
Wednesday Wellness

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction becomes the biggest step of your life.
Don’t be afraid to step out.

Let Go And Let God – How This Pertains To Clutter

I’m sure you have heard the expression, Let Go And Let God. Yes?

Recently, I attended a seminar that gave me a different perspective on what Let Go And Let God means.

Most of us think about letting things go and turning things over to God when we are up against insurmountable odds. I would like to share some fascinating information that just may be a game changer for you when it appears the odds are stacked against you.

I would also like to take a closer look at what it really means to Let Go and Let God as it pertains to clutter. I know, it may sound a little “out there” but trust me…it was a huge aha moment for me and I can’t wait to let you in on it.

If this interests you, I would really love to talk to you.  Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with me personally.  I am opening up my calendar for three days, beginning July 10th – 12th. You can go ahead and register by clicking here!

Talk to you real soon!

Stop and Pause – It’s OK

Stop and Pause – It’s OK

It’s okay to stop and pause throughout the day.

Think of it as a tune-up for your mind and body.

Sometimes we just need to breathe.

There, doesn’t that feel so much better?!


The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

The Forward Thinking Mind: how to get back on track and keep a positive attitude

It happens to all of us at some point. We get off track and fall into old, unproductive patterns. It doesn’t make us failures – even highly successful people experience setbacks. It just means we are not perfect and perhaps, we are human after all.

The catch here is knowing how to pick yourself up and get back on track. It’s easy to stay down and make excuses when life throws you a curveball. But where does that lead you? Nowhere productive. Instead, having the mindset that “this too shall pass” humanizes the experience and helps build-up a positive attitude toward life’s misgivings. Believe it or not, this actually attracts more positivity in your life.

Here are 6 ways to get back on track and maintain a forward thinking mind:

1. Do one positive thing each day. Think about it. Every time you do something uplifting, you automatically feel better. When you feel better you are more inclined to be more productive. This one little action can help your mindset.

2. Use your mindfulness. As you start to feel better, direct that energy toward a goal and take one small step that can influence change. This can rapidly begin to turn things around in a positive way.

3. Build a buildable plan. Start with small, positive, steps that you can build on. For example, let’s say your plan is to begin decluttering your life. Try at least each day to release something – whether you trash it, donate it or sell it. Eventually the letting go process will become easier to tackle.

4. Confirm your Plan. In other words, be committed to the new positive you by staying accountable. Instead of “saying” you’re going to do it, really do it by scheduling it into your calendar and “showing up.” This is an important step to reinforce positivity and by the way – eliminate your clutter quickly.

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people. It’s true, our environment influences us – this includes people. You want to be around people that have positive attitudes, know how to work through difficulties and stay optimistic.

6. Find a Partner. Sometimes an accountability partner is just the ticket we need to help get back on track. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support from someone who can help champion your goals.




I want to pass along something a distinguished mentor told me.

I try my best to put it into practice. When I do, it changes everything.

It keeps me grounded and mindful of what really matters.

Truly, I can’t express enough how it has opened up my thinking.

I am grateful for this valuable lesson and hope it has the same influence on you.

Here’s what she told me…

Whatever you do, do it with love.

In other words, no matter what you put into practice, choose love over resistance, fear, anger…

Then watch the magic happen.