
Happy Holidays From Me To You!


Dear Readers,

I wish you a Happy Holiday Season and prosperity for the New Year!

I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and look forward to continuing our relationship in the new year.

My wish for you is that you may find inner simplicity that connects with your passion.

My Very Best,






Thankful Traditions For The Holidays

Tips to Balance Your Life and be Thankful for this Holiday

The word tradition comes from the Latin word – traditio – which means “to teach.”  Holiday Traditions are about handing down something we believe in from generation to generation.   Traditions are so important because it is a way we can express to our loved ones how much they mean to us. Think of it as having a built in ritual or routine we can rely on that allows us to bond with our families. At the end of the day, we can always say we are thankful – but having traditions around the holidays is a way to make us feel special and create memories that are priceless.

Here are 3 traditions that can help you create memories:

  1.  Round Robin

Everyone holds hands around the dinner table and each person takes a turn to express their feelings and give thanks.

  1.  The White Envelope

You can decorate your tree or simply give out a white envelope that encloses something you know that person would like, i.e., gift certificate, tickets to a show, etc.  A budget is predetermined and everyone is equal in spending amount.

  1.  Grab Bag

Establish a budget for your gift, then set a time prior to holidays to select who you will be purchasing for or everyone sets the amount of spending ahead of time and you do a pot luck grab bag.  Either way it’s fun!

With all the festivities and planning ahead, it’s not unusual around the holiday season to feel overwhelmed or stressed about all the things that need to get done.    Here are a few tips to help keep you balanced and mindful.

Establish Routines

The key to keeping your life simple is to create simple routines.  How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day.  Try to prepare the night before.

Make A Most Important Task List (MIT)

Set just 3 very important things you want to accomplish each day. Don’t start with a long list of things you probably won’t get done by the end of the day. A simple list of 3 things, ones that would make you feel like you accomplished something.

 Leave Space Around Things In Your Day

Whether they are appointments, or things you need to do, don’t stack them back-to-back. Leave a little space between things you need to do, so you will have room for contingencies, and you’ll go through your day much more relaxed.

Go For Quality, Not Quantity

Try not to have a ton of stuff in your life … instead, have just a few possessions, but ones that you really love, and that will last for a long time.

Simplify Your Wardrobe

Is your closet bursting full? Are your drawers so stuffed they don’t close? Simplify your wardrobe by getting rid of anything you no longer wear. Try creating a minimal wardrobe by focusing on simple styles and a few solid colors that all match each other.

Find Inner Simplicity

This could be time praying or communing with God, or time spent meditating or journaling or time spent in nature. However you do it, working on your inner self is worth the time.

Always Ask Yourself 

Will this balance and simplify my life?  If the answer is no, reconsider.


Disorder Distracts – Order Brings Focus

I’ve heard it been said that “Wisdom is the study of difference.”

I thought about this and how it applies to disorder and order.

For example, I have always said…

“Show me a person with clutter and I will show you their lack of follow through.”

Clutter, a form of disorder, distracts the mind.

Organization is order and brings clarity.

Look at the below picture – do you think you can be productive, focused, and orderly in this environment?


Now look at this picture – do you think this environment would bring about focus, clarity and order?



What are you experiencing right now?  Do you understand the difference between order and disorder in the context of how it can make a true difference in your life?

Here is a fact:

If I can change what you know, I can change what you do.

And if I can change what you do to help you be more organized and efficient, I think you will then understand that “Wisdom is the study of difference.”

Interested in learning more?  I hope so!  I will be teaching you how to apply 7 Organizing Laws into your life that are bound to be life changing.

So don’t waste any more time – register now!



Join Me In The Present

It’s true …

We may regret the things we do at times, but most of us regret what we didn’t do!

As I witness and experience family struggles with my mother’s debilitating Alzheimer’s disease, I can’t help but contemplate my own life and yes, mortality.

I think about things now, that if I am honest with my feelings, were only fleeting moments of thought in the past.

Now, more than ever, I realize how precious life is and how important it is to live in the present time.

Someone very wise told me that learning how to live in the “present” is the greatest gift you can give yourself – that is why they call it a “present.” You become more consciously aware – there becomes a true “presence” about you and life becomes fuller and richer.

A Simple Gift

I came across an article recently that revealed the top 5 things people regret, and I thought about how this intertwines with my philosophy of living simply.

It fascinates me, even to this day, that we as humans work so hard to get ahead in life so we can afford to do the things that we “think” we want, only to find out later, when we are faced with our own mortality, our perspective changes.

What once was so important, no longer rates high or even exists for that matter.

Check out what most people say:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Simplifying our lives allows us the opportunity to focus on what’s really important to us. I view it as a revitalized life purpose plan – because after all, what is life without a true purpose anyway?

Creating more space in our lives – whether that means physical, emotional or mental space affords us the opportunity to be happier and healthier.

What about you? Are you ready to keep things simple and let go of what is no longer serving you well?

Having the courage to be true to ourselves, by exploring our feelings and acknowledging them, may be one of the best gifts we can give to ourselves.

Won’t you join me in the present?

Mother’s Day…What Do Mom’s Really Want?

Beyond the gifts, the brunches or fancy dinners, Mom’s truly long for something else.

It doesn’t cost anything in terms of money but it’s value is richer than anything you can buy.

It’s simple and pure and it comes from the heart…

A kind word, a gentle touch, a joyful smile and quality time with their family. 

What Are You Giving?

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

– Sir Winston Churchill

What are you “giving” to improve the quality of your life?

Maybe today it’s a phone call to a long lost friend, a simple smile to a stranger, or a hug to someone special.

Have faith, it will all come back to you.

Today Was An Amazing Day…Do You Know Why?

Let me tell you…what an amazing day I had.

Are you curious why it was so amazing and what made it stand out from any other day?

Well, it’s simple.  I wasn’t expecting it to be anything different from any other day…and quite frankly, was starting out with the thought process of …ugh…my glass is half empty attitude, until I shifted that…and when I did…well, amazing things happened…

Such as:

Had an awesome client consultation…interacted with full presence and opportunities certainly did present themselves…

Felt better about my circumstances…looked into the future with bright eyes and open heart…

Felt pumped about the idea of what can become of the vision that I have set forth because I believe in it…

What about you?

Are you looking at things from a perspective of how can I fix things and poor me…or are you saying…I am grateful for what I have and I look forward to what’s to come…

What do you do to help yourself feel better about your life…do you pray?   Mediate?  Recite a Mantra?  What….do you do?

I would love to hear from you…it’s by sharing that makes us human, alive and real…can you feel that?  Does this resonate with you?

Life is complicated enough…we can make it simple…if we choose to do so.

The Value of an Organized Life…


The pure simplicity of knowing my things are in their homes – so I shall not play “Hide-N-Seek” today.

My head is at rest, I no longer wake with worry, I can breathe  at last.

 – P. Diesel


Hey, I know what it takes to put in all your hard work and dedication to a business that you love.

I understand the desire to succeed and all the creative genius that goes into developing your vision.

In honor of that, I am extending my special Coaching Offer for anyone who wants to take their business to the next level.  I have helped hundreds of people get their business up and running and I can help you too! 

Don’t try to take the short cuts and make the mistakes I did…learn from me! 

Let me teach you my Simple Secrets to Success!

 Call Now to Take Advantage of This Offer … (908) 766-9670! 

Hurry, Limited Time Available.

There Is No Set Path, Just follow Your Heart.

Do you know how to listen to your heart? When your head is saying something completely different from your heart, what do you do? 

I received a gift from a client of mine – it is a brass plate with the words etched into it –

“There is no set path, just follow your heart.”  

I have it hanging in my powder room and I sometimes find myself just staring at it and getting lost in the thought of what it really means…

I am curious on what your thoughts are.  Do you think it’s that simple?  What happens when you follow your heart and someone breaks it?  How do you deal with the heartbreak? 

I am listening…