Stress; where does it come from and how to manage it?

Where does stress come from and how can it be managed?

Let’s look at this example:

Someone rejects, hurts, or wrongs you in some way.  How do you respond?  Perhaps like many people, you immediately want to retaliate in some manner.  After all, what happened to you is not right.

On the other hand, you may think it’s nobler to stuff the hurt deep inside your soul.  But despite your resolve, it keeps popping out, and as you relive it, the pain engulfs you once again.

Now from a spiritual point of view, you might believe what’s necessary is the grace of forgiveness.  And although this may be the case, if  it doesn’t come from a sincere heart, there will be a struggle.

If we lash out, stuff down our feelings, or forgive with an insincere heart, how does that resolve the issue?

It doesn’t.

Eventually the stress will outwardly manifest in some form or fashion.

Clutter is a lot like that.  It manifests in all sorts of ways that reflect unresolved feelings.

It’s the reason why I created my new program, Mindful Tools for Organized Living.  I literally coach you through the clutter and walk you through a step-by-step process so you can fully understand the story behind your manifestation.

It’s the only way to find resolve so you can move forward.

Sure you can clean your place up and pretend nothing is really bothering you, but….I can guarantee, until you get to the root cause of the clutter, it will come back…again and again.

Here’s the link to the program:  For a very small investment (and while’s it’s massively reduced in price) you can be well on your way to managing your stress.

You can always upgrade later to one of my personal one-on-one coaching programs, but the value that is packed in this, especially with all the bonus items are incredible.

Oh and by the way, you get a FREE Discovery Call with me once you register, so you’ll know exactly how to start and where to begin.  I thought about everything to ensure your success – so you don’t have to worry, I got ya covered!

If you want to get a jump-start on next year so you can be living a stress-free, healthy life, I am encouraging you to follow this link:

It might just change your life!


Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life

1. Decreases Stress
Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things.

2.You Can Breathe Easier
Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins that can complicate health issues and cause breathing problems.

3.Clears Your Mind
A clutter-free environment frees yours mind and aids in focus and concentration. Clutter causes chaos and can interfere with your brain’s ability to process information.

The Benefits Of Making Clutter A Top Priority

Here’s a little secret you need to know if you’ve been trying to win the war on clutter.

The key to overcoming your clutter challenge has a lot to do with follow-through. And the only way you will be able to do that is if you make it a priority.  Plain and Simple.

A thing that is regarded as more important than another.
(i.e., that thing is your clutter)

Saying something is important and then choosing to do something else is a conflict of interest. So saying you want to be clutter free, yet not making it important enough to make it a priority, will not cure your clutter.

So what to do, what to do….

First we need to understand why making something a priority helps us.

Here’s 4 Good Reasons:

1. It helps us organize our time
2. It helps us make daily choices that reflect our values
3. It helps us set boundaries with others
4. It helps reduce stress

Knowing something and implementing it is another story though, right? I get it. Especially when so many other “things” pop up.

But this is when you need to get real with your situation. How important is being clutter free to you? So the next time you’re in the “throws” of decluttering and something else feels like it’s taking precedence over being clutter free, ask yourself this:

If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?

Now really think about this. Because you’re saying “no” to so much more than an organized space.  You’re saying no to saving yourself time, reducing your stress, honoring your values and establishing good boundaries for yourself. Yes?

Life can be busy and at times it feels as if we are being pulled in too many different directions. But if you can honestly answer the above question it can work wonders and help you keep things in perspective.

I think you get the idea!

Here’s to saying YES to living an organized life – for good!

The Benefits Of A Bullet Proof Recovery Plan

There’s no doubt in my mind that backsliding is a natural occurrence with clutter. In fact, it’s pretty natural for humans to backslide in many aspects of life recovery if you really think about it.

So if backsliding is something that is going to happen, why do most people have such a difficult time with it and seem to never recover?

Well, that’s the million dollar question that I happen to have the answer to. The answer lies within my Bullet Proof Recovery Plan that I will be discussing tomorrow evening during my FREE INTRO CALL to introduce my new program, Mindfulness Tools for Organized Living.

Currently I am teaching this course at various learning centers but I will be offering it on-line with personal coaching options for my clients.

Check out another selfie with Nick – the brains behind the filming of my Mindfulness Video Series. I just couldn’t help myself…

Register Now!

Please join me so I can share all the details about how this program supports conscious, healthy living for an organized lifestyle.

This 1 Thing Could Be Affecting The Workplace

One In Four Americans Has Clutter

If you think clutter doesn’t impact productivity in the workplace, think again.
When your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus. The clutter also limits your brain’s ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information as well as you do in an uncluttered, organized, and serene environment. Overloading your brain forces it to divide its power, making it more difficult to sift through information, move between tasks, quickly, and have a strong working memory.
(Princeton University)
If you are an employee or an employer of someone who is suffering in the workplace, there is something you can do about it.  I’ve developed a Mindfulness Program that cuts through the clutter.  Let’s set up a time to discuss your options and see how I can help you.  Here’s a link to my calendar.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Patricia Diesel


Morning Mindfulness of Clients With Clutter

Morning Mindfulness of Clients With Clutter

I know this may seem random – making a video first thing in the morning -but I did. I did this because as soon as I woke up and went downstairs to grab some breakfast, it hit me. Wow – I love having a home that is organized – neat and tidy, because it allows me to continue the peaceful feeling I have from the moment I wake up. So in other words, I am able to carry that feeling throughout the day because my environment supports that.

I am very mindful of this and the fact that you are desiring the very same thing and yet you are struggling. This is what hit me this morning because it hurts me that you are not getting what you want. And for me, it’s so easy to have and yet you don’t. Well, the time is here that is all going to change.

6 Mindful Tools To Being Clutter Free is a program I created where I put all of my 20+ years experience together. It shows you within each tool, in a very precise way, how to get serious and real with your clutter so you are equipped mentally, physically and emotionally to combat it. From there, the program supports you with the tools to be precision like with your skills to learn the art of decluttering and organizing.  As you get skillful and find your way to a clutter free environment – you then learn with the next set of mindful tools what to expect and how to deal with backsliding to keep your living space organized for good.

Without a shadow of the doubt – if you follow this program – I assure you – you will be successful. It is not a program for someone who is going to dabble or play hide-n-seek with. It is for the serious student who wants to transform their life. If you are willing to show up – take responsibility for your life – and commit to the process without skipping the steps – you will be clutter-free.

Here’s my morning video with an invitation to learn more about how I want to help you. But you must want to help yourself too. Check it out and if you’re ready join me on a call for Monday – August 20, 2018 – at 7:00 pm – et,  here are the details:

Your Access Code: 9545600
Online Meeting Room URL:

If you prefer to call in use the below phone numbers:  remember to use the access code:  9545600

United States
(605) 475 4120

United States
(218) 339 7800



Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Did you know that every morning you wake up to a reality vision board?

Think about this. Your home, is your creation. It is your vision in real life.

So if you are pleased with your environment that you live in, good for you. If not, then change it.

You see, we do manifest outwardly from the inside (the way we think and feel). Your living space is a good barometer check for what is going on internally. Take a good look at the way you are living. There are clues there.

To your wellness,

Patricia Diesel

Would you like to ask me a question about how to live a more organized life? Click Here.

When Decluttering Evokes Painful Memories

When Decluttering Evokes Painful Memories

Although there is a sense of rebirth and freedom when decluttering your life – it is not always an easy process for someone who is grieving. There are many reasons why we may grieve; divorce or relationship break-up, empty nest, loss of a career, illness or death.

Sometimes we can unearth memories while decluttering which can be extremely emotional and trigger old wounds. When this happens, it can cause us to pause and reflect for awhile. Depending upon the severity of the grief will determine how much time is needed to get back on track.

In some circumstances, a grieving person will choose to declutter ruthlessly in an attempt to remove the pain caused by the loss. The thought is…better to be gone with it than to face a constant reminder of what I lost. While for others, the very onset of decluttering is like living the loss all over again and they become immobilized.

I offer strategies on how to cope with decluttering and grief in my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life.   If you or a loved one is struggling with grief, perhaps the book may be helpful. If you would prefer to get personalized help, please connect with me here.

Clutter Talk: How To Get The Conversation Going

I’ve got a strange question for you…

How comfortable do you feel talking about your clutter?

When I first started working as a Professional Organizer I quickly realized that people didn’t feel very comfortable talking about it at all. I found myself having to ask a lot of questions to try and get them to open up.

When I started to see the result powerful questions had on people as they became more comfortable talking about their clutter, everything changed. Before long, I knew that this was what would help unlock a lot of the mystery behind clutter.

Instead of people wanting a quick fix they now were interested in going deeper and looking at the root cause of their clutter.

Can you see yourself being comfortable enough to talk about your clutter?

Think about that for a few moments because your answer to that question will help you begin to understand the relationship you are having with your clutter.

If you can see yourself taking a deeper look into the root cause of your clutter, that’s fantastic! You’re on your way to a clutter-free life.

However, if you feel uncomfortable with that idea, you can start changing it today.

Just getting rid of the clutter won’t keep it away for good!

Whether you like it or not, clutter has a huge impact on the quality of your life and influences a lot of your decisions in life.

I want to help you develop a healthy relationship with your clutter. Not only to declutter your life and be free of it, but to gain a richer understanding of why you have the clutter to begin with so you can finally be free of it for good.

Once you become comfortable talking about your clutter your whole world will change for the better. You will start to notice how other relationships in your life will improve.

It’s easier than you think!

I have an exercise that you can do to help you start feeling more comfortable with talking about your clutter…

Beginning today, select a clutter buddy, someone that you feel comfortable sharing with. It could be a dear friend, family member or a person that has clutter challenges as well. Make sure they are positive, uplifting people.

Ask them if they wouldn’t mind spending about ten minutes with you, either by phone or in person, to talk about something. Set up the appointment.

Next make a list of all the clutter you no long wish to have in your home. Next to each item, reference any notes that come to mind about the memory of the item. Then briefly write an explanation as to why you are ready to let go. After that, recap your feelings with how you are going to feel once you are clutter free.

Show up to your appointment with your clutter buddy and share everything you wrote down with them. Then ask them to mirror back to you what you just shared with them.

Notice how you feel. Lighter, happy, relieved, cleansed… Breathe into that feeling and exhale. Imagine what your life would look like, feel like, without the clutter.

Close the conversation with thanking them and asking if they wouldn’t mind being your clutter buddy until the items on your list are eventually gone.

To living freely,

Patricia Diesel

PS:  Let me know how you make out – drop me a note below.  I would love to hear from you!


What Area Of Your Life Is Calling Out For Change?

Here’s a question for you …

What area of your life is calling out for change?

If I simplified that question for you and asked you to look at it from a body, mind and environment standpoint, what would you say?

Is your body craving nutrition…
Did you know that nutrient deficiencies and toxicity from a poor diet are linked to nearly all modern health conditions?

Are you on mental overload…
Did you know that chronic stress can suppress immune, digestive, sleep, and reproductive systems, which may cause them to stop working normally?

Is your environment out of control…
Did you know that a typical home contains $1600. worth of unused clutter and serious hoarding problems are present in at least 1 in 50 people?

My next question is…

What’s stopping you from creating the change your life is calling out for?

Someone once told me that, “You can’t reach out for something better if you’re still holding on with your hands.” In other words, despite the change we say we want, it’s hard to go about it if we can’t let go.

What foods, ideas, thoughts, notions, things are you holding on to?

Learning how to let go doesn’t have to be painful and scary. Actually it can be very liberating and exciting. I would like to show you how. I have a 3 step process for change that I would like to share with you. It’s simple, fun and exciting!

If you would like to try it out – I need 15 minutes of your time. I have a few spots I’m opening up to the change seekers who are ready for their journey. Here’s my calendar link – grab your spot with me now! It’s absolutely free – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go for it!