Let’s Experience Wellness Together

Let’s Have A Spa Week-End Together – Save The Date!

Would you like to have a spa week-end with me?  Save the Date:  July 13-15, 2018.

The Lodge at Woodloch has invited me back to present the 3 Hallmarks of Wellness based off my book, Organically Yours.

We had so much fun during our last visit that I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all the fun this time.  Whether you will be taking an outdoor walk in the beautiful gardens, sitting poolside relaxing, engaging in spa amenities, participating in uplifting classes, or dining on fabulous food prepared by  renowned chefs, you will experience the ultimate in luxury.

Won’t you join me?  Let’s experience “wellness” together.

You can get all the details HERE.



3 Hallmarks of Wellness

3 Hallmarks of Wellness

The Body, Mind & Environment EventHave you ever had the feeling that there is so much more to life than what you already have?

Do you struggle trying to balance your health, your mindset and your living space?

Does it feel impossible to do?

What if, instead, the constant battle went away? You could simply transform your life so you could reach optimum health, clearer thinking, and a smart environment.

Can you imagine what that would look like – what that would feel like?

In this workshop, you will be personally guided through the 3 Hallmarks Of Wellness so you can experience a fit & nourished body, a forward thinking mind and a fresh, free environment.

You’ll be exposed to state-of-the-art learning that will unlock negative patterns. You will experience first-hand a formula for clean living, a process for understanding & training our brains, and a toolkit for organized living.

I’m going to personally guide you through the 4 Components to Great Health, The 3 Habits to Boost Positive Patterns, and the 7 simple steps to cure clutter.

No longer will you have to sit on the sidelines wishing for wellness. With this revolutionary event you will finally experience what it feels like to live a vibrant healthy life and soar to new heights.

3 Nights Guaranteed To Enhance Your Life
June 6th, June 13th, June 20th – 2018

Event Details:

The Fit & Nourished Body
4 Components to Great Health
A Formula for Clean Living

The Forward Thinking Mind
3 Habits to Boost Positive Patterns
A Process for Understanding & Training Our Brains

The Fresh, Free Environment
7 Simple Steps to Cure Clutter
A Toolkit for Organized Living

Here Is What You Can Expect From This Life Enhancing Event:

Live interaction with Patricia as she personally guides you through the on-line learning material.
PDF downloadable course file to follow along.
At the end of each evening, you will go into a private chat room with other people from the group to review and discuss content to maximize your learning.
A private Facebook Community Page just for this event.
Community of friendship and like-minded individuals.


Register Now!

I want you to know that I am so thrilled to finally be able to offer this event to you. This is the EVENT that I have been teaching on my book tour that people are getting great results with.

I’m telling you this because I want you to really see the tremendous opportunity you will have to bask in wellness. It’s a lifestyle changer – no doubt about it!

I can’t wait for you to be part of this amazing event and look forward to serving you in the highest form.


Recently I sat down with Joanna Gagis, television host of Life & Living to chat about my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living and well, life.

Joanna asked me some personal questions about my wellness journey and then we really got into it and explored the 3 comprehensive approaches to clean living. It’s as real as you can get.

Watch the video, I think you’ll see what I mean.



What Do You MOST Want From Life?

What do you most want from life? It’s a fascinating question, isn’t it?

Some people have to really think about this for awhile when I ask them this. It’s as if their brain becomes a volcano, bubbling over with a million different thoughts. It’s painful for them. They want so much to be able to just definitively answer the question but they simply cannot. They don’t know how to answer the question because they are not clear.

The truth is, it’s hard to figure out what you want when you have mental clutter.

Think about this… Isn’t it difficult to be crystal clear about something when it feels like you are being inundated by your thoughts day in and day out? When there’s a constant flood of doubt and fear? I’ve been there so I know what that feels like – and it’s exhausting!

Mental Clutter Hurts!

Remember those 3 Lessons to Remember I mentioned to you earlier in my previous emails? (That I gathered from my new book, Organically Yours) Well, those little lessons help me tremendously whenever I start to feel scattered and overwhelmed. I’m reminded of what is and what is not. I know they can help you too.

I want to share this information with you and help you get crystal clear on what you want MOST so you can begin to actually live life, not exist in it, but really live it. I’ve opened up virtually 10 days of my life to do this because I love helping people just like you. I get to witness amazing, courageous people take ownership of their life and proclaim their right to live life on their own terms … truly, how beautiful is that?

All you have to do is say yes to my gift. It’s all here for the taking. Simply say yes!



The Results Are Pouring In

The Results Are Pouring In

Over the past five days, I have had the good fortune to connect with so many people who took advantage of my special invitation. The invite was to spend 30 minutes with me. In the time we spent together I shared my 3 Lessons To Remember, Listened Intently, Asked Powerful Questions, Answered Curious Questions and Crafted A Game Plan.

In just 30 minutes transformation occurred.


Don’t just take my word for it, listen to the feedback that is pouring in:

“It’s been a really long time since I felt someone understood me and what I was going through. It validated that I wasn’t alone in my experience. I now know that I can get the support I need to get through this and reach my goals. Thank you Pat, I feel like I can breathe again.” ~ Vicki R

“I had no idea what to expect in our session. All I knew was I wanted to find solutions to decluttering my life. I’ve tried many things before, but I never was able to follow through on anything that brought me the results I was looking for. What Patricia shared with me made so much sense that I feel motivated and excited to try again.” ~ Amy B

“As a husband and father, family comes first. But I also knew I was putting my dreams on the back burner for a long time. I started feeling anxious and depressed without really knowing what was gnawing at me. Patricia helped me identify very quickly the source of my pain and how to take the steps to begin putting myself first without compromising my family values. I haven’t felt this hopeful in a very long time. Blessing to you Patricia.” ~ Ron H

Due to the over-flowing requests, I have re-opened my calendar for 3 more days. But be warned, spots are already filling up. Here’s your opportunity to possibly make the transformation you’ve been waiting for. Go ahead, grab it now!


Plus be on the lookout for your special bonus items as my special gift to you!

Unload The Mental Clutter

Unload The Mental Clutter  – Set Yourself Free!

Most of us are familiar with physical clutter in the home or office. We also are aware of the toll it can take on our well-being. But did you know that many people walk around with a mind full of clutter? Think about what I just said… a MIND FULL of clutter. Those words alone make me personally feel tired.

There are times when it seems like our minds work on over-drive. Either it’s something new that’s causing us to feel anxious or something from the past creeping in to haunt us. I think most people can identify with this.

But what about the type of mental clutter that stays and doesn’t go away. Where it actually holds you back and hinders you from being fully present in any given moment. Stray thoughts, fears, worries, and the list goes on, take over and control you.

Stray thoughts, fear and worry run through our minds, handicapping us from living fully.

Imagine for a moment what you could accomplish if all that mental space were freed up. Imagine how good you would feel! Imagine how different your life would be! I want that for you. I want you to live a life of freedom and have peace of mind.

I talk about this in my book, Organically Yours and I want to share this information with you! So whether you already read my book or not, I would like to extend a personal invitation to spend 30 minutes of your time with me. All you have to do is register and you will be taken to my calendar to schedule a time. But this special invite does expire this Friday, and there are only a few spots left. So you must act now!


Be On Your Way To Wellness

I’m offering a special opportunity to be coached absolutely free.  I opened up my calendar for a limited time so I can personally answer any of your questions about wellness and so much more.  This special invitation expires this Friday and only a few spots remain.

Even if you’re not facing any health concerns, this shouldn’t stop you from taking advantage of this amazing chance to learn about preventative care in a unique and fascinating way. Many people associate wellness with diet and exercise only.  They don’t take into consideration the other aspects that are necessary for optimum health such as the mind and environment.

The truth is, we are responsible for our own well-being and understanding
what that really means is critical to living a vibrant healthy life.

By registering you will also learn about the 3 Lessons to Remember when faced with a health crisis.  As an additional gift you will also receive my latest workbook that accompanies my book Organically Yours.

Knowledge is key.  Let me help you unlock the mystery to reaching optimum health.



Because I feel so strongly about helping people understand the benefits of being pro-active in their health, I would like to extend a personal invitation to you.

If you accept my invite, you will also receive, (absolutely free) my 3 Lessons To Remember
When Faced With A Health Crisis, a copy of Organically Yours (if you don’t already have it) and my brand new Workbook to enhance your learning experience.

Here is the invite:

For 7 days, I am opening up my schedule to a limited amount of people who would like a private coaching session with me – absolutely FREE. There’s a short window of opportunity to be coached and only a few spots are left. You do need to act quickly to this invite.

All you have to do is click on the registration button and you will be taken to a calendar to schedule your session. There’s no catch, no gimmick, just a gift I would love to offer you.

I hope you accept it!



Wellness Starts With Healthy Choices

Let me ask you something…

If your body was fit and nourished, your mind was sharp and positive, and you lived in a space that was neat and tidy, how would that make you feel? I’m going to go on a hunch and say, pretty darn good, right?

The sad truth is that most people do not live this way. Perhaps, they achieve one out of the three, if they are lucky. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Unfortunately we tend to wait until a real crisis hits before we take action to change our circumstances. We chalk that up to human nature.

But what if you made the conscious choice to be pro-active and make healthy lifestyle decisions … can you imagine what that would do for your overall well-being?

Wellness Starts With Healthy Choices

You see, what I’ve come to learn through my own trials and tribulations is that taking charge of my health is an act of self-love. I never viewed it like that before. I guess I took my health for granted in many ways, until the day I was face to face with a crisis.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to be prepared so you can make informed, educated decisions for yourself. I don’t want you to be caught off-guard like I was.

In my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life I explain how the night before I was supposed to leave for a mini-getaway (I was so looking forward to escaping the winter elements and soaking up some sunshine and vitamin D) my body was getting ready to surprise me in a way that would redirect my life. I had no idea that the morning would greet me with its own agenda and re-route my plans.

Through my wellness journey I learned 3 Important Lessons everyone needs to know.

These very important lessons can radically change the outcome of your situation. I believe this to be true because it made a huge difference for me.

These 3 Important Lessons will help you eliminate a lot of your worry, confusion and overwhelm. You will be able to prioritize what’s really important so you can focus your attention on taking care of yourself – first and foremost.

Because I believe behind every question is the answer, (and I know you have many questions you would like answered), I would like to extend an invitation to you. This is a personal offering that, well quite honestly, I feel compelled to make because I want you to be guided properly and be informed with information that can drastically make a difference in your life.

For 7 days, I am opening up my schedule to a limited amount of people who would like a private coaching session with me – absolutely FREE. There’s a short window of opportunity to be coached personally with me due to my book tour, so act fast to secure your spot. As an added bonus you will receive a copy of Organically Yours and my new workbook!

All you have to do now is take the next step and register for your private session with me. Think of it as accepting a gift from me to you. And the best part is you will learn the 3 Important Lessons that can make a real difference in your life or someone you love!


3 Important Lessons To Remember

Have you ever been totally caught off guard by something that would change your life forever? It happened to me…

In my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life I explain how the night before I was supposed to leave for a mini-getaway (I was so looking forward to escaping the winter elements and soaking up some sunshine and vitamin D) my body was getting ready to surprise me in a way that would redirect my life. I had no idea that the morning would greet me with its own agenda and re-route my plans.

No one likes to be caught off guard, especially when faced with a health crisis. After the initial shock of hearing a life threatening diagnosis, confusion and worry usually set in. You begin to ask yourself questions such as:

How Did This Happen To Me?
What Am I Going To Do From Here?
Is This Diagnosis Accurate?
Should I Get Another Opinion?
Will I be okay?

The good news is that these questions can lead a person to a higher understanding when properly guided.

I address these questions and so much more in my book. I also walk you through my comprehensive approach to wellness for the body, mind and living space. But there’s something I didn’t tell you and that’s the 3 Important Lessons I learned that everyone needs to remember when faced with a health crisis.


These very important lessons can radically change the outcome of your situation. I believe this to be true because it made a huge difference for me. It’s not a secret, life can be difficult, and there will be challenges at times. However, there are things that we can do to eliminate a lot of the unnecessary struggles that so many of us experience.

These 3 Important Lessons will help you eliminate a lot of your worry, confusion and overwhelm. You will be able to prioritize what’s really important so you can focus your attention on taking care of yourself – first and foremost.

Because I believe behind every question is the answer, (and I know you have many questions you would like answered), I would like to extend an invitation to you. This is a personal offering that, well quite honestly, I feel compelled to make because I want you to be guided properly and be informed with information that can drastically make a difference in your life.

For 7 days, I am opening up my schedule to a limited amount of people who would like a private coaching session with me – absolutely FREE. There’s a short window of opportunity to be coached personally with me due to  my book tour, so act fast to secure your spot.  As an added bonus for responding quickly, the first 7 people who register you will receive a copy of  Organically Yours with the workbook!

Take a look at what people are saying about Organically Yours on Amazon with a 5 Star Rating:

Effective, Practical, Engaging: Great read! Every page left me craving for more. Patricia writes as if she is having a personal conversation with you and provides advice very easy to apply. I tried one of the smoothie recipes included and was quite impressed. Highly recommend picking up this book. ~ Sean F

A Must Read: Patricia’s wise words are so inspiring in “Organically Yours!” She uses real, personal experiences to demonstrate just how beneficial living a healthy lifestyle is. She has not only used wellness as way to treat the symptoms of her illness, but as a preventative measure as well and that is where the future is headed! Her cutting edge thoughts on wellness and prevention are refreshing and have me inspired to change my diet for my own benefit. “Organically Yours” is a must read for everyone. Whether you lead a healthy lifestyle already or struggle like me, the ideas presented in this book are really life changing! ~ Jennifer H

Do Yourself A Favor, Get The Book: I wasn’t sure what to expect, at first I thought it would be about eating organic foods. I was pleasantly surprised that Patricia’s emphasis was on taking a holistic approach to wellness. She addresses not only a healthy diet for your body, but she shows you how to help your mind stay focused and clear in a time of a crisis and why it’s important to live in an organized, living space to reduce stress. I must say, I am impressed and highly recommend this book. ~ Jackie C

All you have to do now is take the next step and register for your private session with me. Think of it as a discovery session where you will learn the 3 Important Lessons that can make a real difference in your life.  Talk to you soon!