Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life

1. Decreases Stress
Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things.

2.You Can Breathe Easier
Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins that can complicate health issues and cause breathing problems.

3.Clears Your Mind
A clutter-free environment frees yours mind and aids in focus and concentration. Clutter causes chaos and can interfere with your brain’s ability to process information.

Mindfulness In The Workplace For Organized Living


Rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives, yet “Eighty-four percent of recently stressed Americans say they worry that their home isn’t clean or organized enough, and within that group, 55 percent called it out as a source of recent stress.” (Huff Post)

When dirty dishes are piled, laundry overflows and your belongings are scattered about, your stress level rises. Trust me when I tell you, clutter & stress is real.  Stress is inflammatory.  When we are stressed out, it not only creates physical clutter, but it causes mental and body clutter as well.

Unfortunately this is a lethal combination.  When a person is under the influence of a significant amount of clutter, their well-being is compromised, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, anxious and helpless.  Ultimately this trickle down effect exposes itself in the workplace and productivity in many facets suffer.  This puts the employee and employer in a vulnerable position which can lead to financial consequences.

6 Mindful Tools to Organized Living is a program that helps remedy this situation before it gets out of hand.  Implementing best practices for a healthy body and mind is an enormous factor in overcoming clutter and disorganization. Although part of the problem is underdeveloped skill sets with organization, it is not the only culprit to having clutter.  To penetrate the problem and resolve it entirely, it is necessary to engage lifestyle tools that embody wellness for the body, mind and environment.

If you are receptive to learning more about how the 6 Mindful Tools can benefit you personally and/or your team,  I would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you and tell you about my FREE offer. Simply email me at [email protected]

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.




Ask The Clutter Coach

Tuesday’s Tips &  More

Ask The Clutter Coach

On Tuesday, August 7th @ 7:00 PM et, I will be starting up Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach.  You can now ask me any questions you have about clutter, be it mental, emotional or physical.  If you want to know how to be more organized or achieve abundance through simplifying, I encourage you to ask away.
So often I get asked great questions.  I thought, well, why not create an opportunity for everyone to participate collectively.  If you have any questions or simply want to pick my brain, please join us for Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach this Tuesday, August 7, 2018 @ 7:00 PM et.

Below is the phone number and access code to participate:

Phone:  1-605-475-6333
Code:    270916
I look forward to your questions.  Talk to you on Tuesday!
PS:  Here’s your first tip to being organized:  Enter the information into your calendar now! 

Ask The Clutter Coach: Tuesday’s Tips & More


 Tuesday’s Tips & More

On Tuesday, August 7th @ 7:00 PM et, I will be starting up Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask the Clutter Coach. You can now ask me any questions you have about clutter, be it mental, emotional or physical. If you want to know how to be more organized or achieve abundance through simplifying, I encourage you to ask away.

So often I get asked great questions. I thought, well, why not create an opportunity for everyone to participate collectively. If you have any questions or simply want to pick my brain, please join us for Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach this Tuesday, August 7, 2018 @ 7:00 PM et.

Below is the phone number and access code to participate:

Phone: 1-605-475-6333
Code: 270916

I look forward to your questions. Talk to you on Tuesday!

PS: Here’s your first tip to being organized: Enter the information into your calendar now!


Why put off till tomorrow what can be done today?

Think about how many times you say you are going to do something and yet, you never do. Tomorrow passes and before you know it, weeks, months, and even years go by, and you still never do what you really want to.

I want to help you change all of that!

Take a look at what some of my clients are saying about how their life changed once they made the decision to go for it!

Since working with Patricia, I have begun to believe in myself and my dreams in a way that I never did before.I still have to pinch myself at times that I actually wrote my first book! I am a new person, more myself than ever!
~Barbara E

Patricia helped me plan for the next step in my professional life after many years of practicing law and was instrumental in helping me build my business. My gratitude to Patricia, her expertise and wisdom, is boundless!
~Andrea C

You consistently encouraged me to fulfill my dream as an artist. With your help and guidance I am building a business that I never thought possible. I am so excited about my future. Thank you Patricia for caring and being an amazing coach!
~Jeanne S

You could be next! Think about the endless possibilities that are open to you, once you make the decision to go for it! Let me help you take the first step to a better today.

CLICK HERE and drop me a note. I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Did you know that every morning you wake up to a reality vision board?

Think about this. Your home, is your creation. It is your vision in real life.

So if you are pleased with your environment that you live in, good for you. If not, then change it.

You see, we do manifest outwardly from the inside (the way we think and feel). Your living space is a good barometer check for what is going on internally. Take a good look at the way you are living. There are clues there.

To your wellness,

Patricia Diesel

Would you like to ask me a question about how to live a more organized life? Click Here.

Another Happy Client

Another Happy Client

Working with clients who are ready to make their dreams a reality is one of my biggest dreams. For years I used to envision what it would be like to have clients work with me here at The Cottage. To be living this dream and creating with my clients is such an exciting and beautiful process. I’m passionately crazy about creating!

Recently, I had the pleasure of creating with Andrea Colby. Andrea is now working on her second book and launching a speaking career. But before all of this, Andrea and I worked together on many different aspects of her life’s journey as she transitioned from her legal career to becoming a coach and author. You can learn all about Andrea and her business by visiting her here!

Check out what Andrea had to say about our time at The Cottage:

“Attending Patricia’s one-on-one live workshop was an incredibly efficient and productive way to move forward in my life. Starting with Patricia’s initial questionnaire helped me focus on what I wanted to derive from our time together and working through the entire workshop, I came to several unexpected and delightful realizations about my overall goals in life, both personal and professional. Patricia was patient and urged me on to find ways of scheduling my time so that I will spend it wisely and well, doing the things that I value and enjoy. I heartily recommend Patricia’s workshop to help jump start your coaching agenda and reach your goals quickly. It was wonderful!”

The dedication Andrea has demonstrated to her personal and professional growth has quantum leaped her career and opened up boundless opportunities for her. The same can happen for you! All you need is the right support and faith in believing in your dreams. And it all can happen right here at The Cottage.


Click on the link below, complete the connect with me form and submit it. I will then contact you to provide further details about the workshop. Full Disclosure: Only two spots remain for the month of August. Is one of them yours?



We all have dreams.

Living out your dream is living your life on purpose. It’s exciting to watch a person who is living their dream. The energy and passion is contagious. I love being around people like that.

Here’s what I want you to know.

It’s never too late to bring your dreams into life. The truth is, the world is always a better place when we are creating from a life source that is light and full of positive energy…love.

Take Jeanne for example. She always dreamed of having her own business. Deep inside, Jeanne knew from the time she was a very small girl that art was her calling. There’s a sentimental story wrapped around her love for art. With a little help and support, Jeanne was able to transform all that love into an art program that helps children tap into their inner artist. I’m so proud to announce Jeanne’s new business:

The Joy of Art; Encouraging the Spark of Creativity in Children

Here’s Jeanne working on her dream at at my Cottage.

Jeanne is very busy working on all the details of her dream. She’s also written an eBook for children, The Joy Of Art; Teaching Kids To Have Fun With Paint to be released soon. Jeanne is now working on getting her website up and running and a host of art programs for children. All built from a dream based on love.

Would you like to live out your dream and bring more love into the world? Can you imagine what that would look like and feel like? I can! Like I said, it’s amazing and such an exciting experience to watch before your very eyes a dream come true.

If you would like to learn more about how to work with me one-on-one at my Cottage to fulfill your dreams, then this is your chance. For a limited amount of time, I will be opening up a few more workshops. The Cottage is a great place to be inspired and dream big. Remember, dreams really do come true but you have to take action. If you’ve been waiting for the time to have someone help you live out your purpose, the time is NOW.

Click on the link below, complete the connect with me form and submit it. Once I receive it, I will personally call you to discuss your dreams and how we can work together at the Cottage. Space is limited.


What Area Of Your Life Is Calling Out For Change?

Here’s a question for you …

What area of your life is calling out for change?

If I simplified that question for you and asked you to look at it from a body, mind and environment standpoint, what would you say?

Is your body craving nutrition…
Did you know that nutrient deficiencies and toxicity from a poor diet are linked to nearly all modern health conditions?

Are you on mental overload…
Did you know that chronic stress can suppress immune, digestive, sleep, and reproductive systems, which may cause them to stop working normally?

Is your environment out of control…
Did you know that a typical home contains $1600. worth of unused clutter and serious hoarding problems are present in at least 1 in 50 people?

My next question is…

What’s stopping you from creating the change your life is calling out for?

Someone once told me that, “You can’t reach out for something better if you’re still holding on with your hands.” In other words, despite the change we say we want, it’s hard to go about it if we can’t let go.

What foods, ideas, thoughts, notions, things are you holding on to?

Learning how to let go doesn’t have to be painful and scary. Actually it can be very liberating and exciting. I would like to show you how. I have a 3 step process for change that I would like to share with you. It’s simple, fun and exciting!

If you would like to try it out – I need 15 minutes of your time. I have a few spots I’m opening up to the change seekers who are ready for their journey. Here’s my calendar link – grab your spot with me now! It’s absolutely free – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go for it!