How To Begin Thriving In Chaos & Clutter

Chaos and clutter go hand in hand. It can be hard to live with clutter or think straight through the chaos but, most of the time, people who live with clutter and chaos think it’s just too difficult to ever change their ways. They can’t find a way to de-clutter their life and start living a stress-free lifestyle because they are so used to the chaos.

Can you relate to this? Are there times in your life when it seems like you are failing more than succeeding at getting organized? None of us will ever be totally clutter free, (we still need the necessary “things” to live) but shouldn’t we at least have some victory over our living space? A lot of people I encounter feel this helpless and frustrated.

If there is one thing that pains me, it’s witnessing this despair and hopelessness in a person. When someone is living in chaos and clutter, this is exactly what I see. It’s a heavy burden to bare when you’re trying to do your best but everything around you is out of control. It can be extremely difficult to make sense out of the chaos and sort it all out on your own.

That’s where asking for help comes in. I see things start to turn around when people finally realize that going at it alone isn’t the answer and accepting support is. This is when doors begin to open and the window shines with a beacon of light.  This is what  breaks the spell of clutter.

De-cluttering your life doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. You can begin to experience victory over the chaos that has dogged your efforts for so long as soon as you ask for help. The key to unlocking all of this is to have a systematic, organized plan with built in mentoring and coaching. This way, every step of the way, you have a crystal-clear path to recovering and reclaiming your life back.

The peace you are searching for is not a lost cause. It is found in your environment – your living space – your home. Achieving that peace is possible once you decide you no longer want to be weighed down by the clutter. Instead, you want to bask in surroundings where you thrive.

In this live on-line event, I will be explaining how you can begin to go from chaos and clutter to a thriving, neat and tidy living space.

Join me and reclaim your victory today!

Register Now!

Regret, Guilt, Worry – How To Overcome Negative Emotions

Can you recall a time when something in your life didn’t go right?  Do you wish things would have turned out differently and now you have regrets over it?  You’re not alone – many people feel this way – including myself.

I have been such a planner all my life that it was difficult for me to stay in the present moment. I can recall many circumstances where I was always reaching or looking over the fence. I didn’t know how to enjoy or appreciate what was right in front of me. I know this has caused me to miss out on a lot.

So yes, I have regrets, but it’s not wise to live there. The problem is that regret is like carrying around heavy baggage – it’s a heavy load to carry.  All that heavy energy can get in the way and tangled up in other emotions of guilt and worry – not a healthy combination.

What we want is to be able to create new energy to move forward.

Here are three tips to help you let go of the past and live in the present.

Tip # 1:  Show Yourself  A Little Love

How would you show love to someone you cared for who was going through a difficult time?  Compassion and empathy are two words that pop into mind.  Try doing the same for yourself.  We’re human and we are going to make mistakes – that’s part of life.  One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is to treat yourself kindly.  Forgiveness is another important aspect to creating new energy – we’re not perfect beings and that’s okay.  Beef up the love.

Tip #2:  Keep The Faith

We don’t always understand the “bigger” picture in life – the “grand” scheme of things.  Although we wish we had a crystal ball to see into the future – the truth is we don’t really know what tomorrow may bring.  This is why we need to keep the faith alive and trust in GOD – or in other words, the Grand Overall Design.  Knowing that in time, all things will get better.

Tip #3:  Make It A Learning Experience

It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment of what didn’t go right, that we neglect to see what else happened in that experience.  Usually there are little golden nuggets if we look close enough to learn from the situation and make us better for it.    So the question is, What can you learn from a past experience that can make you better today?

Bonus Tip:

Remember, you don’t want to pull that heavy load a minute longer – here’s how to draw the line when you’re dwelling in the past on all that negativity.  You simply need to remember to LEAVE IT IN THE PAST.  That was then, this is NOW!  Let it GO!  I mean it…really, let it go for good and free yourself.  By doing so, you will be taking a huge step to living in the PRESENT!





It’s mid January – have you resolved to reduce/eliminate the clutter in your life? If so, congratulations! If not, what is holding you back from doing so?

With the month halfway completed, February is right around the corner and before too long we will be seeing signs of spring. Do you want to go into another season with clutter hanging around?

Now I’m asking you these questions not to get you worried or anxious, but to help you see that procrastination can be your enemy, not your friend. The longer you wait the more difficult it becomes. This is true with many things, not just clutter. And by the way, just to be clear, I am referring to all types of clutter that can affect your body, mind and environment.

I would love to set up an initial conversation to discuss how I might be able to help you sort it all out. Feel free to reply with your challenges, struggles, and anything else you care to share. I will review your comments and be in touch shortly.

Remember, don’t wait…because time waits for no one.


If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that being organized breeds positive energy.

Over and over, I’ve witnessed people feel lighter, happier, clearer and more motivated once they were organized.

What keeps people from doing so, is that feeling of being weighed down from their clutter – physical and emotional.  They don’t know how or where to begin.  The thought of starting feels so overwhelming, if not, down right impossible.

But I can tell you with 100% certainty, that being organized will give you:
  • Renewed Energy
  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Motivation
  • Restored Belief

Now that’s POWERFUL stuff!


I know what it feels like to be in a slump and not be able to get out of your own way.  I think we’ve all been there before.  But think about this…it only takes one simple step to start the process of lightening your burden, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to being organized and feeling so much better. Don’t you want that?


I believe you do!  So that’s why I am doing something really different, so please listen up. If you would like to have a 15 minute chat with me, (totally complimentary) to see how I can help you get organized, here’s what you need to do.


1.  Pick up your phone – NOW

2.  Text me the words – GET ME ORGANIZED to 908-642-1226

3.  Be ready to receive my TEXT back with your next steps.

4.  Follow through on the NEXT STEPS I provide you with.

5.  BAM – expect your energy to change soon!


I’m excited to help you the best I can.  Let’s make 2018 your year to finally get organized!


THE WELLNESS INDUSTRY IS EXPECTING A STEADY AND HIGH GROWTH according to Euromonitor International, the global market for health and wellness.

HTI Conference 2018 will organize a special panel this year that will present the latest and most profitable trends to participants. One of the speakers at the conference in Zagreb will be Patricia Diesel, renown author, who was also among the main speakers at last year’s WMTC in Los Angeles. She will present years of work based on her own experience and insights that connect different wellness techniques in creating a balanced lifestyle that enhances own pleasure and productivity.



Well, I’m off and running again…and it’s going to be a little brrr cold, but if you like to ski and love the idea of sitting around a fireplace and reading a good book, I would like to invite you to join me at the Northshire Book Store  in Manchester, VT on Friday, January 19th @ 6:00 PM.


Then I will be making my way down to Northshire’s Saratoga Springs, NY book store for another event on Saturday, January 20th@ 7:0 PM.


My lecture series will be based on my new book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.  If you’re up for taking a last minute get-away, then come on out and join us!

Giving “Thanks” Is Healthy

It’s that time of year again when family and friends gather to celebrate and give “Thanks” for their blessings in life.

I understand that not all holidays are easy for some of us. The festivities of the season can trigger memories that can make us feel melancholy and reflect back on a time when life may have been very different.

But consider this – If we can manage to adopt an attitude of gratitude and see things with a grateful heart, there’s something very beneficial we can experience.

Forbes magazine reports that it has been scientifically proven that giving thanks can improve your physical well-being. According to the source, a 2012 study showed that “grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and they report feeling healthier than other people.”

Also, one of the unexpected outcomes of expressing gratitude is that it boosts personal happiness.

This Thanksgiving, no matter what your circumstances, I wish you the blessings of an open heart to give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving!


We hear it all the time – “Just Let Go Man!  Let It Go”!
But for the person who is holding on for dear life, well that’s another story – because it seems impossible to do.
When we hold on for too long, sub-consciously we are saying, ‘I have a deep belief about something and I’m not letting go until, well, until it becomes the truth or something changes my mind.’
The problem is in the midst of this “bargaining” phase, we become stuck and do not allow life to carry us to new places.  Instead we push life into our own making and can miss many opportunities.
So, what is the secret to letting go?
The secret to letting go is believing that you will be okay once you do.  I understand this is easier said than done. But it’s the truth.
If you knew for certain that all would be okay if you let go, would it make a huge difference in your life?  I’m sure it would. I say this with confidence because I am living it.
In my upcoming tel-class I will be sharing with you how I got through the most difficult of times and how you can too.  I will also be inviting you to a workshop that I am hosting in January of 2018.  My goal is to prepare you now so you can schedule your plans accordingly to attend this ground-breaking event.
Please join me in this upcoming tel-class to learn more!
If you missed my prior email about this topic, you can read it on my blog.  Read it HERE!


I am super excited to share the news with you!  My article  “THE WAKE-UP CALL” which was based off  the first chapter in my new book ORGANICALLY YOURS was featured in Fitness Fashion International Magazine.  And yes, I made it on the cover too!

Deeply grateful and thankful for Fitness Fashion International Magazine’s support and dedication to wellness.



THE SECRET TO LETTING GO (When You’re Holding On Too Tight)

It’s been said that, “nothing lasts forever.”  Perhaps that’s why we desperately hold on so tight.

We know there is a cycle to life; that our youth vanishes, our children grow up, our parents age, and one day we will pass on.  Yet, we try to hold on even tighter.

Of course, the more we hold on, the more pain we feel as things fade, disappear, and die around us. And sometimes the tighter our grasp, the more these things happen.

Think about this in the context of a relationship.  Imagine someone who is exceptionally clingy. They are so preoccupied with all the terrible things they think can go wrong, that they miss the opportunity to fully love.  Eventually, the relationship has no recourse but to end.

What about the person who holds on for dear life to their physical things? Instead of enjoying and making use of what they already have, they are too busy acquiring more out of fear something will happen to their existing stuff.  Control now replaces the caring of their things.

If we probe further, there is usually a story that is deeply connected to why we insist on holding on so tight.  A story, no doubt, that could benefit from healing.
The secret to letting go is believing that you will be okay once you do.  I understand this is easier said than done. But it’s the truth.
If you knew for certain that all would be okay if you let go, would it make a huge difference in your life?  I’m sure it would.   I say this with confidence because I am living it.
In my upcoming tel-class I will be sharing with you how I got through the most difficult of times and how you can too.
I will also be inviting you to a workshop that I am hosting in January of 2018.  My goal is to prepare you now so you can schedule your plans accordingly to attend this ground-breaking event.
Please join me in this upcoming tel-class to learn more!

Register Now!