
Please Don’t Wait…

I don’t want you to wait one single moment more.  Come closer, I want to make sure you really hear me – I don’t want you to wait one single moment more…

I know you have a dream life that keeps you up at night, longing for more…

When I think about you possibly going another day, week, month or year without accomplishing exactly what you want, well, it makes me feel sad because I know it doesn’t have to be this way.  Not at all.

Think about this – In a year from now, how will you feel if you are in the same position you are in now?  Well I can answer that for you – it will feel as if you have been standing still and you will feel frustrated.

Follow Your Dreams

I’m sure you have heard it over a thousand times, if not more – “Follow Your Dreams.”  And I’m also sure that after all this time it must feel like it’s just a cliche – but can I assure you, it’s truly possible.

The secret to accomplishing your dreams is understanding that there is a way to “follow” them.  And that’s where I come in.  I can help you do this!  And it is what I do best.

So think about this…

How will you “feel” when one year from today, you are living the life you’ve always dreamed of? When you finally accomplish the goals, you’ve been longing for?

I think I can answer that question for you too….SIMPLY AMAZING!

Now remember what I said earlier – I don’t want you to wait a single moment more…

30 Days To Successful Organizing

An Excerpt from “A Visit With Patricia Diesel – New Jersey Countryside Magazine.”

In addition to deciding what’s important to your life, successful organizing is about time and how you use it.  You have to organize your organizing.  People say, I don’t have time to organize.  I say you DO have time, no matter how busy you are.


One of my tricks is the 30-day challenge.  Sit down with a calendar in front of you.  Pick a priority project that’s really urgent.  Maybe it’s the closets.  Say:  I’m going to give myself 30 days to clean out my closets.  Mark the end date on the calendar.  You can figure out approximately how much total time it will take and mark the days you’ll work on it, even if it means skipping a less important engagement or two.  The point is that if you give yourself 30 days, you’re not rushing yourself.  Noe excuses.  Schedule it into your time.

At the end of 30 days, celebrate your victory.  Give yourself a reward, some sort of treat.  You deserve it!

A side benefit of the 3o-day challenge is that you are really learning about how you are using your time.  Perhaps you can cut out something unproductive and substitute something you enjoy.

Sidebar:  Learn how to set boundaries and limits for the use of your time.  In doing so, learn how to say “No.”  This is a big one.  Before you make your decision about a request, ask, will this balance my day or put me on overload?

The On-Line Workshop That Will Guide You To Organizing Success

The On-Line Workshop That Will Guide You To Organizing Success!
No More Excuses – It’s Time To Get Unstuck!

I am making this workshop so desirable and so affordable

that it is virtually (literally) impossible not to REGISTER!

A Simple Guide to an Organized Life - Add to Cart!


I mean it’s going to be downright AWESOME!

Here’s a cool look at what you can expect:

Personal Workbook
Fun Groundwork Assignments
3 Evenings of Workable On-Line Sessions
30 Minute Individual Coaching Session
Follow Up Group Coaching Call
Vision Board

And the best part is that it is truly AFFORDABLE!

Here’s the skinny on the price:

The cost is simply $129.99 – that’s it!
(One session alone is more than this.)

But you have to REGISTER NOW for two reasons:

1.  I am only allowing a limited amount of students.

2. Starting January 12th the price goes up to $159.99.

So don’t remain stuck and don’t cost yourself money!

It’s time to start  a new chapter of your life.


Holiday Tips to De-Stress

Looking for tips to help you de-stress during the holidays?

Holiday De-Stress Tips

Here are some ideas to help you along your way:

  • Nurture Yourself: Set aside relaxation time – (yes, I am serious – make the time to relax – take a bubble bath, light scented candles, curl up to a good book.)
  • Spend time with positive people who enhance your life – (during the holidays we may have to be around people who cause us stress – so connecting with people you really like at this time is important.)
  • Do something you enjoy every day – (this will help balance you out and lift your spirits – go for a walk, play with your pet, meditate.)
  • Keep your sense of humor – (now come on, you know laughter is the best medicine of all – watch a good comedy, call a friend who always makes you laugh –  remember to just keep smiling)

And remember, try not to get too caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays – they are meant to be enjoyed!

Happy Holidays!

How To Make Routines Work For You And Others – Tuesday’s Tel-Class

Despite what you may have heard, routines are actually very good for you and can create an overall sense of health and well being.

If I could show you how to make routines work for you and others to help you become more productive and efficient in an upcoming Tel-Class this Tuesday, would you enroll in the class?


Wouldn’t you agree, there’s nothing worse than feeling like you just wasted your time on an uneventful day.

Most of us will be left feeling unproductive and frustrated, especially when we are trying so hard to achieve both our professional and personal goals.

When this happens to me, I usually find that I got out of my routine in some form or fashion, which ultimately sabotaged my time.


How To Make Routines Work For You And Others

Understanding the basics of time management is a valuable lesson to learn since it can be incorporated in all aspects of your life, from your work place to your home.  Therefore, routines are good to have.

If you want to develop a routine to stop wasting time, then consider taking this upcoming tel-class.

The Course Curriculum Will Cover:

    • How to find out what makes you tick personally.
    • Where you waste time and where you could be more productive.
    • Tips to help you understand that you have control over your day.
    • How to create a schedule that keeps you on track.
    • Understanding the importance of scheduling time for yourself.
    • Why taking a peek at tomorrow is helpful to prioritize your schedule.
    • How to resolve all issues as you have scheduled, unless it is impossible to do so.
    • How having a routine helps others.
    • And so much more…

I strongly suggest you come with an open mind, a sense of humor and a willingness to learn!


I’m always thinking of classes to help simplify your life.

I believe this one is going to help you tremendously.

I look forward to your participation.

Disorder Distracts – Order Brings Focus

I’ve heard it been said that “Wisdom is the study of difference.”

I thought about this and how it applies to disorder and order.

For example, I have always said…

“Show me a person with clutter and I will show you their lack of follow through.”

Clutter, a form of disorder, distracts the mind.

Organization is order and brings clarity.

Look at the below picture – do you think you can be productive, focused, and orderly in this environment?


Now look at this picture – do you think this environment would bring about focus, clarity and order?



What are you experiencing right now?  Do you understand the difference between order and disorder in the context of how it can make a true difference in your life?

Here is a fact:

If I can change what you know, I can change what you do.

And if I can change what you do to help you be more organized and efficient, I think you will then understand that “Wisdom is the study of difference.”

Interested in learning more?  I hope so!  I will be teaching you how to apply 7 Organizing Laws into your life that are bound to be life changing.

So don’t waste any more time – register now!



Real Estate and Clutter – The Time Is Now!

Real Estate and Clutter…
Are you allowing your stuff to reduce the net worth of your home?

Most of you know me as the Organizing Expert or the De-Cluttering Woman, but what you probably don’t know is that for over 15 years I have been in the Real Estate business.

Over the years, I have successfully marketed some of my client’s homes to help them fulfill their dreams of downsizing, relocating or upgrading.

In this recent economic climate, I have noticed that people who are experiencing financial and emotional duress are allowing their physical clutter to manifest in extreme degrees, thus creating their property value to drop.

Regardless if you are considering your options to rent, sell or stay put, your home needs to be clutter free and maintained to maximize your greatest return.

If you feel you need some help letting go of your stuff, de-cluttering, or anything else that will make your home more appealing to a potential buyer, please feel free to contact me.

I urge you to consider your options and not wait until it becomes too overwhelming and costly.

I hope the following tips help you!

Don’t Lose The Value

The two most important rooms in your home are the kitchen and bathroom.  Do you need to repair any plumbing issues?  Replace faucets or appliances?  Keeping your counters clutter free and a deep cleaning of these rooms will certainly make a huge difference.

Consider what needs to be refreshed and repaired to spotlight your home:

  • Windows that won’t open
  • Roof that’s leaking
  • Dripping faucets
  • Doors that won’t close
  • Painting of interior/exterior
  • Windows that need cleaning
  • Replace carpets
  • Landscaping

Remember – Less is More

Now is the time to learn how to let go of emotional attachments to your stuff to maximize your return.  De-cluttering is your best friend here.

Think of it this way – if it’s unappealing to you, what do you think a potential buyer or renter will think?

Play “friend, stranger, acquaintance”

Things that bring you joy and happiness and are truly essentials, are your friends – keep it.

Anything that is questionable, consider it an acquaintance and donate, give away or sell.

Strangers, that’s easy – just dump it!

Virtual Workshop – Creating A Life In Balance

Finally, A Virtual Workshop Designed To Bring You Comfort and Ease Right In The Luxury Of Your Own Space!

The world is a crazy place – we are constantly in high gear, trying to balance our lives and still maintain some sanity in the process.
With countless to-do lists, numerous tasks and endless errands and projects, time has become more precious than ever.
It’s time for you to regain control over your life and create a sense of balance in your world.
I am so excited to bring you this fabulous workshop that I have been teaching across the nation into your own virtual space.
That’s right – A Virtual Workshop designed to bring you comfort and ease to show you that creating a life in balance is simple – we just have to know what to do and how to do it!
You can count on:

Group Coaching
Homework Assignments
Class Recordings
Individual Attention

If you click on the link below – it will bring you to another page that will give you more detailed information on the workshop and how to register.
So go ahead –  check it out!


I can’t wait to see you in class!


Hey, I know what it takes to put in all your hard work and dedication to a business that you love.

I understand the desire to succeed and all the creative genius that goes into developing your vision.

In honor of that, I am extending my special Coaching Offer for anyone who wants to take their business to the next level.  I have helped hundreds of people get their business up and running and I can help you too! 

Don’t try to take the short cuts and make the mistakes I did…learn from me! 

Let me teach you my Simple Secrets to Success!

 Call Now to Take Advantage of This Offer … (908) 766-9670! 

Hurry, Limited Time Available.

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try This Tip…

Tip for the day:

When you are feeling overwhelmed or confused on what to do next – utilize your 15-20 minute rule and just focus on something that makes you feel good. You should begin to see a difference in your energy level.  Just breathe…

Please tell me what you do when things begin to stress you out…how do you handle it?