
Can Moving Our Stuff Really Change Our Lives?

Can Feng Shui bring us love, money, respect and happiness?

Some people believe by implementing Feng Shui concepts into their lives they can find much of their heart’s desire – such as dream jobs,  better grades in school,  intimate relationships on a deeper level and so forth.

I am curious, what do you think?

Do you think utilizing Feng Shui practices help with living an organized life?

Can Feng Shui bring us love, money, respect and happiness?

Well, I will tell you, up until this point, I have been, well, how can I say it, a tad skeptical and quite frankly, so focused on my subject matter that I just was not so interested in learning anything further about this.

However, as my business evolved, the topic of Feng Shui continued to appear in front of me in some of the most interesting ways …

Until eventually I just said, ok Pat, take your own advice here…

You are always preaching – “an open mind sees opportunities that others miss” –  so what do I need to see that I may be missing from the topic of Feng Shui?

As I started to explore the subject matter a little bit more, I found some connections with living an organized life simply fascinating.

The irony is way beyond coincidence so I feel compelled to share it with you.

I hope you will join me for this tel-class because it’s going to be so much fun and informative that I wouldn’t doubt it if you started to think twice about it too.

So come on, REGISTER now and let’s explore it together.

Let’s talk about it on Tuesday’s Tips Tel-Class!


One Man’s Treasure Is Another Man’s “Stuff” (Not Junk)

It can be so confusing and overwhelming my clients tell me. 

All these thoughts circle around their head such as:

  • What should I keep?
  • What do I get rid of?
  • What things are of monetary value?
  • What if I need it someday?
  • What do I do with the stuff I inherited?
  • And on it goes…

Your “things” that you have collected over the years, can have an alluring appeal about them. They make you think things other than what they really appear to be. Sometimes your things are just things and hold no value in the real world – however your “idea” of what your things are may tell you otherwise.

There is no doubt about it – your “treasures” tell a story and you want to be sure that you are making the right decision when it comes to keeping or letting go.  This is understandable.

However, it has been my experience that all of this “thinking” ahead of time can create a lot of anxiety and worry – which sometimes can end up paralyzing you.

So the answer here is to get some of the facts on:

  • What to do
  • How to do it
  • When to do it

Everyone’s treasures are different and unique – but the process of “letting go” generally falls around this theme:

  • I am ready to move on with my life
  • I am ready to release the things that used to hold me back

Which simply means, you no longer wish to live in the past amongst the things that you were clinging on to.

You realize you can still hold onto the memories of what the things represent and make room for new memories to come.

And most importantly – you will let go without fear or worry and feel good about your decisions –

Now that is what constitutes …

“One Man’s Treasure From One Man’s Stuff”

So ask yourself now –

  • Are you ready to take action?
  • Are you ready to dig deep and let go?

Showing You Some Love…

Life’s Too Short To Be Disorganized…

Wouldn’t you agree?

We should be with people we love…

We should be doing things we love…

We should be enjoying life!

What does clutter have to to do with relationships?

What’s the connection you say?

Well being disorganized doesn’t leave a lot of free time for you to have fun now does it?

Most of us are always trying to “catch up” and may even feel guilty when we engage in other activities, especially when we are thinking we should be home cleaning up or in the office writing that “to-do” list.

When you are spending time with significant others, I want your time to be care-free. Worrying about other things and allowing that to preoccupy your mind when you should be relaxing and having fun is stressful.

I understand how important it is to be able to kick-back and enjoy your time being in the moment, but when your thoughts race to all the things you should be doing instead, well, that’s when the anxiety level kicks in high gear.

So read on to see how I am going to make things easier for you…

Labor of Love

I kicked off the year by offering a series of tele-classes – the first, How To Organize Your Life in the Home and Workplace. I wanted to find a way to help people stay true to their goals to live more simply.  It was a huge success.

Another smashing tele-class was Coping With Change. Here we talked about the many faces of change and how to deal with it in a pro-active way to help minimize the fear.  This class had many ah-ha moments for the participants which helped ease their anxiety.

It is my goal to provide you with practical core models and tools that you can apply into action right away.  These tele-classes are a great way to take a pro-active approach to living simply.

I understand from your feedback that these tele-classes are really make a difference for you and that makes me so happy.

One way to make these tele-classes more accessible for you is to have a built-in retainer so you can pick and choose which classes you would like to listen to.  This way you don’t have to purchase each class separately.

So if this interests you…

You can CLICK here and make a $50.00 deposit into your very own tele-class bank.  When you see a class that interests you, you just send an email and you will be registered.  And in the event you cannot attend live, remember, you still receive the link.  It’s that easy!

It’s just another way of me thinking simply and showing you some love…

Spread The Love

Listen to what some people are saying who already took advantage of this offer:

“I love having my own tele-class reserve.  Now I just pick and choose and it’s done.” ~Diane

“This is so simple, what a great idea.  When a class strikes my fancy, I just drop an email to you and I am registered.  Thanks Pat.” ~ Susan

“Smart thinking there Patricia – you always come up with great classes so I know I will use the reserve up in no time – and that’s ok – I’ll just purchase another one.” ~ Todd
I hope you take advantage of this offer –

Just CLICK here – it’s so simple, I’m even amazed at myself!

One Man’s (Woman’s) Treasure

What constitutes a treasure for a person?

Is it the glitter and the gold or is it the memory of what it holds?

They say love is a state of mind – but I say so is clutter! Clutter, although messy, (just like relationships can be at times – complicated!) can be very seductive.

Your “things” that you have collected over the years, can have an alluring appeal about them. They make you think things other than what they really appear to be. Sometimes your things are just things and hold no value in the real world – however your “idea” of what your things are may tell you otherwise.

This is where the work begins and takes us traveling on a real treasure hunt – it’s simply amazing!

Tuesday’s Tips – 4/5/11 – What’s Your EQ?

What’s Your EQ?

Join us in this week’s Tele-Class

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

April 5, 2011 – 6:oo PM – 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Here’s the buzz about EQ and why I am offering this class.

First let me begin by saying that over the years, it has been my experience that 99.9% of my clients can get organized…once taught.

This means, getting organized is a skill set that can be learned – at any age, any time.

If my clients were struggling before we met, it was usually due to one or two reasons:

1)  They were never exposed to the skill set adequately and therefore felt insecure in their ability


2)  They just didn’t want to do it because of a belief system they integrated into their life.

Regardless of either reason, the client did not feel good about their emotional intelligence.

I have found that once they were exposed to EQ, they had better self-esteem, more confidence, the ability to get organized and feel more in control over their life.

And it is for this reason I am offering this class – I want more people to feel better!

Register Now!

Baggage Draggers – Are You One Of Them?

It’s not unusual to find beneath the manifestation of clutter there is the presence of emotional baggage from life experiences.  Years of  pain packed in suitcases that are dragged around with a collection of burdens and life disappointments.

Sometimes we hold onto our baggage for extended periods of time until we decide to unpack it for a while just to make sure that it’s still all there – reliving all the hurt and pain.  Then when it gets too unbearable, we pack it all up and drag it somewhere else.

Holding onto past experiences doesn’t foster growth or allow for new opportunities to enter our lives that can bring  joy, peace or love for that matter.  Unfortunately when we cling to these memories, we invite the pain to stay even longer along with the bitterness, depression and discouragement.

In order to break free from our excess baggage we need to learn how to “let go” of it.  By making a decision that you  no longer wish to be held a captive prisoner of your past, you can tell yourself you finally have had enough of focusing on all the negatives and you want to concentrate on moving forward with your life.  It is then, new beginnings are possible and your life will begin to improve.

Cleaning up the physical clutter is an important aspect to functioning in a healthy environment, but it is only part of the process of living clutter free.  Today, decide to unpack your baggage, take a good look at it and then let it go!

Organizing The Clutter In Your Parent’s Life…

Expert Interview

Interested in learning more about Patricia’s strategies RIGHT NOW?

Click to play a FREE Five Minute Talk where Patricia reveals

how organization can be the key to healthy relationships!

How do you begin to get control over your parent’s affairs and all the clutter that they have accumulated over the years? And – how do you do this in a way that is collaborative and allows you to deal with the stress without going crazy? Attend this workshop and discover:

  • The 3 Golden Rules to managing the clutter.
  • It takes a Village to downsize a home: tips for collaborating on CLUTTER CONTROL.
  • How critical is it, really? The art of letting go.
  • SURVIVAL TIPS for managing your time and stress.

Date: October 12, 2010, 7-8:30 pm.


“If It’s Not Meeting A Need – Turn It Into A Seed”

It’s true

We hold onto things because we have ourselves believing that one day we will use it.  Or, the memory of the object is so powerful we give it full permission to take over our emotions.

Then something funny happens – the things that we have been clinging to, you know,  the items we convince ourselves are so wonderful,  are no longer making us feel good – and in some cases, can actually make us feel pretty darn rotten.

Now we have created two problems – physical clutter from our stuff we are holding onto – and emotional clutter because of the stories we keep telling ourselves, producing guilt and anxiety.

So what to do, what to do…

Create a lifestyle of giving

Most clutter experts say…(yes, me included) that “if you haven’t used an item within the past year, give it away!”

Joel Osteen states in his book Your Best Life Now, that “If it’s not meeting a need, turn it into a seed.  We will reap what we sow.”

Consider this

The extra things that are in your basement, attic or garage – why not have a garage sale and see what you can sell at reasonable prices.  Don’t think that this isn’t helping people because it is.  There are plenty of people who need your stuff that simply cannot afford to buy new; books, baby items, clothes, kitchen utensils, tools.

Then whatever is left – donate to a favorite charity of yours or give it away to someone you personally know who is in need.  By doing this, I do believe you will see the benefits that far outweigh holding your items.

Real Estate and Clutter – The Time Is Now!

Real Estate and Clutter…
Are you allowing your stuff to reduce the net worth of your home?

Most of you know me as the Organizing Expert or the De-Cluttering Woman, but what you probably don’t know is that for over 15 years I have been in the Real Estate business.

Over the years, I have successfully marketed some of my client’s homes to help them fulfill their dreams of downsizing, relocating or upgrading.

In this recent economic climate, I have noticed that people who are experiencing financial and emotional duress are allowing their physical clutter to manifest in extreme degrees, thus creating their property value to drop.

Regardless if you are considering your options to rent, sell or stay put, your home needs to be clutter free and maintained to maximize your greatest return.

If you feel you need some help letting go of your stuff, de-cluttering, or anything else that will make your home more appealing to a potential buyer, please feel free to contact me.

I urge you to consider your options and not wait until it becomes too overwhelming and costly.

I hope the following tips help you!

Don’t Lose The Value

The two most important rooms in your home are the kitchen and bathroom.  Do you need to repair any plumbing issues?  Replace faucets or appliances?  Keeping your counters clutter free and a deep cleaning of these rooms will certainly make a huge difference.

Consider what needs to be refreshed and repaired to spotlight your home:

  • Windows that won’t open
  • Roof that’s leaking
  • Dripping faucets
  • Doors that won’t close
  • Painting of interior/exterior
  • Windows that need cleaning
  • Replace carpets
  • Landscaping

Remember – Less is More

Now is the time to learn how to let go of emotional attachments to your stuff to maximize your return.  De-cluttering is your best friend here.

Think of it this way – if it’s unappealing to you, what do you think a potential buyer or renter will think?

Play “friend, stranger, acquaintance”

Things that bring you joy and happiness and are truly essentials, are your friends – keep it.

Anything that is questionable, consider it an acquaintance and donate, give away or sell.

Strangers, that’s easy – just dump it!

Tuesday’s Tips Video – How To Start Over By Cutting Through The Emotional Clutter

Tuesday’s Tips Tele-Class is quite popular and continually growing.

I have a message for you to say “thank-you” for your support and feedback and welcome additional comments.

Please check out my video – it’s just for you!