Top 3 Benefits of Living An Organized Life

1. Decreases Stress
Not having clutter around reduces your worry and anxiety. Next time guests drop by you don’t have to panic and scramble to hide things.

2.You Can Breathe Easier
Living without clutter is good for your health. Excessive clutter may contain mold and other toxins that can complicate health issues and cause breathing problems.

3.Clears Your Mind
A clutter-free environment frees yours mind and aids in focus and concentration. Clutter causes chaos and can interfere with your brain’s ability to process information.

3 Important Lessons To Remember

Let me ask you something…

If your body was fit and nourished, your mind was sharp and positive, and you lived in a space that was neat and tidy, how would that make you feel? I’m going to go on a hunch and say, pretty darn good, right?

The sad truth is that most people do not live this way. Perhaps, they achieve one out of the three, if they are lucky. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Unfortunately we tend to wait until a real crisis hits before we take action to change our circumstances. We chalk that up to human nature.

But what if you made the conscious choice to be pro-active and make healthy lifestyle decisions … can you imagine what that would do for your overall well-being?

You see, what I’ve come to learn through my own trials and tribulations is that taking charge of my health is an act of self-love. I never viewed it like that before. I guess I took my health for granted in many ways, until the day I was face to face with a crisis.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to be prepared so you can make informed, educated decisions for yourself. I don’t want you to be caught off-guard like I was.

In my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life I explain how the night before I was supposed to leave for a mini-getaway (I was so looking forward to escaping the winter elements and soaking up some sunshine and vitamin D) my body was getting ready to surprise me in a way that would redirect my life. I had no idea that the morning would greet me with its own agenda and re-route my plans.

Through my wellness journey I learned 3 Important Lessons everyone needs to know.

These very important lessons can radically change the outcome of your situation. I believe this to be true because it made a huge difference for me.

These 3 Important Lessons will help you eliminate a lot of your worry, confusion and overwhelm. You will be able to prioritize what’s really important so you can focus your attention on taking care of yourself – first and foremost.

Because I believe behind every question is the answer, (and I know you have many questions you would like answered), I would like to extend an invitation to you. This is a personal offering that, well quite honestly, I feel compelled to make because I want you to be guided properly and be informed with information that can drastically make a difference in your life.

For 7 days, I am opening up my schedule to a limited amount of people who would like a private coaching session with me – absolutely FREE. There’s a short window of opportunity to be coached personally with me due to my teaching schedule (I’m traveling a bit) so act fast to secure your spot. As an added bonus,  I will send you the workbook to Organically Yours  absolutely FREE!

All you have to do now is take the next step and register for your private session with me. Think of it as accepting a gift from me to you. And the best part is you will learn the 3 Important Lessons that can make a real difference in your life or someone you love!



Presenting 3 Hallmarks of Wellness

Such a warm welcome for presenting the 3 Hallmarks of Wellness at the Lodge at Woodloch.

The 3 Hallmarks of Wellness is derived from my book, Organically Yours, Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life Through Clean Living.

We cover how to have a Fit &  Nourished Body, A Forward Thinking Mind and a Fresh, Free Environment.  Essential holistic practices for well-being.

If you are interested in learning more about the 3 Hallmarks of Wellness, drop me a line.  I would love to discuss this with you.

To your wellness,


Wednesday Wellness

I am going to recommend for your Wednesday Wellness that you read the book:
by Andy Andrews
It has impacted my life significantly by giving me a fresh perspective on life.
I hope you find as much joy in reading it as I have.
To your wellness,
Patricia Diesel

Speak Your Truth

Speak Your Truth is what resonated the most for me from my spiritual retreat with Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God.

Since we are on the subject of truth, I must confess that I registered for this event because it’s been on my “Commitment List” of things to fulfill. You see, since the moment my eyes made contact with Neale’s words over 20 years ago, I had a burning desire to meet him. It was deeply important that I followed through on this as I felt it was part of my spiritual journey to do so.

I had real life questions that needed to be answered. I felt as if this part of my life would somehow be reconciled and I would find peace and resolution to some of the most challenging aspects of my life. Therefore, I had certain expectations of what I thought I would be receiving from this event.

Was I ever in for a surprise.

The child within me wanted nurturing and understanding. The adult me was looking for deeper wisdom to practically apply into my professional and personal life. These are the things I wanted.

Instead, I received something much more valuable, at least that is my opinion. Or should I say, at least that’s my truth. I ended receiving what I needed.

Neale was quick to remind us that we were not here to learn anything, but to simply remember. Although, we as a species occupy space here on this planet with people of diverse backgrounds and distinct differences, I remembered that outwardly we may appear all different, but the truth is that we are all one – we all come from the same source – God. Hearing this again brought a sense of peace to me.

Yet, I was still hungry for answers. It wasn’t enough for me to simply accept some of what I was supposed to be “remembering” opposed to what I was learning, as Neale would say. There was a part of me that just wasn’t fully leaning into it all. I wanted to but yet, I found myself struggling. I wanted more.

To say the least, I felt disappointed and I could not get an accurate pulse on what it was really all about. All I knew was that I wasn’t receiving what I was seeking. I felt let down.

But, life can be funny. And God does have a sense of humor.

What I came to realize is that I arrived at the retreat with something in “mind” and left with something in “hand.” What was now in my hand felt familiar, real and, in some ways, home. It made me laugh, feel special, and accepted. I guess you could say, it simply felt like I found me all over again.

Effortlessly, as if it was all destined to be from the beginning, I reconnected with my soul friends. Yes, I say reconnected because even though we had physically never met before, from a spiritual place, I knew better. Their eyes were the windows into my soul that woke me up and said, “Hey, you over there, I know you and you know me – Remember?”

And indeed I did.



As kids, playing on the playground of life, we enjoyed each other’s company. We laughed, we cried, we had intense conversations and light moments – all with ease and the innocence of a child. As we said our good-bye’s and parted ways, we knew that it didn’t mean forever. It meant until next time and this time again.

You see, this whole time, I thought I was looking for hard and fast answers to questions about life that really didn’t have answers. But what I came to find out was that I was really looking for meaningful relationships with people that would last a lifetime. I needed people to connect with, to form the same bonds as from childhood.

Even though I didn’t know it at the time, I got exactly what I needed: understanding.

When I arrived home from this spiritual retreat, I opened my vision box. It’s a special place where I keep all my hopes and dreams. I pulled out one of my hand-written notes: It is my heart’s desire to form bonding and loving relationships with family and friends and to find a new best friend for life.

If I am going to speak my truth, I found more than I bargained for. I found what I needed. God is Good!

Ask The Clutter Coach

Tuesday’s Tips &  More

Ask The Clutter Coach

On Tuesday, August 7th @ 7:00 PM et, I will be starting up Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach.  You can now ask me any questions you have about clutter, be it mental, emotional or physical.  If you want to know how to be more organized or achieve abundance through simplifying, I encourage you to ask away.
So often I get asked great questions.  I thought, well, why not create an opportunity for everyone to participate collectively.  If you have any questions or simply want to pick my brain, please join us for Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach this Tuesday, August 7, 2018 @ 7:00 PM et.

Below is the phone number and access code to participate:

Phone:  1-605-475-6333
Code:    270916
I look forward to your questions.  Talk to you on Tuesday!
PS:  Here’s your first tip to being organized:  Enter the information into your calendar now! 

Ask The Clutter Coach: Tuesday’s Tips & More


 Tuesday’s Tips & More

On Tuesday, August 7th @ 7:00 PM et, I will be starting up Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask the Clutter Coach. You can now ask me any questions you have about clutter, be it mental, emotional or physical. If you want to know how to be more organized or achieve abundance through simplifying, I encourage you to ask away.

So often I get asked great questions. I thought, well, why not create an opportunity for everyone to participate collectively. If you have any questions or simply want to pick my brain, please join us for Tuesday’s Tips & More; Ask The Clutter Coach this Tuesday, August 7, 2018 @ 7:00 PM et.

Below is the phone number and access code to participate:

Phone: 1-605-475-6333
Code: 270916

I look forward to your questions. Talk to you on Tuesday!

PS: Here’s your first tip to being organized: Enter the information into your calendar now!

When Decluttering Evokes Painful Memories

When Decluttering Evokes Painful Memories

Although there is a sense of rebirth and freedom when decluttering your life – it is not always an easy process for someone who is grieving. There are many reasons why we may grieve; divorce or relationship break-up, empty nest, loss of a career, illness or death.

Sometimes we can unearth memories while decluttering which can be extremely emotional and trigger old wounds. When this happens, it can cause us to pause and reflect for awhile. Depending upon the severity of the grief will determine how much time is needed to get back on track.

In some circumstances, a grieving person will choose to declutter ruthlessly in an attempt to remove the pain caused by the loss. The thought is…better to be gone with it than to face a constant reminder of what I lost. While for others, the very onset of decluttering is like living the loss all over again and they become immobilized.

I offer strategies on how to cope with decluttering and grief in my book, Organically Yours; Open Yourself to a Vibrant Healthy Life.   If you or a loved one is struggling with grief, perhaps the book may be helpful. If you would prefer to get personalized help, please connect with me here.

Wednesday Wellness – Tips For Clean Living

Wednesday Wellness:  Tips For Clean Living
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine
or the slowest form of poison.”
~ Ann Wigmore
Choose your food wisely. Good health begins with intentional eating.