
Endurance and Passion – Finding The Winner In You


It’s interesting to me how I view the words endurance and passion so differently since I began the Simplify Me Challenge.

Although it’s understood that endurance represents staying power, patience, and to some level survival, I never realized that I had the ability to stay within the confines of these words to help bring out the winner in me.

What I mean by this is typically when I would have “enough” of something, I would choose to stop or let it go.  But this time, this challenge has brought out something bigger within me that I cannot give up just because I feel like it.  There is something that has stirred within me that is almost primal – the desire and the need to fight.

I guess that’s where the word passion comes in.  I used to equate this word with love and romance for another person,  a career or hobby.  I understand that passion is about excitement, delight and somewhat of an obsession to a point, however, what I am beginning to see is this passion has expanded into something bigger, almost viral, that has managed to seep into my very core.  For the first time, I am feeling passionate about me.

It’s a new feeling that I am getting acquainted with and although at times I internally kick and scream through my challenge, I feel amazingly blessed that I am learning so much more about myself and how I can use this experience to help my clients even more.

The brutal truth is for years I have championed my clients through their life’s turbulence.  Steering and directing them  through the chaos, helping them reclaim order once again.  Witnessing their inner strength, watching them claim their victory and feel like a winner has brought me much joy for which I am eternally grateful and I know has contributed to my business success.

But this current journey is teaching me so much more.  It is helping me push myself to limits I never knew existed within me.  It’s making me fight for the winner that has been trapped inside and waiting to get out.  It’s bringing me to uncharted areas of my life that is making me believe on a much deeper dimension my favorite quote by Emily Dickinson…

“Dwell In Possibility” for when you do, you will find the winner in you!

Always my best,










I had no idea how many entries would be coming my way, and what I would be encountering.

I am amazed at the time everyone took to express their feelings in terms of where they are now and where they would like to be in the future!

As you know, I put a strong emphasis on the word “feeling.”  I wanted to really be able to “feel” someone’s emotions pour out so I could get a real good pulse on what they were experiencing and how their life would be different if they had an opportunity to change their course.

So please let me preface that this was an exhilarating and emotional challenge for me as well.

As I read all the entries, I  laughed, I pondered, I analyzed, I cried, but mostly I was just in awe of all of YOU!

I want to say thank-you to each and everyone one of you who took the time to participate in this contest – you are SIMPLY AMAZING!

But as you know, someone has to be the winner and I am head over heels, couldn’t be happier to announce…

THE GRAND PRIZE WINNER of a complimentary consult & assessment & one-on-one time with me is….

Melissa M. Williams – Grand Prize Winner

Melissa’s story compelled me to want to help her – I guess you can say, she wooed me big time!  I read her story over and over and allowed myself sometime to really imagine what her life must be like.  She did an excellent job of depicting her circumstances and strongly conveyed to me that she is certainly up for THE CHALLENGE!

So let’s give a big time round of applause for Melissa.

But wait, there is one other winner to be announced – Tammy Schack!

Tammy’s story resonated with me! I can tell that with a little coaching help she will be able to sort a few things out that she is currently challenged with.  So I am thrilled to announce that Tammy has won a COMPLIMENTARY COACHING SESSION WITH ME!  Yahoo for Tammy!

Once again, thank you to everyone who participated – I hope in some way this helped you realize that living an organized and simplified life is a very COOL THING TO DO!

Check Out Melissa and Tammy’s Story!