.

From outward appearances, Jen appears to have quite a life; a nice home, stylish wardrobe and a new car.

But what most people don’t know is that Jen has a secret. A secret that she’s been keeping from her family and friends.

You see, Jen has a wee bit of a problem.  A problem that has, over time, gotten bigger.  And now, this problem is difficult to keep under wraps, so Jen is feeling anxious and not sleeping well. 

That’s when she called me and asked if I could help her. 

But the story doesn’t end there. 

Actually, the story has a very happy ending.  I’d like to share that story with you because I think it just might help shed a little light on “things.”

I’m hosting a FREE call that I’d like to invite you to.  I’ll be discussing stories like Jen’s and others.

If you’re interested, all you need to do is register by clicking on the below link.




I hope you’ll join me.


Is Clutter Really In The Eyes Of The Beholder?

As a clutter coach who specializes in hoarding, I take heed for good reason when I hear the statement, “clutter is in the eyes of the beholder.”

The above statement references that for some there’s a level of comfort they find with their messiness and what one may consider messy another may not.

Now, if we are talking about households that periodically get out of order, or people who are not so organized but their disorder doesn’t interfere with the quality of their life, then yes, the statement carries weight.  Different people are comfortable with different degrees of  clutter.

How one chooses to live their life is their business, one may say, and although I would tend to agree, I would also have to argue that this is true up until a point as it pertains to clutter.  I say this because excessive clutter does interfere with the quality of one’s life and loved ones.

Clutter can be dangerous and a hazard for tripping and falling.  Mold and toxins grow beneath and on the clutter and are released into the air that cause breathing and health problems. And clutter can prevent a person from utilizing their home in the way it is supposed to be intended, i.e., cooking in the kitchen, sleeping in the bed, bathing in the bathroom.

Now there’s a reason why people have extreme clutter and that goes into whether or not they are hoarding their stuff or there are other reasons behind it.  But studies do show that hoarding affects up to 6 percent of the population or 19 million Americans.

To see if any red flags are raised for you, ask yourself questions like these:

  • Do you buy many of the same things over time, because you can’t find what you already have?
  • Does your stuff prevent you from having people over?
  • Are you late paying bills because you can’t find your bills?
  • Does someone complain about your stuff? Does it cause family fights?
  • Are you able to utilize your rooms they way they are designed to be used for cooking, sleeping, bathing?
  • Are there narrow “goat trails” in your house to walk through between tall mounds of stuff?
  • Are you experiencing financial hardship due to excessive shopping?
  • Has your hobby of collecting turned into an obsession of acquiring?

People often tell me that after they de-clutter (which can include their space, desk, office, home, etc.) it comes back. What I tell them is that “it” isn’t the problem – your habits are. So if your clutter is returning you need to figure out what you’re doing that’s causing the clutter to begin with.

If you’re questioning whether or not your “clutter is in the eyes of the beholder” or something more, I would like to invite you to a conference call on Monday, July 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm et.  It’s absolutely FREE and will be a very relaxed discussion where you can ask me anything you’d like.

All you have to do is simply click on the link below to register.


I look forward to the call.  Talk to you soon!








The Latest Organizing Trend


Patricia sitting on chair outside of house

I am often asked what I think of the latest organizing craze, especially about paring down and creating makeovers.

For me personally, organizing has always been in trend.  I’ve been helping people for over 20 plus years de-clutter and design new living spaces.

But, lately it appears more women are catching on that getting organized is not just a one time activity.  Rather it’s a lifestyle one adopts that embraces the body, mind and environment.

This makes me very happy and excited because when one understands this, it’s easier to get off the merry-go-round of clutter and break the cycle a lot easier.

The fact is, living an organized life is a choice. You become more consciously aware of what’s truly important and what makes you happy, rather than focusing on external things to fulfill you.

If you’re interested, I’d love to talk to you personally and show you how to create such a lifestyle.  It would be a very relaxed call and you can ask me anything you’d like.  You can schedule your call at your convenience by clicking HERE!

I look forward to our call together!

Why Clutter Exists and What It’s Trying To Tell You

There’s a question that stumps many people when I ask them: What is your clutter trying to tell you?

But before we get into answering that, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you might have clutter to begin with.

Clutter usually starts when there is a significant life change. Examples may include a health setback, a death, loss of a relationship, a change in career, financial burden, and so on.

These life changes can impact a person and can trigger a range of emotions such as feeling anxious, depressed, sad, angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, etc.

Over time, if we do not deal with our emotions, they can activate a cycle of hopelessness and feeling stuck in life, all of which lead to a breakdown of the human spirit.

When the human spirit is compromised, it is only natural that inward feelings will be expressed outwardly, which we refer to as manifesting. For some, this outward manifestation means clutter.

Now, if we go back to the original question—What is your clutter trying to tell you?—and follow the trail of your clutter’s origin, the answer becomes more obvious. Perhaps there are some unresolved emotions and frustrations in your life that you haven’t dealt with. Take a close look at your life and the places where a life change may be manifesting as clutter.

Everyone’s clutter signifies something different. It’s important to understand how yours originated so you can begin to recognize some of the unresolved areas in your life that still need healing.

Healing your past pains is a crucial part of creating a life of joy and peace now. And once you can break out of your cycle of pain, anger, or hopelessness, you may find it becomes easier to reassess your clutter and see it for what it truly is.

Do You Have A Spring In Your Step?

Do You Have A Spring In Your Step?

Happy Monday to you!

I’m curious about something…

Do you get a little spring in your step as you greet the day? 

If you do, that’s great!  If not, why do you think that is?

Meeting the day with energy and confidence is a sign that you are feeling happy.  There’s usually something to look forward to.

When I fill out my High Performance Planner for the day, it asks me, What’s One Thing I Can Get Excited About Today? By answering this question, it helps me take the focus off anything negative and refocus my attention to something positive. It works like a charm.

I’m going to be talking about how to tap into a positive mindset in my upcoming class Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

Why don’t you join me?  It’s FREE. You can grab your seat here.

Why I Don’t Mess Around With Clutter

If you don’t know this yet about me, I do something very well. 

I help women de-clutter their lives.  It’s pretty much that in a nut shell.

The fact is, clutter is messy.  And when you’re all cluttered up you need help.  And not just any help.  You need an expert.

Now, you may want to know all the little juicy details about me if you’re unfamiliar, but I can assure you, if you’re feeling like your mind is about to implode and your manifesting outwardly with clutter, what you really need is someone to help you turn your life around quickly.

I have enough knowledge and experience to tell you that if you ignore your clutter there will be a pretty price to pay.  That’s why I don’t mess around when it comes to getting you clutter-free. That’s why you want me as your Clutter Coach.

I’m going to be teaching a new course.  If you have clutter, it might be a really good idea you attend.  It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

It’s FREE.  You can grab your seat here.

I’m Teaching A New Class – You In?


I’m teaching a FREE clutter class on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

My last free class was PACKED.  And so much fun.  This one is even better.  You should come.

It’s called Clutter & Beyond; how to break the cycle of clutter and recharge your life with purpose and passion.

I’m going to show you how to move from the unbearable weight of clutter to a life of freedom.

Yes, yes it’s true.  There is a life after clutter and the world is waiting for you to show up.  (I explain more in the video once you click the reserve link)

I hope you’ll consider it.  Click here to reserve your seat in the classroom.

Do You Need Help?

Do you need my help?

If your answer is yes, I have great news for you.

I have a few secrets that I can share with you that I know will make a huge difference in your life.

I’m not just talking about in your environment, i.e., living or work place.  I mean your whole life.

Here’s one little secret: 

The concept of wellness is understanding how well you are “being” in the world.  And if you are experiencing clutter, I can safely tell you that you are showing up in life with “stress.”

Stress is inflammatory which affects your mental well-being and can take a drastic toll on your physical health if not managed.

This is just one of the reasons why people experience a clutter rut.

I asked you before, do you need my help?

Now I am going to ask if you want my help? There’s a big difference.

One is acknowledging you do, the other is making a choice to take action. 

My special offer will be ending soon. It’s an incredible opportunity to work with me at a fraction of the cost.

If you want access to the rest of the secrets, simply CLICK HERE!

Sometimes You Can’t Do It Alone

Sometimes it just feels too tedious, too much, too overwhelming to get things done.

As hard as you try, and as much as you want to push through, you find yourself stopping and getting frustrated.

It’s a hard battle with clutter, especially during this time of year with tax season in full gear and papers piling up.  Everything can feel, well, just too much!

This is the time when social organizing can be helpful.

Judith Kolberg writes about this in her book, Conquering Chronic Disorganization, discusses how many people find the act of organizing, sorting and weeding through difficult to do on their own.  She writes about social organizing and also body doubling, which is where an organizer sits quietly, as a silent partner, and/or can facilitate by handing over paperwork, files, etc. 

The key here is that the work would not be accomplished without the silent partner as a body double provides you with an anchor and a mirror.

Can you relate to this?  Perhaps today is the day you recognize that you’re tired of wasting time, and getting nowhere.  By working with a professional you can pull yourself out of this vicious cycle. Interestingly enough, the person helping you doesn’t have to be there in person in order for you to get things done. 

I’ve worked for years virtually, helping people de-clutter their spaces, sort through their things, organize their rooms.  There’s a level of comfort that provides the person the right dose of motivation and confidence to complete their tasks, simply by having me there to answer a question or give advice if needed. 

With the commitment of a specified amount of time and the right dose of willingness, magic happens. 

To make an appointment to see if social organizing is right for you, simply click here!





CLUTTER; The Great Imposter


The Great Imposter

When Mary first contacted me, she told me she was feeling a lack of motivation and extremely overwhelmed due to her excessive clutter.  She was concerned that the clutter was getting out of control and it was making her feel anxious on top of everything else.

I explained to her that clutter is just an outward  manifestation of what a person is feeling.  The clutter can intensify these feelings, but the clutter is not the cause of her lack of motivation and overwhelm.

It’s not unusual for a person to think that their clutter is the cause of their emotional upheaval.

For example:  The clutter simply mirrors back what you are feeling about yourself.  So when Mary says the clutter is making her feel overwhelmed and unmotivated, what she’s really saying is that she’s feeling that way.

The way to overcome Mary’s clutter is to take a deeper look at what is causing her to feel this way.  By doing so, she will eventually get to the underlying reason (root cause) of her physical clutter.

This is a very important step in the process of healing oneself of clutter.  If you just try to “clean-up” the clutter without addressing the root cause, the clutter will come back.  This is why we call it the cycle of clutter.

Usually the clutter gets stronger with each cycle.

Although this can at first feel uneasy, I assured Mary that by showing up and facing her fears, it would lead her to a better understanding of what’s driving her to outwardly manifest. With this new understanding she would be able to gain a fresh perspective and learn how to deal with her emotions in a more positive, healthier way.

Clutter has many faces and can deceive a person into thinking many things – it’s why I refer to it as the Great Imposter.  But don’t be fooled.  Your clutter is just you, trying to get your attention.

If you’re looking for more information on how to resolve your clutter, I suggest you begin with my on-line mindfulness program that will take you through all the steps necessary to living a clutter-free life.

You can get that program HERE!